Many magic formulas about Hestia, if used by Su Mo, will greatly increase their power.
In addition, many mythological techniques can also be displayed by borrowing the power of the godslayer.
It can be said.
He is among the many Su Mos at present.
The person who can best display the power of the power-sharing physique.
The reason why he didn’t say this in the foggy space before.
It’s not that I want to hide it.
After all, those are all myself, there is no need to hide them.
It is not difficult for the self in other worlds to deduce the situation of the forbidden Su Mo through the knowledge in his mind.
The reason why I don’t say it is because——
“Insufficient knowledge!”
Su Mo sighed.
Live in Academy City all year round.
He is actually the most familiar with his superpowers.
Magic, on the other hand, was something that he had only started to learn last year.
Don’t look at his solid foundation of magic theory.
Many magic formulas can also come at your fingertips.
However, that is entirely the result of being supported by the massive resources of the Roman Orthodox Church.
In fact, the spells he will use are still relatively simple and basic church spells.
He doesn’t know much about other magical knowledge.
After all, the Roman Orthodox Church is also a Catholic.
…seeking flowers 0…
The church emphasizes faith in the Lord, which cannot be betrayed.
No matter how special Su Mo’s identity is.
If you write a letter to tell the high level of the Roman Orthodox Church that you want to learn the magic knowledge of Greek mythology.
I am afraid that the next day, he will be regarded as a blasphemous traitor.
The big forces are indeed unfriendly on this point.
Su Mo was not allowed to test the bottom line of their beliefs.
And Su Mo…
But he has always been a realist, and he doesn’t care about the source of power.
Next, Index should come back to Academy City.
A lot of magic knowledge that I lack.
Everything can be obtained from her.
Even without counting the one hundred and three thousand magic books.
The various knowledge possessed by Index alone is already very tempting to Su Mo.
… 0 …
If you can absorb this knowledge.
Su Mo felt that he might also be able to make great progress in magic formulas.
When the time comes, you can go to the misty space to pretend.
Be a good thigh!
Just as Su Mo was thinking about magic.
In his ear, a familiar voice sounded.
“Insufficient knowledge?”
“It’s rare to see Teacher Su Mo expressing such emotion. Did you get hit by something?”
“If you lose confidence because of this, I don’t mind lending my shoulder to the teacher!”
The one who spoke was a girl with honey-like blond hair and stars shining in her pupils.
One of Academy City LV5 superpowers.
[Psychological Mastery] Shokuhou Misaki.
At the moment, the two are in a separate small office.
To be precise, it was in the private office of the teacher of Tokiwadai Middle School.
Shokuhou Misaki’s identity is naturally a student.
As for Su Mo’s identity, he was a teacher specially invited by Tokiwadai Middle School with a lot of money.
The course he taught is “Superpower Development and Its Application”.
For Tokiwadai Middle School, a middle school that wants to compete with other schools for school rankings.
Inviting Su Mo to give a lecture was almost a must.
After all, competitors invited, and if they didn’t, they might be one step behind.
Under this involution mechanism.
Su Mo’s salary for lectures in the past few years can be said to be repeated.Brush the upper limit.
The amount paid by the school surprised him a little. three.
Chapter 98 Electromagnetic Interaction of Four Fundamental Forces
Shokuhou Misaki looked at Su Mo with a smile. He raised his chest slightly.
His eyes looked expectant.
Seeing her like this, Su Mo shook his head.
“just forget it.”
“If other teachers saw it, I would probably be mistaken for a pervert who attacked students.”
“Especially when the target is a junior high school student… I don’t want to be treated as a lolicon.”
After all, he is a teacher.
Still have a certain professional ethics.
Hearing his words, Shokuhou Misaki pouted dissatisfiedly.
“Her figure is no longer a loli!”
“Besides, I’m not who I was a year ago!”
As she spoke, she shook the slime on her chest.
Looking at this scale, it is really not something that junior high school students can have.
Even many high school students can’t compare.
Seeing Shokuhou Misaki’s actions.
Su Mo looked at the blond girl in front of him with great concern.
Shokuhou Misaki felt Su Mo’s gaze.
Immediately puff out your chest proudly.
The smile on his face is also full of confidence.
seconds later…
Su Mo spoke.
“I’ve always wanted to ask, how did you grow from what you were a year ago to this size?”
“Could it be, it’s really as rumored.”
“You used your super power to change the secretion of hormones in your body?”
He asked very concerned about “907”.
A year ago, when he first met and got acquainted with Shokuhou Misaki.
Shokuhou Misaki is not what it looks like now.
At that time, the plane on her chest was even smoother than Misaka Mikoto’s now.
It’s almost to the point of crying.
However, only for a year.
Shokuhou Misaki quickly grew from a chopping board role to the current scale.
This rate of development is simply unheard of.
Even if she is growing her body.
This speed is too unbelievable.
Therefore, Su Mo has always wondered whether Shokuhou Misaki used his superpowers to interfere with the secretion of hormones in his body.
So you can control your body.
After all, the essence of Shokuhou Misaki’s superpower [Psychological Mastery] is close to manipulating the water and various hormones in the human brain.
My main god is Kaguya
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