“You Olalie’s family, there should be no such thing as refining the Philosopher’s Stone with human souls, right?? ”
“of course not.”
Su Mo, who was in the wrong world, immediately shook his head.
“This is something that the gods absolutely forbid.”
“Even if a pharmacist secretly uses human souls, he would never dare to show them to the gods.”
“With the eyesight of a god, one can tell at a glance whether it is made by human souls.”
“And, if the composition of the Philosopher’s Stone is the human soul.”
“Other gods will definitely not be indifferent when they hear this.”
He immediately denied “Fairy Tail” Su Mo’s conjecture.
Hear him say that.
Su Mo from Fairy Tail World immediately regained his spirits.
“According to your description, the effect of the Philosopher’s Stone should be the same.”
“If we say that the Philosopher’s Stone in Earth Wrong World can be refined without the need for human souls.”
“Perhaps, we can also find a way to refine the Philosopher’s Stone without the need for human souls.”
“If this method is found, it will be possible to mass-produce the Philosopher’s Stone!”.
Chapter 121 The law of the forbidden magic can control the magic of Fairy Tail
“Makes sense.”
Su Mo, who was in the wrong world, nodded.
“According to the legend, the pharmacist who refined the Philosopher’s Stone on my side also has the development ability of [mystery].”
“[Mystery] This developmental ability is very rare, and it is said that it is a power that can touch the mystery of the power of the gods.”
If it is only inferred from skills.
The pharmacist who created the Philosopher’s Stone in the Earth Wrong World, the most critical skills are [Harmony] and [Mystery].
As for [Reconcile], Su Mo from the Earth Wrong World had already chosen and had it when he was promoted to LV3.
And for 【Mystery】.
“Speaking of which, let alone touching the mystery of the power of the gods, we have already mastered the power of the gods!” Su Mo from Fairy Tail World said.
If it is said that the ability to develop [mystery] is part of the power to explore the power of the gods as a human being.
Su Mo, who became a godslayer, already possessed the power of many gods.
It can be said that it is crushed from top to bottom.
“Unfortunately, the power we have has nothing to do with alchemy.”
Su Mo of the Forbidden World shook his head.
Industry specializing in surgery.
The scope of application varies greatly between different powers.
Even if they obtained the power of the gods, they did not have the power related to alchemy.
It does not help the refining of the Philosopher’s Stone.
Now, they have the technology to refine the Philosopher’s Stone.
There is only the one mastered by Su Mo of the steel refining world.
It’s still the kind of formation that must use human souls as materials.
“That’s true.”
Su Mo of 920 Fairy Tail World nodded.
Then, the voice changed.
“However, regarding the Philosopher’s Stone, the knowledge that newcomers possess should be sufficient.”
“I think that if you want to refine a large number of Philosopher’s Stones, the problem does not lie in any skills and formulas.”
“The key should be – the selection of raw materials!”
(,This?:Book! Organized by【:Fli:p!p??ed】(More new book links:;系13″4?;3,;17?,7,4?7:8″) Su Mo of the world put forward his own views.
Just create the Philosopher’s Stone.
It has never been difficult for Su Mo, there are not many scumbags who deserve to go to hell.
The real difficulty is how to mass-produce.
In the final analysis, if you want to manufacture Philosopher’s Stone in large quantities, you still need a lot of raw materials.
Naturally, they would not be able to use the smelting array that Su Mo mastered in the world of steel smelting, which uses human souls as raw materials.
However, if alternative raw materials can be found.
Maybe it can be much simpler.
“For example, if animals such as pigs, sheep, and cattle can also extract the Philosopher’s Stone, wouldn’t it be possible to collect the Philosopher’s Stone by opening a slaughterhouse?”
Su Mo from Fairy Tail World put forward his own conjecture.
After being refined into the Philosopher’s Stone, animal meat can still be sold.
Wouldn’t that kill two birds with one stone?
“Sounds reasonable.” Su Mo from the Forbidden World agreed.
“The Philosopher’s Stone, the Fifth Element, the Elixir of Immortality, the Touchstone into Gold…”
“Although there are so many theories, in the final analysis, the Philosopher’s Stone is nothing but the crystallization of spiritual realization.”
For ordinary magicians, the Philosopher’s Stone may be very mysterious.
But for Su Mo now, it was just a rare prop.
The same is true for the gods in the wrong world.
“The human soul is rich in spiritual elements, which can be refined into a sage’s stone. It doesn’t make sense that animals can’t.”
Su Mo of the Forbidden World deduced this according to the principle.
He also has a certain degree of understanding of the Philosopher’s Stone.
Hear the conjectures of the two of them.
Su Mo in the steel refining world immediately shook his head.
“In theory, you are right.”
“Actually, the military has tried using animals to extract the Philosopher’s Stone.”
“However, unfortunately, animal souls do not seem to be up to par with basic strength.”
“No matter how much you try, how much you stack up the numbers, you can’t extract the Philosopher’s Stone at all.”
Su Mo in the steel refining world also felt very sorry.
If you meat pigs and other animals, you can extract the Philosopher’s Stone.
The villain in the bottle of the boss behind the scenes doesn’t need to spend hundreds of years to formulate a conspiracy.
There is no need to engage in any national formation at all.
It only needs to keep raising pigs for hundreds of years, and it is estimated that enough Philosopher’s Stones can be obtained.
And, by the way, pork can be used to benefit the society.
There’s no need to be a villain at all.
Unfortunately, this assumption does not hold.
He has read a lot of materials from the military, and he has also done his own research.
Whether it is birds, beasts, or fish in the seabed, there is no way to extract the Philosopher’s Stone.
He guessed that the mental strength was not up to the standard, and he did not meet the requirements of the refining virtuous.The minimum standard for a hunter’s stone.
“Is the soul strength of ordinary animals not up to the standard?”
After Su Mo of the original god world heard the words of the newcomer.
After thinking hard for a while, I suddenly thought of it.
“You say, can Pokmon’s soul meet the standard?”
Pokémon are mostly quite intelligent.
The IQ of many Pokémon is higher than that of humans.
Ordinary animals are nothing compared to Pokémon.
If so speculated.
The soul of a Pokémon should not be too different from a human soul, and it can reach the standard of refining a bead stone.
After hearing what he said.
Su Mo from Fairy Tail World immediately complained.
“Are you a devil?”
Actually use Pokmon to refine the Philosopher’s Stone?
“If Su Mo in the elf world hears what you say, you will be finished.” Su Mo in the forbidden world also complained.
Although Pokémon are animals.
The degree of intelligence is no less than that of human beings.
My main god is Kaguya
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