This is the situation of the other world, it is really heart-gushing! Standing on the slope, with one hand on his forehead looking at the magical city at the end of the horizon, the corners of the blond young man’s mouth rose with joy, and his eyes were filled with some kind of emotion.


Standing on the slope, with one hand on his forehead looking at the magical city at the end of the horizon, the corners of the blond youth’s mouth rose with joy, and his eyes were filled with some kind of emotion.

Or excitement, longing, or even the joy of having your youthful fantasies get your wish.

“The end of the western end of the continent, the center of the world, holds the only bounty from the world, the labyrinth city of Eulari! That’s awesome.


The young man, who was a little embarrassed by his childish behavior like a hillbilly entering the city, touched his nose in disdain, and then asked curiously:

“That, uncle.” You say there are a lot of people like me?

The uncle raised his eyebrows and glanced at the youth.

Under the black cloak was a set of clothes and pants of the same color, and a belt hanging bag made of some kind of low-quality leather. The boots on his feet were stained with mud and weeds, and his face was dusty, plus the package behind him.

“Gee, young man. Listening to the uncle’s advice, although adventurers can gain fame, wealth, and power, ah… It’s a deadly profession. One carelessly …


The elder’s serious words made the young man scratch his head embarrassedly.

“Thank you, thanks for the reminder. But since I have come to a city, if I don’t become an adventurer, won’t I come for nothing? And goblins, beast-eared women, magic or something, even monkeys will be excited to see this???

“Ouch, little brother. You know well? When

the words fell, both the middle-aged uncle and the young brother showed meaningful smiles.

“In that case, then I wish you success and prosperity, Wuyun Changlong!”

The two who had never known each other chatted like this, and then waved their hands to separate.

“By the way, my name is Floen, Flohn Argohn!!”


Labyrinth City, Eulalie North Gate.

Flohn’s bursting curiosity had not yet entered the huge city, and he was ready to move.

Standing in front of the huge masonry gate, standing in a long line on the drawbridge, he watched with strange eyes as the people entering the city in front of him were inspected one by one in black uniforms.

I saw that those people illuminated everyone’s back with a strange magic stone lamp, and after inspection, there was no problem, and they would be allowed to go.

This set of processes has a sense of déjà vu that gives Flohn the illusion of time and space.

The staff moved quickly, and it didn’t take a minute for his turn.

After all, hundreds of people are tested every day, which is called experience.”

“Well, it doesn’t seem to be wrong.”

“Oh, back.”

Flohn understood and followed the example of others to show his back for examination.

“Well, I want to ask. Does this test have any special meaning?

“There is nothing secret, after all, it is Olali, and there are always such and such troubles in the center of the world, such as spies and smuggling of dependents in other countries, you know what I mean.”

Flohn, as a traverser, understood in an instant.

“God’s favor”, the only blessing that the gods below can bring to the next people.

The effect of this magic item should react to the favor.

“Is it something like scanning a code, it’s so advanced…”

After taking a picture casually, the orc youth signaled that he was finished checking and could leave.

While sorting out his clothes, Flohn asked:

“Well, if you want to become an adventurer, should you first go to the management agency union rank, or…” ”

Of course, you can only register after looking for a pillar of gods to become their dependents and obtain favors, otherwise imagine the scene of fighting monsters without favors.”

Realizing how idiotic his problem was, Florn cursed himself. However, he still thanked him with a smile on his face.

The law of thousands of years has led people to summarize a very metaphysical law, that is, the main god of the first dependent family who joins is basically somewhat similar to himself, especially what his personality is.

Avatars are attracted to each other, and that’s probably it.

“Thank you for the advice, thanks again!”

“Haha, where the duty is. Have a great life in Eulari! Saying

goodbye to the enthusiastic union clerks, he finally got his wish and entered the labyrinth city known as the center of the world, Eulari!

I saw that a prosperous avenue that ran through the square and stretched straight was neatly paved with white stone slabs, and even if four carriages drove side by side, it did not seem to be crowded at all, and many shops were lined up one after another. Centered on the majestic chalk tower in the depths of the view, a prosperous labyrinth city shows its prosperity and liveliness with a strange style.

The new book has been opened, please collect, ask for evaluation votes, ask for flowers, please leave a message!


2: Despite the strange look, Flohn was excited to himself.

This avenue that runs through the North Gate to the chalk tower “Tower of Babel” has a very apt name, North Avenue.

According to the data in the memory of the previous life, there are a total of eight such streets in the entire city, which correspond to a certain direction.

Eight streets divided the circular city into eight districts like a cake, and now Flohn is in the northern part of the city.

As he walked, he pulled out a precious parchment from a fanny bag made of inferior leather and turned to a page to review the plan that had already been predetermined.

“First of all, you should find a hotel to stay in, and then inquire about the news of the family station.”

Yes, since Flohn is a crosser, he will definitely choose the family that helps him the most. In your own limited intelligence, choosing the best option is actually a manifestation of the plug-in.

The protagonist in the story [Hestia’s Family], not to mention the strength, Bell Cronny’s virgin-like character and Hestia’s favor for him, Florn felt that he could not cope with it.

And the behavior of that teenager is completely contrary to the Flohn plan who wants to develop obscenely, after all, he does not have a protagonist aura, and the dungeon is still flying in such a dangerous place, which is completely a death-seeking behavior, so it is the first to pass.

[Freya Clan], Olali’s strength is second to none, with the strongest man in the city, LV.7 fierce Otta, the strong is outrageous.

Well, the atmosphere in the faction valve is not very friendly, the headquarters “Battle Wilderness” located in the southwest of the city is really working to death every day in order to get the favor of the goddess, coupled with the extreme lack of love of these members because of past experience, the goddess has become the only pillar of the soul, it is really all the staff licking the dog, can’t stand it, pass.

[Ishtar family], all Amazon tigresses, level lv.3 combat prostitutes have dozens of people, not to mention that you can earn a lot of money by going to raid the dungeon, the key is that they also have a side business.

Happy Street in the southeast area of Olalee, that is their territory.

Every night generates up to 40% of the entire festival.

A veritable “grey overlord”.

To say that LSP Flohn actually wanted to join, but when he thought about the toad of the family group, he left directly.

[Hephaestus Dependents], the strongest forging faction valve, local tyrant family, the main god character is also very perfect, and has the forging skills to reach the “realm of gods”.

The dependents are not poor in money, any magic sword starts from millions, and the high-end ones are tens of millions, not to mention that the first-level armed forces are sold for hundreds of millions of fars.

This was originally the family that Florn wanted to join the most, but as a magic fanatic, he had to endure the pain.

Of course, the benefits don’t stop there.

The [Loki Clan] is very united and has the basic combat power with the [Freya Clan], but the atmosphere is not as tense as over there.

Shaking his head, looking up at the signs in the back streets and alleys extending from the side of the avenue, and one of the signboards of the [Golden Wheat Spike Hotel], Florn turned in.

Although old, the clean and well-kept door shows the responsible attitude of the owner.

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