After thinking for a while, Su Mo in the world of steel refining shook his head.
“However, to deal with monsters that are too powerful, you need to knock them down to refine them.”
The connection between the soul of life and the body is relatively close, and it is not easy to extract it.
For stronger monsters, it is impossible to refine them into the Philosopher’s Stone so simply.
“That’s fine.”
Su Mo, who was in the wrong world, nodded.
With his current strength, the monsters in the dungeon are no threat at all.
In his eyes, these monsters have become as alluring as walking philosopher’s stones.
Hear their conversation.
Su Mo from Fairy Tail World interjected.
“Although the current refining formation can be used, if you have the ability to adjust, you can also try to adjust it.”
“I remember that although the Philosopher’s Stone in the steel refining world has no side effects, it should be considered pure in terms of quality.”
Hohenheim is the father of the main character, Edouard Ding.
He has spent hundreds of years talking to the spirit in the Philosopher’s Stone in his body.
It can be seen from this point.
The Philosopher’s Stone of the steel-forged world, in which the human soul has not completely dissipated. 14;
It’s like the peanuts in the peanut butter that are not completely crushed. In fact, it should be just a semi-finished product.
Although equivalent exchange is also possible.
However, the completed version of the Philosopher’s Stone obviously shouldn’t have so many “impurities”.
The failure of the villain in the bottle is largely due to the interference of these impurities.
Fortunately, Su Mo didn’t have the idea of ​​burying the Philosopher’s Stone in his body like the little man in a bottle.
So, this doesn’t have much impact on him.
Su Mo of Steel Refining World also agrees with this.
“The real Philosopher’s Stone should only be the crystallization of pure spiritual elements, and should not be mixed with emotions and consciousness.”
“The sage’s stone produced by our refining formation should be able to be purified a little more.”
Although the current Philosopher’s Stone already has the touchstoneinto the power of gold.
Compared with the pure version of the Philosopher’s Stone, the various abilities will not be much different.
However, as an alchemist, he naturally hoped to see a purer version of the Philosopher’s Stone.
That is the alchemist, second only to the long-cherished wish to possess all truth.
After they finished chatting here.
Not long after.
Su Mo of the Forbidden World has completed the construction of the spell.
At this time, he looked a little strange.
“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?” Su Mo from Fairy Tail World asked worriedly.
Could it be that the spell construction failed?
“Do not!”
Su Mo of the Forbidden World shook his head.
“The construction of the technique was very successful.”
“Then you have such an expression?”
Su Mo in Fairy Tail World was a little puzzled.
“I just finally know why when I asked Index about the original sin eradication technique, she hesitated and refused to say anything.”
Su Mo in the Forbidden World looked a little funny.
“I see……”
“The basic theoretical source of the technique used by the Roman Orthodox Church to eliminate original sin is actually the “indulgence note”! ”
Original sin is one of the most important concepts in Christianity.
Christianity emphasizes that all human beings have “original sin”, although Jesus, the Son of God, completed the redemption for mankind at the cost of being crucified.
But because human beings continue to violate God’s will, the punishment will continue to deepen.
Only by believing in Jesus can one be able to redeem sins, become a righteous person at the last judgment, and ascend to heaven.
So, in the Middle Ages.
In order to make money, the church developed a set of things called indulgences.
It is claimed that many good deeds have been accumulated by those faithful, Our Lady, Saints, etc.
These good deeds are more than enough to get them to heaven.
The extra part was stored by the Church.
If some sinners.
Their good deeds cannot offset their crimes, and they want to go to heaven.
You have to spend money to buy indulgences, so that you can buy that part of the extra good deeds and distribute them to yourself.
So that they too can go to heaven.
It can be said that this is a complete set of effective fraud methods.
Because of faith, people want to go to heaven.
However, the evaluation of good people and saints is too strict.
So much so that the vast majority of people need to spend money to buy indulgences in order to guarantee that they will go to heaven after death.
that’s it……
Using this method, the church has obtained quite astonishing wealth.
As for the latter, a considerable degree of public resentment was aroused.
Hundreds of years later, the institution of indulgences was completely terminated.
From the perspective of modern society, the system of indulgences is completely black history.
From the perspective of Protestantism, the Catholic Church, even the Pope, is not qualified to store crimes and good deeds as currency.
That is the right of God and the Son of God.
Now, basically mentioning this.
Christians would be ashamed of this.
Index is also a nun, and she naturally felt very embarrassed when she noticed that the basic principle of this technique was actually an indulgence.
This is a shame for believers.
“Haha! No wonder the God’s Right Seat is not very obedient!” I heard Su Mo say this in the Forbidden World.
“Fairy Tail” Su Mo chuckled.
“When the original sin was eliminated in the first place, this technique was actually used.”
“Even if the Right Seat of God is a devout believer, after going through this technique, he probably won’t have too much reverence for the Pope.”
After all, the issuance of indulgences was approved by the Pope.
Realizing this wrong history, they will naturally not take the Pope too seriously.
“Stop gossip, let’s share first!”
Su Mo from Yuanshen World leaned over and patted his shoulder.
Shared the light punishment formula that was just constructed.
He was also slapped by Su Mo from Earth Wrong World, Steel Refining World and Fairy Tail World.
after all……
Compared with Su Mo in the Forbidden World, “Original God” Su Mo is closer to them.
After sharing the technique.
Then we chatted for a while.
Su Mo said goodbye one after another and returned to their own world.
There were still some lively foggy spaces before.
It suddenly became empty.

I don’t know how long it has been.
In the foggy space, there was a trace of fluctuation.
One is wearing a coat of justice, looks like (?, the book “by! [Fl’.i:p::p::ed] whole; :134!31’77,4!7!8”,) A very lazy young man appeared in the white mist.
The moment I came to the foggy space.
The young man’s eyes suddenly became sharp, and his whole body exuded a sharp aura.
Like a sharp sword that can cut through the sky.
No, maybe he can really cut the sky.
My main god is Kaguya
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