It’s just that she sneaked out to play.
Think here.
Ishtar was a little melancholy.
I can’t save my spiritual core, and I have to go back to Uruk in the Age of Gods…
That is.
In the future, if there is no accident, she will never have the chance to meet Su Mo in front of her again.
did not expect……
Just understood the other party’s mind.
I will be separated from him forever.
Never see each other again.
Thinking about it carefully, Su Mo is actually pretty good.
Recognizing himself at first, but not being too rude.
It’s just that he didn’t agree to his request.
Thinking about it now, what Su Mo did was right.
After all, he is also a god.
If it is easy to accept the gift of the goddess.
Doesn’t it mean that his personality is lower than this goddess?
Looking at it this way, even later, when the other party spanked him, it seemed that it was just a very gentle counterattack.
At that time, the one who was unreasonable seemed to be my side…
The reckless Ishtar.
Originally, it was the type that would not reflect on itself at all.
If you want her to reflect, the sun must come out from the west.
However, because the time of parting is approaching.
In addition, she was moved by Su Mo’s insistence on saving her.
Add a layer of “he likes me” filter.
Various factors superimpose.
At this moment, the mentality of Goddess Ishtar changed.
At this time, Ishtar looked at Su Mo.
Full of unprecedented softness.
It’s all because the goddess is so charming that she left behind a seed of infatuation that haunts her in her dreams.
If the man in front of him knows that he and himself will never meet again.
How painful it must be!
Think so.
Goddess Ishtar asked Su Mo in an unprecedented soft voice.
“Can you just bow your head?”
Su Mo looked at her suspiciously.
What the hell is this goddess doing?
This tone… sounds a little weak!
Could it be that she is dying?
However, high art people are bold.
He didn’t think Ishtar, whose spiritual core was broken, could make any waves.
So he bowed his head.
Caught off guard.
Su Mo tasted the sweet and soft texture.
The goddess Ishtar with a proud and willful face on weekdays.
At this moment, he stared at him with 0.3 full of shame, but very frank eyes.
Ishtar blinked and said vaguely.
“Although we may never see each other again in the future.”
“However, I will firmly remember that you like me.”
“So, you must not forget me!”
“This unique blessing from this goddess, keep it in my heart!”
Delivered together with the sweet taste.
And the power of the goddess.
This is the power of protection from Ishtar.
It was Ishtar, to remind Su Mo not to forget her mark.
at the very end.
Goddess Ishtar kept this hateful and hateful man firmly in her heart.
In human legends, why some people wait for a lover who will never return.
Before, Ishtar couldn’t understand it at all.
I thought it was just scribbled by those poets.
But now.
when faced with this situation.
Ishtar finally understood this legend.
A goddess who holds the priesthood of love.
at this moment.
Only then did I understand in a trance, the taste of love.
Unfortunately, if nothing unexpected happens, this parting will be forever.
Chapter 199 Too Weak and No Strength
A small love affair has just sprouted. Immediately face parting.
Under such circumstances, even Ishtar felt a little reluctant.
He couldn’t help hugging Su Mo tightly.
Keep asking.
Su Mo was a little confused.
this girlWhat did God say?
You like her?
When did that happen?
How could he not know.
Since when did he like Ishtar?
How could he like an arrogant guy like Ishtar!
When I was thinking so in my heart.
Su Mo noticed Ishtar’s eyes.
Full of shyness, but very frank.
It is different from the arrogant goddess before.
The current Ishtar is obviously a young girl in love for the first time.
have to say.
Even someone like Su Mo who has seen many cute girls.
After seeing Ishtar’s expression.
Can’t help but feel a little moved.
This silly goddess…why does she feel unexpectedly cute?
Have you been overwhelmed by the little angel Ellie?
Think so.
Su Mo also took the initiative.
——Seeing the color, the old color approved it.
Su Mo, who was immersed in it, didn’t notice.
Ishtar’s body gradually emitted light.
My main god is Kaguya
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