With Beelzebub’s kind of interpersonal relationship that few people would pay attention to, he wanted to transform such a huge demon army, and he couldn’t do it by himself.

That is to say, he can have so many transformation demons, of course, there are people behind it who provide a lot of resources.

And providing such a large resource, the transformed demon legion was originally going to be used at that moment.

But I didn’t expect Beelzebub to use it.

Use it, it’s not impossible to use it at all, but almost all of them are pulled out and let the seventy-two demon gods deal with it, but it really makes him very angry as a sponsor.

However, something unexpected by the sponsors has emerged.

Beelzebub actually used to feed something very unexpected, although it was only thirteen, but the deterrent it brought far exceeded those demon legions.

“Did “one, four, three” also hide this? Think that what is given is so easy to take? ”

The sponsor is also not worried that these thirteen are completely controlled by Beelzebub, anyway, in the end, whether Beelzebub wants to hand it over or not, it will be something that belongs to him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at another person in the image, Solomon.

This guy was also really unexpected.

Human beings have actually developed magic, and they have direct contact with the source of everything.

This is no longer smart to describe, I really want to study his head, his soul.

Perhaps, it is not without this opportunity.

Jing ——!

The audience in the arena fell silent for a while, looking at the picture in front of them one by one.

The seventy-two demon gods who were still ravaging Beelzebub before, but now the other way around, the seventy-two demon gods were ravaged by the thirteen Sixth Heavenly Demon Kings named Boshen on the opposite side.

As for why the audience knows that this thing is called the Sixth Day Demon King, it is this thing that declares its own name.

And at first they wanted to rebel against their master, Beelzebub, who wanted to kill the lord, but suddenly their bodies stiffened and they could not move.

The reason for this was obviously that Beelzebub did something to them, so that they could only follow his orders to attack the seventy-two demon gods.

And its strength immediately stunned everyone.

The weak demon god can’t hold up three or four moves.

A strong demon god, about ten moves.

And the supreme four-pillar god, as the number one demon god Baal, after nearly a hundred moves-


The blade in the hand of the demon king Boshen pierced his defenses and pierced his chest.

The moment the blade was drawn, I saw the tip of the blade hook out the heart.

And when piercing, there is obviously no barb, the reason why this kind of thing can be done, that is, the demon king Bo Shun can freely change a part of his body, can make the back of the hand emerge bone sword, can also be turned into a knife and axe and other weapons.

And the so-called nearly a hundred moves, it seems to be a lot, and it has been a long time, but in the eyes of ordinary humans, it is only a few breaths.

Therefore, those weak demon gods are more like being killed in an instant in the eyes of humans.

Therefore, the defeat of the seventy-two demon gods was beyond everyone’s imagination.

Not only humans, but also the gods were shocked.

You know, some of the main gods are not necessarily the opponents of the seventy-two demon gods, and they were killed so overwhelmingly?

Thinking of this, the Shenfang audience also felt numb.

This Beelzebub made something, and this thing still had to be destroyed in the first place, and it is unimaginable if it gets out of control one day.

“It’s really boring”

“It’s really boring”

“It’s really boring….”

A series of repeated sounds came from the mouth of the thirteen demon lords.

Demon God Baal was also under these words, and his body shattered into points of light and disappeared. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Also with the disappearance of the last pillar of the Demon God as a signal, the earth of the sand table world cracked, and there was a terrifying energy venting below.

“Boom ——!”

The whole world annihilated, releasing the pillar of aurora that engulfed the entire arena, and rushed straight into the sky, as if it was about to pierce a hole in the sky.

The spectators at the edge of the arena were also scared to jump out at this moment, because they saw that the transparent wall in front of them was making a bad sound.

That is to say, this pillar of aurora, if not blocked by this suddenly open transparent wall, I am afraid that the entire arena will be engulfed.

So, is this move a hole card of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods? What is used to die together?

But this also affected King Solomon.

They all looked nervously, looking at the Aurora Pillar, which was also shrinking.

When it disappeared, the arena that came into view shocked everyone…

The entire arena was completely cut off and sank forty or fifty meters deep.

Don’t look at such a hole forty or fifty meters deep, it is not simple to destroy it as a god, but the premise is that it is ordinary earth.

And this arena, no, the entire arena itself can be said to be an extremely special creation, or it can be said to be an artifact.

If you want to destroy it to this scale, I am afraid that only a lord god like Zeus can do it.

However, not the entire arena was cut off.

The location of King Solomon was not affected, so the ten meters around him was intact, and it became a pillar of forty or fifty meters.

And Beelzebub’s side also has a standing ground, larger than King Solomon’s, and it is surrounded by thirteen demon kings.

Although these thirteen demon kings seem to have survived, they also look quite miserable, and their bodies are like candles, baked so infiltrated by high temperatures.

Suddenly, countless people gasped.

The bodies of these thirteen demon kings are repairing themselves and regenerating?

“They ran away, and you’re left!”

At the same time, the Boshen also looked at the prey with the gaze of a large carnivore and pointed at one man, King Solomon

They ran away, and it was the Seventy-Two Demon Gods who weren’t really killed.

That sandbox world is weird, and it seems to give them 4.7 more lives.

“He’s mine!”

They said this again at the same time, but this time to themselves.

Then, one by one, they laughed, laughing so cruelly.

When the laughter died down, thirteen more waves appeared beside King Solomon without warning.

The scene became twenty-six waves of existence for a while?

No, the Lord Gods could see that it was Bo Chun who was so fast that before the image left by his figure in the human retina disappeared, they had moved to Solomon’s side, allowing the new image to be reflected in the human retina.

Therefore, the demon king Boshen was doubled.

So, when people see the extra waves, they also see that they have attacked.

For a while, the human side’s heart was all mentioned in the throat.

Người mua: Nico Robin , 12/03/2023 17:41

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