Su Mo on the side tasted the dandelion wine in front of him curiously.
The entrance is clear, the intensity is not very high, but the taste is very distinctive.
Even for a person like him who doesn’t usually drink much.
You can also feel the charm of dandelion wine.
Paimon made a dissatisfied sound.
He glanced at the mint drink in his glass.
He took another look at the clear wine in Su Mo’s cup.
After a little head shaking.
She suddenly thought of a good idea.
“Traveler, let’s exchange some drinks!”
Paimon suddenly pulled Ying enthusiastically.
“Huh? Do you want to try Paimon?”
Ying glanced at her in a daze, and then directly handed over the apple stuffing.
— after Paimon took a sip —
Immediately handed her mint drink to Ying.
“Travelers, come and taste my drink!”
“G? No need…”
Yingzheng wanted to refuse.
But Paimon continued to pester him.
“Try it!”
Having said that, Paimon turned his gaze to Su Mo’s side.
“I’ve heard that Liyue has an ancient vow called Liyuan’s three vows.”
“.-Those who decide to go together in this life will mix their drinks together and drink them.”
“In this way, the oath made by them will be protected by the Emperor Yanwang.”
“We can try this too!”
“However, the drinks don’t taste good when mixed together. It’s okay for everyone to have a sip of each other’s drinks, right?”
As soon as the drunken man’s intention was not to drink, he said it.
Ying immediately understood Paimon’s meaning.
“Ahem! It turns out that it is indeed a very mysterious oath!”
She took a sip of Paimon’s mint drink.
Then, he turned his eyes to Su Mo.
“Since this is the case, for our future travels, it’s best to let the King of Rocks come to witness our oath.”
“Su Mo, what do you think?”
Ying frantically hinted.
“That’s right! Su Mo, after completing this oath, we will be together forever from now on, okay?”
Paimon also played the side drum.
Looking at the insincere conversation between the two, their eyes were fixed on the wine glass in their hands.
Su Mo couldn’t help feeling a little funny.
“For a glass of wine, are you talking to this extent?”
It was as if he didn’t give them this glass of wine.
It was as if he was about to leave the team.
“I’ve served you, but only drink a little!”
Su Mo waved his hand in compromise.
Anyway, the alcohol content of dandelion is not high.
Just a small sip should be fine.
“Great! I knew Su Mo was the best for me!”
After receiving an affirmative reply, Paimon cheered and immediately came over.
Ying also came over silently, staring at Su Mo with shining eyes.
Notice that Charles the bartender isn’t looking this way.
Su Mo handed over the wine glass.
“Just a sip each!” he warned.
Paimon (No’s Zhao) and Ying nodded.
Under Su Mo’s supervision, he obediently took a sip of the dandelion wine.
“It smells a little weird.”
Paimon felt the aroma of the wine.
“Is this dandelion wine? Doesn’t it look delicious!”
Compared to this, she actually prefers Ying’s apple stuffing.
Sweet and delicious.
“But there is a special fragrance.” Ying said after thinking about it for a while.
This is her first drink.
Therefore, apart from not being used to alcohol, I feel pretty good about other aspects.
Even wanted to have another bite.
Seeing Ying’s expectant eyes.
Su Mo hit her with a knife directly on the head.
“No, it’s just one bite, no more.”
“We’d be kicked out if the bartender found out!” heard him say that.
Ying was a little reluctant to return to her place.
At this time.A slightly familiar voice came.
“If you are found out, you may be turned away by this tavern in the future!”
“So, if you want me to keep it a secret, please buy me a drink too!”
A bard like a wind elf came out of nowhere.
Then with a chuckle, he asked Su Mo for a confidentiality fee.
Su Mo was not surprised by his appearance.
——Finally hooked!
――As expected of a Wendy trap.
Then, he brought over a whole bottle of dandelion wine in the ice bucket that he ordered just now.
After seeing this bottle of wine.
The bard Wendy’s eyes lit up immediately.
It is estimated that even if the West Wind Knights came to arrest him, he would not leave.
Chapter 96: The Possibility of Demonic Idolatry Becoming a Demon God
Paimon was startled by the sudden sound. Noticing that it was the bard with the green hat, Paimon became even more dissatisfied after hearing his words.
“Hey, singer! You’re blackmailing!”
(This. Book.: Arranged by “[Fl?:i!:pp?;ed.]: (More. New! Book, link!? Department 1,?3”43.;1″774’78! ) Although I don’t think the dandelion wine tastes good.
But Paimon himself only took a sip.
Why can this singer ask for a cup!
It’s just blackmail!
“�G? Do you mean to refuse?”
Wendy blinked, her blue pupils full of smiles.
“If this kind of thing gets out, not only this tavern, but all the taverns in Mond might shut you out!”
Hearing this, Paimon was speechless.
“Such a serious consequence can be solved by just buying me a glass of dandelion wine. Don’t you think it’s very profitable?” Wendy asked with a light smile.
“That said…it seems to make sense…”
Follow Wendy’s train of thought.
Paimon couldn’t help but nodded, thinking that the singer seemed to be right?
As expected of emergency food, IQ is usually arrears.
My main god is Kaguya
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