If Aleister can take over this pressure.
That would be great.
After making up my mind.
Su Mo walked out of the classroom.
At this time, the students had already arrived at the playground, lined up one after another, waiting for the test.
――Today is Academy City’s routine physical examination day.
Students who have not had a class before have been checked.
The students who took Su Mo’s class just started queuing up.
After measuring the level of ability, it is a rest time in the afternoon.
These girls naturally lined up very actively…
Chapter 102: Shokuhou Misaki I Didn’t Grow Up For Nothing
When Su Mo walked to the middle of the playground. “Bang! Bang! Bang!”
In the direction of the swimming pool, there were suddenly three loud roars.
The sound like a missile launching attracted… everyone’s attention.
“The test of the super electromagnetic gun?”
Based on the sound alone, Su Mo guessed that Misaka Mikoto was doing an ability test.
After all, she is the only one who can make such a big commotion in this school.
In comparison, Shokuhou Misaki’s LV5 is not good at destruction.
However, because[Psychological Mastery] This ability is too complicated.
The steps to conduct the ability test are also cumbersome, and generally speaking, it will take a little more time.
Logically speaking, Shokuhou Misaki should be conducting an ability test.
However, he saw the blonde star-eyed girl who appeared in front of him.
Su Mo asked curiously.
“You skipped the aptitude test again?”
Shokuhou Misaki blinked her eyes and made a V letter with her hands.
“Girls’ body data can’t be collected so easily by them! Especially since my ability is quite special, it’s better to master it by myself.”
“That’s true.”
Su Mo nodded, very much in favor of Shokuhou Misaki’s behavior.
“The information of the ability test is not confidential enough for people like Kihara Gensei. The specific information of the ability should be tested in the talent workshop!”
The talent workshop was originally an ordinary research institute for superpowers.
In the beginning, this research institute wanted to mass-produce great men and geniuses by studying the DNA of great men and geniuses.
However, after seeing the power of Shokuhou Misaki.
The researchers felt that it would be faster to brainwash existing geniuses and great men than to create great men and geniuses.
Therefore, they took part of the brain tissue of Shokuhou Misaki, and used it to cultivate a device with the same ability as Shokuhou Misaki-external brain replacement.
And, after it is completed, Shokuhou Misaki is also going to be disposed of.
at this time.
For some reason, Su Mo at that time intervened in this incident.
Not only helped Shokuhou Misaki get rid of these researchers, but also saved the life of Shokuhou Misaki’s best friend.
After that, Shokuhou Misaki put her 100% trust in Su Mo.
Under Su Mo’s arrangement.
Shokuhou Misaki brainwashed those researchers who wanted to get rid of him, and took the entire research institute of Talent Workshop into his pocket.
And then…
Su Mo’s own ability development, as well as Shokuhou Misaki’s ability development, are all carried out in this research institute.
It can be said that this research institute is firmly controlled by them, and the body data will basically not be leaked out.
“Understood, Teacher Su Mo!”
Shokuhou Misaki saluted pretending to be serious.
Then, under the envious eyes of the students around, they took Su Mo for a walk and chatted together.
“Speaking of which, Mr. Su Mo seems to take special care of Misaka-san.”
Shokuhou Misaki squinted her eyes and smiled, but the words in her mouth were full of intentions.
“In terms of ability development, Mr. Su Mo gave that guy Misaka more hints than he gave me!”
“Could it be that this means liking the new and disliking the old? Is Teacher Su Mo finally going to give up on me?”
“you think too much.”
Hearing her words, Su Mo couldn’t help complaining.
“I teach her more simply because I’m more familiar with physics than biology.”
“Also, in terms of biological hormone regulation, you don’t need my guidance at all, do you?”
“The most important thing is… the premise of chaos from beginning to end is to be “chaos”, right? ”
“I don’t recall ever doing anything rude to you.”
Shokuhou Misaki grew up, that is, in the past few months.
Su Mo was not interested in the previous Shokuho Misaki.
Even now, it’s an illegal age.
Although there is no law in Academy City, only management provisions.
However, Su Mo did not intend to attack children of this age.
At least grow up a little more, right?
“whispering sound–”
Seeing Su Mo’s reaction, Shokuhou Misaki pouted in boredom.
This guy always treats himself like a child.
Obviously I am not young anymore!
Many adults are not her age!
However, this matter should not be rushed.
You have to figure it out slowly, and one day sooner or later, you have to let him know your own charm!
I gritted my teeth and thought about it.
Shokuhou Misaki stopped talking about this, but took the initiative to bring up other topics.
“Speaking of which, there seem to be more crimes committed by capable people recently.”
“Furthermore, I heard from the disciplinary committee members that the ability levels of criminals are not in line with their original ability levels, and generally have improved a lot.”
“In the urban legend, there is even a message saying that there is a device called fantasy hand, which can improve the ability level of the capable person.”
“It doesn’t feel real. The level of superpowers can’t be improved so easily.”
“However, the crimes committed by those capable people really cannot be explained.”
A fantasy hand that can increase the level of abilities of espers.
This topic is indeed very popular in Academy City recently.
At this level of ability is the city of everything.
The improvement of ability level basically means the improvement of class.
For students, it is an irresistible temptation.
Although a little rational, it is hard to believe that there will be no side effects to enhance the ability of the device.
But compared to rational thinking, voting with your feet is the norm among the crowd.
Shokuhou Misaki doesn’t think there will be a device that can increase the level of abilities without side effects.
However, it is possible to improve the ability level.
It should be true.
“Fantasy hand…”
Hear the information from Shokuhou Misaki’s mouth.
Su Mo was taken aback.
Has this point been reached yet?
A fantasy hand that can increase the level of abilities of espers.
The dissemination of this device means the beginning of the fantasy beast plot.
The mastermind behind Fantastic Beast is Haruno Kiyama.
However, behind Kiyama Haruno, there is Kihara Gensei who deliberately induced her to do so.
As for Kihara Gensei.
And Aleister who was running all the plans silently.
In Su Mo’s view, the birth of the fantasy beast, although it looks like a monster accidentally triggered by Haruno Mushan.
My main god is Kaguya
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