Chapter 329: Brother Keng’s Sister!!

“What’s the situation?”

A cold snort sounded.

Meng Tian, who suddenly appeared, frowned and looked at the two people who were fighting in front of the shrine, paused, and said to Asashel: “Asashel, Your Majesty does not want you to make trouble. ”

“I understand, I understand!”

Asachel quickly raised his hand and put on a harmless appearance of humans and animals.

On the contrary, Sazex’s heart jerked.

The moment Meng Tian appeared, he only saw an afterimage, the aura revealed by the other party was too powerful, although it was not necessarily comparable to him, after all, he was a demon transcendent known as a monster – but to take Meng Tian, Zex secretly estimated that it would take him at least half an hour.

It was really an emergency, and it was dragged for half an hour, and the yellow cauliflower was cold.

Meng Tian looked at Sazex again, looked him up and down, nodded, and said, “Come with me, Your Majesty is waiting for you.” ”

Maintaining absolute vigilance, Sazex followed Meng Tian and entered the shrine with Asashil.

Walking through the courtyard corridor and arriving at the door of the reception room, Meng Tian turned sideways and gave way: “Please.” ”

Asachel silently took a step back, then pulled out his camera and pointed it at himself under Sazex’s unexplained gaze.

“What are you doing?”

If it weren’t for the fact that it was just an ordinary camera made by humans, not a magic guide 397 product with special abilities, Sazex would have already started.

“Leave me alone, when I don’t exist.”

Asachel smiled toothyly and even gave Sazex a thumbs up.

Sazex took a deep look at Asachel and then pushed open the door to the conference room.

In the room, Ning Qingxuan, who was dressed in brocade clothes, was kneeling behind a desk, and the holographic projection panel that popped up in front of him was a small part of the documents that needed to be personally passed by Gan Yu and passed from Shenzhou.

The little coconut sheep is sitting next to him, assisting in the work.

When the door was suddenly knocked and allowed to open, Ning Qingxuan raised his eyes to look at Sazex, who was standing at the door.

The moment the contemporary demon king Lucifer saw Ning Qingxuan, the words he originally wanted to blurt out suddenly froze, and his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

The sound of the old bastard Assachel pressing the shutter was suddenly remembered next to him, but Sazex had no time to care.

“Yes, yes, that’s this expression, gee, tomorrow’s demon tabloids have a front-page headline hahahahaha!”

Ignoring Asachel’s beaten voice, Sazex’s eyes jumped wildly, opened his mouth, and his voice was dry: “… God? ”

Other races are just that, as the top combat power among the members of the three races of the biblical god system, Sazex will definitely not be able to recognize the vague biblical god breath on Ning Qingxuan’s body.

“Oh, Sazeks, come in. Give a seat. ”

As soon as Ning Qingxuan raised his hand, Xiao Jiuzhong who was waiting in the room immediately held the cushion and placed it opposite Ning Qingxuan.

Swallowing his spit, Sazex almost forcibly controlled his body and walked in, then slowly sat down.

Asachel followed in and sat across from Sazex, his look of schadenfreude that convinced Sazex that he had been pitted.

In his heart, he has already scolded his sister bloody.

What the hell is that ghost girl doing! Said that he let himself meet a strong man of unknown origin, and as a result… Well, this is called unknown!?

The way to come couldn’t be more right!

(That child really needs to grow, but he doesn’t see that the other party is a god…) )

With this thought spinning in his heart, Sazex also had a deep doubt.

There is no doubt that God is dead, and the high-level of the three races knows this secret.

Because of this, the war between the three races over the years has turned into sporadic skirmishes, and even most of the time they are acting, and even the angels of the celestial realm are cooperating with them.

In order to create the illusion that God is still there, everyone knows what God’s existence means to the three races.

(So, God did not die, but cultivated in some unknown place after being seriously injured, and is only now revived)

Sazex does not believe that God has always been in the heavenly realm, he prefers to believe that God has been hiding and recuperating until recently.

“I know you’re curious about me, about this, Asashel, you can explain.”

After speaking, Ning Qingxuan continued to bury his head in government affairs.

Asachel seemed to explain the cause and effect to Sazex immediately, of course, before that, he casually laid down a lot of tricks in the conference room to keep it secret

Although this hand is not as good as the specialized Demon King Ajka, it is enough to prevent absolute partial detection.

After listening to Asachel’s explanation, Sazex let out a breath.

Fortunately, things weren’t the worst he envisioned—as monsters, although knowing God was extremely important to them, they were also demons as “evil” as defined by God.

In the setting of the original gods, demons were supposed to be bloody, barbaric, violent, living in a hell in bad conditions, seducing humans into making contracts to devour their souls.

But now the demons are no longer what they used to be, after the reform, their living conditions have almost entered the modernization, the television and computer networks are all available, and the big cities of the demons are even more prosperous than the international cities of human beings

If it was really the original god who returned, their demons would be forcibly beaten back to their former state by the other party.

Turn back the clock?

This is not a reconstruction of Rome! What to reverse on!

“I see, so, are you the new generation of gods?”

Sazex nodded politely to Ning Qingxuan, “I’m very sorry I didn’t know about this before, I don’t know why you specially summoned me?” ”

“Three things. Ning Qingxuan knocked on the desktop. ”

“First, I want you to join the fallen angels and the angels in a truce among the three tribes. Second, you help me contact the celestial realm—secret contact. Third, make every effort to collect the truth of God. ”

God Destroyer, a variety of incredible props made when the biblical gods of this world were still alive, can give human beings the power to kill gods.

Ning Qingxuan suspected that these things were probably used by the Bible God to add a foundation to this world and fight against the mechanical evil gods of another world.

Moreover, he inherited everything from God, and should also inherit these divine artifacts made by the previous biblical gods.

However, Ning Qingxuan’s words made Sazex frown.

The first and second things are simple, but the third is troublesome.

This is just a second-generation god, whether he has the strength of the first god, and protecting the three races of the biblical god system is still a problem.

In the midst of a deep groan, the upper thunder light suddenly appeared in the conference room.

The shadow treasure who appeared, holding a man with a blue nose and swollen face in his hand, said to Ning Qingxuan excitedly: “Qingxuan Qingxuan, I found that this guy was sneaky, so I arrested him.” ”

As soon as they saw the child who was carried by the shadow treasure in their hands, Asachel and Sazex’s faces changed greatly.


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