He noticed Su Mo’s doubts.
Hestia shook his head, (this book:? by [Fl”;i;;p!;pe:d:”], ‘reasoning (more! more!’new”.Book.;Link,: Line 1,34!:3!177″? 47!8.”) while enjoying Su Mo’s touch service, said proudly.
“Next week is the meeting of Gods!”
“Instead of going with you now, let that stubborn guy trust me.”
“Why don’t you completely shock Hephaestus at the meeting of the gods? I must see Hephaestus lose his composure with my own eyes!”
Saying so, the blue ribbon goddess gritted her teeth.
As expected of a goddess, she is cruel to her best friend.
Su Mo had nothing to say about Hestia’s plan.
Compared with this, he cares more about another point.
“God will!”
Every month, the gods of Orario hold a gathering.
It is used to communicate with the gods, and to give titles to new adventurers.
Generally, LV2 level adventurers are eligible for the title.
Originally, Hestia did not intend to participate in the God Assembly.
After all, she is a house girl.
Also not social.
There are only a few good friends I know.
There is no need to attend the divine meeting.
But this time.
She has to go.
——Because of Su Mo.
Su Mo’s strength will be exposed sooner or later.
So rather than concealing it all the time, it is better to gradually expose it at a very suitable rhythm.
Su Mo and Hestia have discussed it, and this time they announced that they have reached LV2.
That’s why, when Hestia and Hephaestus were arguing, they didn’t mention Su Mo’s true level LV3.
The main reason is to let the wind out, lest other gods question it when the time comes.
Because the adventurer’s ability value needs to be kept secret.
The adventurer level is provided to the guild by the main god himself.
Whether it is reported low or high, there is room for manipulation.
However, if the level is reported low, once it is exposed, it will be divided by a considerable fine by the guild.
After all, adventurers sometimes need to accept guild tasks to protect the labyrinth city Orario.
Therefore, except for some family members.
If it is not necessary, not many family members will deliberately report low.
At least, they did it secretly.
It is even rarer to report a high level, and it can even be said that it is almost (No Hao Zhao) no.
Falsely reporting grades not only has no positive benefits.
If it is assigned to the corresponding guild task.
It is even possible to fall into fatal danger due to false reporting of grades.
For the lives of the family members, very few family members would do this.
After Su Mo discussed with Hestia.
It was decided to report the grade once a month in the early stage, and to extend it later depending on the situation.
Let’s go to LV6 level first.
It won’t be too showy, and it can be used as a deterrent, so no one dares to provoke it.
That’s enough.
And a week later, God will meet.
It was Su Mo’s name, which appeared in front of the gods for the first time.
“.-I remember that the title will be decided at the God Council?”
He suddenly remembered this matter.
Hestia nodded, then looked at Su Mo curiously.
“Do you have any title you want, I will try my best to get it for you!”
Having said that, she actually didn’t have much confidence.
Because, the title is more recognized than the gods.
In other words, this thing needs to fight for connections.
And the poor and white Hestia envoy.
Except for the people’s hearts entangled with blue ribbons, which is quite impressive.
Contacts are almost zero.
It is really difficult to win a good title for Su Mo.
Chapter 141 Paimon was attacked by the Pit Wind Demon Dragon
“The desired title…”
Hearing Hestia’s words, Su Mo thought for a while. He already has many titles on him.
But he prefers simple and simple ones to those slightly secondary titles.
For example, young Abin, Uncle Qin at the door, etc.
Catchy and unique.
Once you hear it, you will know what it means.
It is a pity that this world does not have such a cultural heritage.
It’s a pity.
Shaking his head, Su Mo replied.
“I don’t have any requirements for the title, as long as it’s not ugly.”
Anyway, this thing can be changed by upgrading, it doesn’t matter.
And the speed of his own upgrade is even faster than the frequency of God’s meeting.
So, he didn’t really care about that.
“OK then!”
Hestia nodded, relieved.
If this is the case, it will be much less difficult to fight for.
Under normal circumstances, the gods would not deliberately choose ugly names for adventurers.
However, let me breathe a sigh of relief.
She was also very dissatisfied with her disappointment.
Even such a simple place can’t help Su Mo.
As the main god of the family, he is too disqualified.
Not only does he always need Su Mo to support him in life, but he also needs to find Su Mo to act like a baby mentally.
She felt that her dignity as a god seemed to be lost.
It looks like a little pet kept by Su Mo.
No wonder, Hephaestus didn’t believe that Su Mo was her family member.
Such a family member is too rare and perfect.
Just by words, he would indeed be regarded as a character imagined by himself.
Think here.
Hestia cheered herself up.
I must cheer 937!
Not only to make Hephaestus look up to herself.
Also help Su Mo, willReasonable explanation of his strength, we must help this kid!
After that, there was nothing to say all night.
the next morning.
After Su Mo bid farewell to Hestia.
According to the agreement with Aisi yesterday, I came to the entrance of the dungeon.
He came on time, even a quarter of an hour earlier.
However, when he arrived, he saw that Ais was already waiting at the gate of the dungeon.
My main god is Kaguya
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