“Over there in the New World, the structure of the Four Emperors has initially taken shape.”
“Now our navy is selecting Qibuhai.”
After listening to his introduction, Su Mo of Godslayer World nodded.
Then, a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.
“Now your strength should be considered invincible in the world of pirates.”
“With such power, don’t you want to make trouble?”
Whether Neptune, Uranus, or Pluto.
Even with these three ultra-ancient weapons, it is absolutely impossible to be Su Mo’s opponent now.
In this case, I still stay in the navy honestly.
This is not in line with Su Mo’s character.
Therefore, “God Slayer” Su Mo immediately pushed “Navy Admiral” Su Mo, wanting him to make trouble.
I heard…
“Admiral” Su Mo showed a sly smile.
“Could it be that, do you think that without a golden finger, I won’t cause trouble?”
are allSu Mo has the same nature.
Even if he doesn’t have a golden finger, he is not the kind of bastard who clocks in at work like Huang Yuan.
“From the very beginning, I’ve got Dorag on me with my damn charm.”
“Now, it has been laid out for several years.”
“I originally thought that we would have to wait until Luffy went out to sea, and use him to detonate all the contradictions in one go.”
“Now it seems that there is no need to wait for an opportunity.”
“Now—I am the time!”
His words were extremely domineering.
Su Mo in the Godslayer World immediately understood a lot.
“It seems that you planned to plant red flags all over the world!”
“As expected of me!”
I patted my thigh.
He immediately pestered “Admiral” Su Mo curiously.
Want to know more about his story.

In the foggy space, Su Mo from the Godslayer World was listening to the story with gusto.
Moon world.
An island country in the far east, Fuyuki City.
Su Mo, who left the foggy space, opened his eyes.
What I saw was snow all over the sky.
It is winter at this time.
He’s sitting on a park bench right now, wearing a furry coat.
Looking at the snow scene in front of him, he was just about to stand up.
Suddenly, a familiar breath approached from behind.
Then there is-
A mug of warm coffee was pressed against his face.
“.-Master, keep warm!”
The dumb hair on the top of her head shook slightly, and the cute girl with a sweet smile said to Su Mo with a serious look.
“You humans are not as physically fit as followers. If you catch a cold, you will feel very uncomfortable!”
It can be seen that the girl cares about Su Mo very much.
After all, this is the Master who summoned her during the Holy Grail War.
Although he is not very old, just a boy, but he is very cute.
Moreover, he did not despise himself.
She was naturally very fond of it.
“Well, thank you, Okita!”
Su Mo nodded and took the cup of hot coffee.
With his previous physical fitness, although this temperature will not make him catch a cold.
But also feel cold.
Noticing this, the girl thoughtfully bought hot coffee to keep warm.
Now he doesn’t need this kind of thing at all.
Various superimposed and fused physiques make him completely invulnerable to cold and heat.
Even in Antarctica and North Pole, he can move freely without wearing clothes.
But, after all, it was the girl’s wish.
Of course he won’t refuse.
After hearing his thanks.
The slender girl in front of her was very happy.
However, after noticing his wording, he made a slight correction.
“Master, although the Holy Grail War has not officially started yet, don’t be careless!”
“It makes me very happy to call me (Nuo Lihao) by my name directly!”
“But outside, it’s better to call it ‘saber’. ”
Hear the warning from the girl.
Su Mo nodded kindly.
“It was my negligence, I will pay attention, Saber!”
In front of me was a slender girl with a very cute appearance.
It was the servant that Su Mo had summoned before arriving in the foggy space.
In the Edo period, at the end of the shogunate, the swordsman of the newly selected group – the captain of the first team, Souji Okita.
For Su Mo before.
Summoning the genius swordsman Okita Souji is not a loss.
As the master of the “Natural Rishin Flow”, Okita Souji’s swordsmanship is very good.
Sword skills have even reached the level where they can be condensed into treasures.
Originally, Su Mo was just planning to find a teacher.
Swordsmanship happened to be a skill he could use.
Moreover, Mr. Okita’s personality is easy to get along with, and he doesn’t mind that Su Mo doesn’t want to win the Holy Grail.
But for Su Mo now.
If you want to win, you don’t need the power of followers.
As long as the servant is cute, that’s enough.
In this regard, Okita is perfectly capable of this.
that’s enough.
The master is stronger than the servant… Isn’t this common sense among the time travelers! .
Chapter 166 Tohsaka Tokiomi Wants to Die
“Master, what are we waiting for?”
The girl swordsman with hair color between light cherry and blonde sat beside Su Mo, looking at the Master in front of him curiously.
Heroic spirits generally have their own wishes, and will respond to the master’s call and become servants.
Therefore, generally speaking, whether it is a servant or a master, there is a reason why the Holy Grail must be obtained.
However, this general theory is not valid for the two people in front of them.
At first, Su Mo just wanted a teacher who could teach him.
Of course, he also has a desire for the Holy Grail, so he will be responded to by the Holy Grail.
And Okita Souji.
The reason why she is willing to become a follower is also because she has a wish to be fulfilled.
However, her wish does not require the Holy Grail.
After becoming Su Mo’s follower, it has already been achieved.
——She died young, her only regret is that she failed to go to the end with her teammates.
Her only wish is to fight with her teammates to the end.
My main god is Kaguya
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