He felt that maybe he could temporarily entrust his younger sister to Su Mo in front of him.
Let him take care of it.
I can also concentrate on dealing with Tianli, and don’t have to worry too much about my sister’s affairs.
Hearing Kong’s words, Su Mo was startled.
The eldest brother trusted him so much that he entrusted Ying directly to him?
He doesn’t worry about buy one get one free.
In the end, not only did he recognize his younger sister, but also his niece?
Probably more than one niece.
“Don’t worry, leave Ying to me!”
He took on the task immediately.
Hearing Su Mo’s firm answer, Kong was very happy.
With a strong man like Su Mo taking care of Ying, he can finally feel at ease.
“Since you don’t plan to meet Ying…”
Su Mo thought for a while and asked.
“Do you want to tell Ying what happened to you this time?”
“no need.”
After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head.
“ThisThis is Ying’s first time traveling alone, and it is also an opportunity for her to grow up. ”
“Don’t tell her too much about me, at the end of the journey, we will meet naturally.”
“Is this your plan here…”
Su Mo nodded and agreed to the uncle’s request.
The uncle gave his sister to him.
Just hide your whereabouts.
Isn’t that trivial?
The two chatted for a while.
After confirming the positions of both parties, they separated amicably.
No one can think of it.
The hero who saved Mond, and the leader of the evil organization.
After the two met, not only did no conflict occur, but the communication between the two was so harmonious.
Probably, this is the dark side of reality.
After leaving Mingguan Gorge.
Su Mo returned to Mond City.
In the office of the Knights Order.
Qin, Kaia, Wendy, Ying and others are all waiting for him.
Seeing that Su Mo finally came back.
Paimon immediately asked curiously.
“Su Mo, did you find something just now? Why is a person missing?”
Several other people are also very concerned.
“Have you found any traces of the mastermind behind the scenes?”
Kaya couldn’t help but ask.
…seeking flowers 0…
Su Mo nodded and replied truthfully.
“I noticed a strange line of sight, and after following it, I found someone watching from Mingguan Gorge.”
“When I arrived, I also found many traces of the abyss mage, but I didn’t attack rashly.”
“After observing for a while, I found that they didn’t seem to be aggressive, so they left directly.”
What Su Mo said was 100% true.
It’s just that when the scattered truths get together, they become an excellent lie.
At least, neither Jean nor Kaia saw anything.
I’m just very curious about the non-aggressive abyss mage.
“It’s a pity that we didn’t interrogate the information.”
Jean shook her head.
“Let’s go to Mingguanxia to investigate again tomorrow, hoping to get useful information.”
Tonight’s action was half the battle.
After all, quite a few abyss mages were captured.
It’s just a pity that the so-called His Royal Highness was not found.
The purpose of the Abyssal Order is not too clear.
However, the harvest this time is indeed not small.
After sorting out the information with each other.

It’s time to rest too.
Several people bid farewell to each other and left one after another.
Everyone returned to the warm room.
On Fengshen Square.
Only the frozen Fengmolong was tremblingly waiting for Su Mo, who had fallen asleep, to thaw him out.
——It was agreed to lead out the mastermind behind the scenes, so let it go?
——Why have you waited for so long, and there is still no one?
――Barbatos, where have you been?
In the city of Mond.
Wendy, who was drinking dandelion wine in the tavern, couldn’t help but sneezed.
However, I still didn’t think of anything.
Continued to have a drink with the drinkers.
Then, playing the harp.
The ancient psalms were sung.
In the cold wind…
The wind demon dragon Tewarin began to doubt his life.
Fortunately, the ice layer is more soundproof.
If Twarin, who was lying in the ice, heard Wendy’s drunken and cheerful singing.
It might run amok again.
Punish this unreliable Fengshen lord.

Su Mo in the original god world solved the Fengmolong incident.
And when he successfully obtained the approval of his uncle.
Godslayer world.
Villa in Sardinia.
“The King of Swords, why hasn’t he come yet?” Su Mo asked boredly to the girl knight beside him.
“I’ve been waiting for him for two days! Is that guy lost, or did he dare to let me go?!”
If the other party deliberately let him dove.
Su Mo wanted to let the King of Swords know what cruelty is.
After killing gods.
I heard that the King of Swords is coming to trouble him.
Su Mo is naturally not afraid of this reckless man.
Not to mention, the incarnation of the white horse in Welleslana’s [God of War in the East].
The flame of the sun just restrained this guy’s 【Steel Protection】.
That’s why Su Mo purposely waited for that idiot here.
Prepare to use the reputation of the veteran godslayer, King of Swords, to establish his majesty below.
My main god is Kaguya
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