No reason to complain.
Kanzaki Kaori glanced at his teammates worriedly.
Then, he looked at Su Mo solemnly.
“Who the hell are you!”
She finally realized.
The boy in front of him is definitely not just an ordinary kind-hearted person.
Even in London, Stiyl is a top-ranked genius magician.
Unexpectedly, he was caught by the opponent without any resistance.
The opponent is definitely not simple.
Hearing Kanzaki Kaori’s words, Su Mo showed a speechless expression.
“Come to trouble me, but don’t even know the most basic information?”
“The third place in Academy City LV5 esper—my name is Su Mo.”
Finally, Su Mo announced his name.
Only then did Kanzaki Kaori remember that Academy City seems to have something called superpowers.
And LV5 seems to be one of the eight strongest people in Academy City.
No wonder the other party dared to intervene, it turned out that they had the strength to rely on.
“It seems that I have to announce my name.”
“Kanzaki Kaori, the magic name is Salvare000, as for the meaning…”
Having said that, her eyes drooped slightly.
(Promised) Kanzaki felt that if she told the meaning of her magic name in front of this young man, she would probably be laughed at directly.
It’s just that the magic name is a wish to be able to say it even if it will be ridiculed.
“My magic name means, lend a helping hand to those who cannot be saved!”
After finishing speaking, Kanzaki Kaori closed his eyes, waiting for the other party’s question.
However, he didn’t hear what he expected.
Just heard a “boom”.
Open your eyes and take a look.
It was Stiyl who was directly stunned by the opponent, and was thrown to the ground casually.
Kanzaki Kaori immediately rejoiced.
Fortunately, the other party did not kill.
Otherwise, she really might not be able to snatch someone from the opponent.
“I always thought that talking about it didn’t determine the outcome.” Su Mo wiped his hands before he spoke.
“I do have doubts about your magic name, but this should be done after the battle.”
Hearing this, Kanzaki Kaori nodded in agreement.
Since the battle is inevitable, the confrontation of words should wait until after the war.
She admired Su Mo’s crisp and neat style very much.
“Then speak with the sword in your hand!”
Kanzaki Kaori said proudly,
Chapter 116 Interrogation in the Basement of the Whip and Candle
He tried to rescue Stile just now, but was suppressed by Su Mo. It made Kanzaki Kaori realize that the super power mastered by Su Mo in front of him should be related to gravity.
Gravity is great at limiting and controlling.
Especially for ordinary magicians.
The sudden gravity can even cause people to bleed internally and be instantly killed on the spot.
However, for the saint, the sudden gravity is just a bigger burden.
It wouldn’t make her completely incapacitated.
It is also difficult to kill her with one blow.
It can be said that this battle is in her favor.
Face this type of enemy.
We can’t fight a war of attrition, it’s better to win a quick battle.
The seven flashes used to deal with miscellaneous fish were obviously ineffective against Su Mo in front of him.
So there is no need to test, just take out the knife that you must kill.
Thinking of this, Kanzaki Kaori slightly pulled out the scabbard with his right hand.
“Be careful, this is my sure blow!”
A little reminder.
Kanzaki Kaori took a deep breath.
The stigmata in the body are instantly released.
“Wei Shan!”
Her figure shot past like a ghost.
The slash beyond the speed of sound turned her figure into an afterimage.
After liberating the stigmata, Kanzaki Kaori’s physical fitness has been greatly enhanced.
In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed in front of Su Mo.
The long sword seven days and seven swords, under this powerful speed increase, even swung several times the speed of sound.
Such a slash is enough to cut off a building in an instant.
Even if Kanzaki Kaori avoids the vital point, it is definitely not a force that ordinary people can bear.
“call out!”
The blade reflecting the moonlight reflected in Su Mo’s pupils.
Facing this fatal blow beyond the speed of sound.
920 Su Mo’s expression was very calm, and he stretched out his index finger to meet the blade.
This is an overly bold move.
Even Kanzaki Kaori didn’t think of it.
Someone actually dared to strike her who had liberated the stigmata with an empty hand.
However, the momentum of the knife at this time was irreversible.
A cold light flashed.
The sound of violent vibration of the blade resounded.
Kanzaki Kaori suddenly found out.
After the seven days and seven knives are within an inch of the opponent’s finger, no matter how hard you try, there is no way to go any further.
She immediately thought of the move that the other party had just flicked to hunt and kill the Witch King.
However, she realized it too late.
“No, it’s gravity now!”
Su Mo grabbed the Qitianqidao sword with one hand.
The sharp blade was firmly held in his palm, but it never made any contact with his skin.
Not even a single scar was caused.
And at this time…
Su Mo’s voice sounded.
Kanzaki Kaori suddenly felt bad.
“Do you want to travel to hell?”
The voice just fell.
A tremendous force of gravity directly applied to Kanzaki Kaori and the land within a few meters around her.
This gravitational strength is simply not at the same level as the strength that Kanzaki Kaori was disturbed before.
Even the ground beneath her feet, is also directly bound by this gravity.
It collapsed in an instant, compressing into a huge cavern with bottomless depth.
Kanzaki Kaori himself was directly pressed down to the bottomless ground by this gravity.
My main god is Kaguya
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