Is this guy so bad at business?
It’s like a little white rabbit walking in the busy city with a lot of money in his arms.
Seeing such a little white rabbit, how could it be possible not to hold back a handful of wool?
Thinking so, she said boldly.
“Or seven or three? I seven you three?”
She herself thought it was impossible.
But judging from what Su Mo meant, why did it seem like there was something going on?
Su Mo heard what Loki said.
I was speechless in my heart.
Can you really call out?
So then shook his head.
“Don’t say it will be opened on July 30, but on September 1st, you will also take risks.”
“In this case, why don’t I show up and hire your family members directly.”
“The price I gave is five times the market price, and the salary is settled on a weekly basis. What do you think?”
Su Mo said with a straight face.
Directly from share to salary.
If this continues, the Loki family will never lose money.
However, the possibility of blood earning is also lost.
Moreover, it has changed from cooperation to part-time work.
Hearing this, Loki immediately panicked.
“No, no, absolutely not! It was agreed before, is it a share?”
Hear her questions.
Su Mo just echoed what she said before.
“But didn’t you say it before, this wine may not be popular, and it may lose money.”
“Instead of letting your Loki family take such a big risk, let me take the risk, and you will make a net profit, how good is it?”
Su Mo said with a smile on his face.
Hearing his words, Loki immediately didn’t know how to refute.
It was she who used the risk as an excuse before.
However, Loki, who had drunk that wine, understood.
There is absolutely no possibility that a wine of this quality will not sell well.
What she said just now was just to lower the price, but unexpectedly, she shot herself in the foot.
If you listen to Su Mo’s words, if you really change to a salary, that will be a real blood loss.
A man can bend and stretch.
Loki immediately said with a smirk.
“Just kidding, just kidding, how can the allies take all the risks.”
“Our Loki family has nothing else but a deep sense of loyalty. How can we patronize ourselves and make money?”
“A little risk is a good thing, let’s talk about sharing!”
Saying so, Loki’s heart bleeds.
She didn’t expect that she would miss it.
Where is the little white rabbit who doesn’t know how to negotiate a deal in front of him, he is simply a big bad wolf.
It easily suppressed her request, and prevented her from making fuss about risks.
If you talk about risks, the other party will inevitably talk about salary.
Then from cooperation to employment.
However, as the god of mischief, she is quite flexible.
Since she couldn’t talk about risks, she still had something to say.
“In terms of sharing, after all, our Loki family is one of the best big families.”
“I only give us half, isn’t it too little? There are very few excellent guards like us.”
She was right.
Whether it is force or fame, the Loki family is the forefront of Orario’s family.
If the Dionysian family knew that they were here to supervise, their petty thoughts would definitely be extinguished.
After all, everyone knows that LV3 level adventurers are only second-tier in the Loki family.
If you offend the members of the Loki family, maybe you will offend LV6 later.
The reason why Su Mo chose the Loki family was not only because of familiarity, but also because of this.
Fame matters.
“All things considered, the Loki Familia is indeed my best choice—”
Su Mo nodded in agreement.
After Loki showed a surprised expression.
He added leisurely.
“Unfortunately, onlyis one of the best choices. ”
Hearing what he said, Loki remembered something, and his expression changed.
Su Mo continued.
“In Olalie, there is another family whose reputation is comparable to that of the Loki family, and who can send equally excellent guards—the Freya family.”
Because of Ota, who has LV7, the strongest adventurer in Orario.
The reputation of the Freya family is faintly growing.
This family is also a good choice for Su Mo.
This point is by no means false.
The reason why Su Mo didn’t choose this family.
One reason is that the Freya family is not like the Rocky family, which has tight liquidity and is not easy to lower prices.
The second is because he can restrain Loki’s family through Ais, ensuring that Loki dare not play small tricks.
On Freya’s side, there is no corresponding restriction.
That’s why Su Mo chose the Loki family.
Definitely not out of dissatisfaction with some bitch goddess who is blind and can’t see his pure soul.
Well, absolutely not!
Loki naturally didn’t know Su Mo’s rejection of Freya’s family.
After hearing what he said, Loki couldn’t refute.
How many years has she been competing with the Freya family.
…seeking flowers 0…
But there has been no winner.
The advantages that his own family has, the Freya family also has.
Moreover, to be honest, the Freya family is a little more familiar with sending adventurers as guards than she is.
From this point of view, the Loki family does not have much bargaining capital.
Thinking of this, she could only lower her head dejectedly.
“Okay, half done, half done, I admit it!”
Loki, who found that he couldn’t win the opponent, gave up struggling.
Anyway, for them, half of the money is also earned.
However at this time.
Su Mo’s voice sounded.
Let Loki raise his head suddenly, showing a very surprised expression.
“Actually, it’s not impossible to increase the remuneration to 10%.” Su Mo said so, after seeing Loki’s surprised eyes, he added.
“However, there is no free profit, only those who work hard will get more.”
How could he, a lazy dog, have the nerve to say such a thing?
Using power to turn wine is not hard work at all.
However, in Rocky’s view, Su Mo who provided the product was naturally the hardest person.
So there’s nothing wrong with him saying that.
“what do you mean?”
Loki vaguely understood Su Mo’s logic.
“I can increase your share to 10%.” Su Mo said with a smile.
“However, correspondingly, all disputes during the sale process will be resolved by you, how about this?”
In addition to supervision, there will inevitably be various other disputes.
My main god is Kaguya
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