My good sister, good assist Qing Ji, drooped her head, and walked into the room with Su Mo.
Chapter 191 Illya’s True Purpose Tonight Holy Grail Showdown
Dejected, he followed Su Mo into the room. Hear the door slam shut.
At this time, Qing JiJust woke up.
“Wait, Master Su Mo!”
“Even if we may be together in the future, everything is uncertain now.”
“Isn’t it too fast to replenish magic power at this time?!”
Qing Ji hastily refused.
She naturally knew what mana replenishment meant.
Although there are many ways to do this.
But there is only one most efficient.
Not to mention that he was called into the room.
What will happen next, need to guess?
Although Su Mo praised her before, she was very happy.
However, the emotional basis has not reached this level.
Not to mention, he would betray the Master.
This will not work.
Looking at Qing Ji who hurriedly waved her hands.
Su Mo asked a little strangely.
“Did you… misunderstand something strange?”
“I told you to come over, replenishing the magic power is just by the way.”
“The main purpose is to (this? book:, by【Fli?,ppe.”d”?], organize (!! more new, book; contact’? contact 1’343?17’7..478) Investigate the feasibility of this.”
As he spoke, Su Mo shook the magic book that Ilya handed him.
――Sacred base manipulation technology.
It was only then that Qing Ji came to her senses.
“So, that’s why Lord Su Mo called Saber together before?” She couldn’t help asking.
Su Mo nodded.
“Okita’s [Sick and Weak] inherent skills are too affecting his performance.”
“I originally wanted to try to use the spirit base manipulation technology to remove her curse.”
“However, I don’t have the ability now.”
“Today is just going to test the technology of the spirit base operation.”
“Since Sakura can’t do without Okita, then you who are also a follower, let me try it.”
“Why, don’t you want to?”
Su Mo asked 970 with some doubts.
The reason why he didn’t ask Qing Ji’s wishes before.
It’s just because it’s just a small matter of helping out.
Moreover, the achievements of the spirit base manipulation technology are also useful to Qing Ji, a follower.
Generally speaking, there is no need to refuse.
And heard what Su Mo said.
Qing Ji breathed a sigh of relief.
It’s not that kind of thing!
Although for myself, I feel a little lost.
But, I didn’t feel sorry for the Master!
That’s not bad.
After going back, you only need to explain it to the Master, and the Master will definitely understand you.
Thinking of this, Qing Ji finally recovered her mood.
When she came back to her senses, facing Su Mo’s question, she nodded happily.
“If you just help Master Su Mo to verify the technology, there is no problem!”
It didn’t take much time anyway.
Qing Ji thought so.
He obediently sat in front of Su Mo.
Duck sitting is very cute.
Even Su Mo couldn’t help but look at Bai Si a few more times.
Then, he began to concentrate on studying the spirit base manipulation technology brought by Illya.
The essence of a Servant is the downgrading of a Heroic Spirit.
The heroic spirit itself in the Hall of Valor.
In fact, it is similar to the existence of elves.
This point is very similar to the setting of gods in the world of godslayers.
The Servant itself is just a clone of the Heroic Spirit.
In other words, a Heroic Spirit who descended in an incomplete form.
If Heroic Spirits are compared to water.
Job agencies such as Saber, Lancer, and Rider are containers.
Pour water into the container.
What I got in the end was the servants that were common in the Holy Grail War.
As for the part of the spirit foundation that the container couldn’t hold, it was discarded.
Therefore, the strength of a follower is often not as good as that of a heroic spirit.
The spirit foundation manipulates technology, and what interferes is the most essential power of the servant – the spirit foundation.
If the spiritual base is expanded.
That is equivalent to expanding the container.
The strength of the follower will increase.
This operation is also called the Second Coming of the Spirit Base.
By repeatedly summoning the spirit foundation, it will gradually expand.
However, the Ascension of the Spirit Base itself has its limits.
After all, the power of the Heroic Spirit itself is constant.
If a servant’s spiritual base is expanded to the same extent as the main body, it will almost reach the limit.
It doesn’t matter how big the container is.
After all, there is only so much “water” in the Heroic Spirit itself.
This point interferes with the spirit foundation from the perspective of quantity.
In addition, it can also interfere with the spiritual base from a qualitative perspective.
The same amount of water, equipped with ordinary spirit bases, and equipped with high-level spirit bases.
The power exerted is also completely different.
That is.
If the ordinary spirit foundation is replaced with a higher one—for example, the crown spirit foundation.
The strength of the follower can also be greatly improved.
However, I want to be able to bear the crown and spiritual foundation.
There are also certain requirements for followers.
Not everyone is suitable.
In addition to quality and quantity.
There are many other ways to transform the spirit base.
Add, delete, modify…
A series of imaginable operations are available.
It would be a piece of cake to remove Okita Souji’s [Sickness] curse.
However, to perform these latter operations, there must be a prerequisite.
That is to master the third law.
Become a third law holder.
Only those who have the third method can directly operate the spirit base at will.
My main god is Kaguya
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