It is relying on its own powerful healing ability.
Even if the injuries are exchanged, he himself can heal quickly.
But now, no matter how he mobilized his divine power.
The internal organs destroyed by the other party can no longer be restored.
That is to say, in a conceptual sense, these internal organs of oneself have been obliterated.
What a terrifying power this is!
It’s like the scythe of death.
“This is a commercial secret.”
Su Mo looked as if he had no comment.
In fact, the power [Lord of the Sky] has already been activated behind the scenes.
Gathering mana, waiting to deal a thunderous blow to the seriously injured opponent.
“It looks like I’m going to face defeat like this today… It’s really not beautiful!”
Perseus shook his head and sighed when he refused.
In fact, it also stimulated its own power behind the scenes.
After a breath.
The two changed faces at the same time.
The saber in Perseus’s hand instantly switched to a longbow, and an arrow basket appeared behind him.
He shot his bow and arrow in an instant.
Instead of aiming at Su Mo, he aimed at the sun above the sky.
“Sun rising in the east, give me strength! Give my enemy, the Godslayer Demon King, the iron to defeat him!”
The word spirit that called the sun gave him the power of the sun disc.
That ordinary arrow, when shot high above the sky, immediately split apart and turned into thousands of rays of light.
Thousands of arrows containing solar flames covered all the space around Su Mo.
This blow is inevitable!
“Superpowers probably won’t come in handy.”
After realizing the power contained in the arrow, Su Mo gave up the practice of using repulsion to bounce it away.
LV5 level superpowers are powerful, especially his enhanced version.
It can even block the ordinary attack of the God of Disobedience.
However, there is no power to stop the authority.
The best way to deal with authority, of course, is to use authority to confront it!
The dazzling thunder that had been brewing for a long time suddenly fell from the sky.
Thousands of bolts of lightning directly shot down all the arrows containing Yang Yan.
Then, a terrifying thunder pillar with a thickness of more than ten meters ruthlessly bombarded the top of Perseus’ head.
At this moment, Perseus, who was seriously injured, reluctantly summoned Yang Yan to fight against him.
Tianlei and Tianhuo immediately began to contend with each other.
——Fortunately, this is the world of godslayers, and there is no overload, otherwise Mount Vesuvius will probably erupt because of this.
In Perseus, when using Yang Yan and Tianlei to fight.
He didn’t forget Su Mo’s existence either.
After surviving a wave of killing thunder, he was about to search for the enemy’s location.
But found that Su Mo had disappeared.
His heart sank.
The vigilance was adjusted to the highest level, but it was already too late.
Seven nights assassination technique.
Flash sheath? Prison Samana!
Attacks like phantoms struck at the same time from the blind spot of his sight.
The magical eyes that shone with iridescent luster bring the power to kill.
When Perseus had no time to defend and the defense was completely ineffective.
Su Mo pierced his heart with a sword.
Kill the God of Disobedience in an instant.
Chapter 162 The Right Light of the God’s Right Seat in the Fog Space
Su Mo has long been proficient at killing gods. However, this is the first time that the gods have been defeated without the help of Ultraman Tiga.
In particular, he was facing the God of Disobedience who restrained him.
Su Mo is quite satisfied with the outcome of the battle in front of him.
Perseus, the god of disobedience, fell to the ground, his figure disintegrated into light – after disappearing.
Su Mo didn’t relax because of this, but stood where he was, as if waiting for something.
After about a few minutes.
A few hundred meters near the place where Perseus died.
Particles of light shine and bounce off.
Finally, like plasticine, it is fixed in a human posture.
Perseus, the god of disobedience, was resurrected.
At this moment, he is not happy because of the resurrection.
Seeing Su Mo silently watching him, Perseus was very distressed.
Even back then, facing Polydectes who coveted his mother, he was not so distressed.
“Can you see the future?”
The Hero of Steel showed a pained expression that didn’t fit the status of a hero.
“You can even guess that I have the ability to resurrect?”
The sun that sets in the evening will rise again the next day.
This heritage of resurrection from the dead.
It is the grace of life force represented by the sun.
Regardless of physics, the sun is a nuclear fusion fireball with extremely destructive characteristics.
But in mysticism, the sun is a symbol of vitality.
The healing ability shown by Perseus before is the grace from the sun.
Use the last of your divine power to bring yourself back to life.
Perseus originally wanted to wait until he finished resting before going to challenge Su Mo.
Unexpectedly, the other party was not deceived by this trick at all.
Squat down until you revive yourself.
In the game, this is called abuse, an unfriendly behavior.
“Rather than foreseeing the future, I like to recall the past.go. “Su Mo said so.
Reminisce about the past – the plot you saw.
For this sentence, Perseus did not understand,
But I also guessed that Su Mo must have known his identity and ability through some means.
After realizing this, his expression was a little relieved.
“If that’s the case, then I’m really not wronged!”
“However, even in this case, I don’t intend to catch him without a fight.”
Surrender is not a hero.
Perseus foresaw his own defeat, but still held on to the sword.
He felt he could still struggle.
In less than ten seconds, Perseus was completely on the street.
A true return to mythology.
The reason why this can be confirmed is not because of anything else.
My main god is Kaguya
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