However, judging by the aura of this follower, it is definitely not the Dimuludo in the original book.
The breath of the brush can’t be so strong.
In particular, he also felt the breath of the gods.
This is very interesting.
“Saber, let’s go!”
“Go and meet this confident warrior.”
Su Mo made a decision immediately.
“Yes! Master!”
Okita Souji was very happy.
Immediately you can see the enemy.
As long as you defeat it, you can get a request.
The Matou mansion is some distance away from the servant who sent out the invitation to fight.
Su Mo just drove there routinely.
It took about ten minutes on the way.
However, within ten minutes, no one responded to the servant’s invitation to fight.
Until Su Mo and Director Okita came to this deserted port one after the other.
Only then did the follower stop his aggressive provocation.
“Is it coming?”
Wearing golden armor, the spearmen bloomed like the sun’s rays.
He looked calmly at Su Mo and Mr. Okita who were walking towards him.
“I was worried that someone else would snatch away the opponent, but I didn’t expect that we were lucky!”
Okita Souji said happily.
Faced with such a challenge, no soldier would not want to accept it, right?
On the way, she was also worried about being robbed by monsters, so that she could not get the master’s reward.
I didn’t expect to be so lucky that I was the first to arrive.
Okita big victory!
After hearing her words, the spearman shining with golden luster shook his head.
“It’s not that you are lucky, but that you are the only ones who responded to the battle.”
“Other servants and masters, you must prepare to collect information first!”
Did not praise the opponent, nor belittle others.
The golden spearman said very honestly.
“Oh! So it is like this!”
Souji Okita thought of this.
It’s not that she’s not good at thinking.
In fact, Okita Souji is quite slender at times.
It’s just that the words are different now——
“You don’t need to think about the plan, I’ll leave it all to the Master!”
With the Master around, Okita was too lazy to use his brain.
“It seems that compared to other followers, I am very lucky!”
“Master is in favor of me coming to fight!”
She looked smug.
It’s written all over my face that my Master is amazing!
It’s a pity that the enemy in front of him is not a person who can complain.
I saw the two masters and slaves standing together.
The golden spearman asked.
“Which one of you is my opponent? Or, the two of you going together?”
Generally speaking, a follower must fight a follower.
Naturally, his only opponent is Souji Okita who blew himself up as a Servant.
However, the gunmen in front of them were not limited to this point.
Although he couldn’t detect the aura on Su Mo’s body.
However, he had the honor of asking the weak about the lives and values ​​of the weak in his lonely body.
Because of this inheritance.
He has the power to control the essence of the opponent.
As a Servant, it is equivalent to possessing the A-level inherent skill [The Wisdom of the Poor].
Even so, it was impossible to get a clear picture of the man in front of him.
But one thing is certain, the man in front of him must be a very strong fighter!
That’s why he asked this question.
hear this.
Okita Souji was not surprised.
She naturally knew that her master was very strong.
“If you want to challenge the master, pass my level first!”
The long sword Kaga Kiyomitsu appeared in his hand.
Okita Souji stepped forward full of fighting spirit.
“Servant Saber, please give me your advice.”
He looked at Souji Okita who was ready in front of him.
And the other side obviously doesn’t intend toSu Mo shot.
The golden spearman knows he has only one opponent.
He nodded.
“Servant Lancer, please give me your advice.”
In the uninhabited port under the Weiyuanchuan Bridge.
The first battle of the Holy Grail War begins.
The two followers stood facing each other.
Without too many words, Okita Souji decided to take the lead in attacking.
The powerful magic blessing from the master gave Okita Souji a monster-level ability value template.
Coupled with her own exquisite swordsmanship at the level of a swordsman.
Giving her a great advantage in hand-to-hand combat.
Ordinary second- and third-rate followers can’t last a few times at all.
Maybe even if the treasure is not released in time, he may be directly headed by Okita Souji.
However, Okita Souji’s opponent this time is not an ordinary second or third rate follower.
The enemies she faces, even among all the followers, belong to the top class.
“Clang! Clang! Clang!”
The golden spearman parried the attack of Souji Okita with his superb spear skills.
The blade of the sword and the tip of the gun collided and sparked.
Just the aftermath of the clash of weapons is enough to destroy the entire street.
Facing Okita Souji’s ghostly swordsmanship.
Lancer parried them one by one with the same exquisite, even superior spear skills.
Even in the eyes of followers, the martial arts displayed by the two sides belong to the level of amazement.
“So strong!”
Wielding a storm-like attack.
Okita Souji was very shocked.
With the blessing of Su Mo’s magic power, her ability value in all aspects must be higher than that of the opponent.
Whether it is muscle strength, agility, or durability, they are far better than the opponent.
After all, even between A grades, there may be a gap.
Okita Souji’s A rank may be just a little short of EX.
Not to mention, apart from agility, Lancer’s other abilities are not at A level at all.
Under such an advantage, his own offense has not been able to play a role.
It was directly blocked by the opponent’s powerful spear skills.
My main god is Kaguya
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