Seeing so many people crowded in darkness, even Sonny couldn’t help feeling frightened.
What made him feel even more frightening was that.
After drinking the wine from the barrel.
Many adventurers in his confidantes also left his team after hesitating for a while.
Went to the opposite side.
After all, confidantes are also divided into distant and close relatives.
A confidant who is too distant will not be able to share any good wine.
In this way, his side is even weaker.
After realizing this.
He gritted his teeth and looked at the leader of the crowd.
Lily Luca.
“What the hell are you trying to do?!” he questioned.
If it was the former Lily Luka, she would definitely show a look of fear at this time.
But now, apart from calmness and mockery, there was no trace of fear in her eyes.
Facing the leader who oppressed him all the year round.
Lily Luca replied with very normal words.
“Head, why do you ask that? Of course I just want that lord to cooperate with us!”
Sonny looked at her angrily, and couldn’t help but take a step forward.
“Do we need to find so many people to talk about cooperation?”
“How easy it is for people to do things!”
Lily Luca had a normal expression on her face.
“After all, this matter involves the entire family, wouldn’t it be better for everyone to discuss it together?” He said.
The other adventurers nodded.
They are happy to see the success of this matter, and naturally want to pay attention.
In fact, more than half of the people behind Lililuka have no hostility towards Sonny.
It doesn’t matter who is in charge of signing the contract.
However, under Lililuka’s operation.
These people all stood behind her.
Become a potential she can use.
Sonny was so oppressed that he couldn’t breathe.
If Sonny was smart enough, he would either pretend to be suddenly ill at this moment.
Either agree to Lily Luka’s conditions, and discuss things in detail later.
As long as this period of grinding is over, the advantage can be brought back to oneself.
Sonny, who only knows how to oppress family members, has no experience in fighting.
Hearing Lililuka’s words, he only felt that the other party was perfunctory.
Relying on his LV2 level strength.
He immediately stepped forward, wanting to slap this humble little human on the face.
Let her understand what is up and down.
Let the thief understand what is the attitude when talking to the leader.
There was wind in the slap, but it just hit the hard shield.
“It’s not a good habit to do something to members of the family, Lord Sonny!”Dwarf Chandra stood in front of Lilyluka.
One is a warrior who has to rely on dungeons to spawn monsters in order to obtain good wine.
One is an adventurer who has abandoned martial arts after becoming the captain.
The result of the confrontation between the two is obvious.
Sonny flinched.
With Chandra around, trying to rely on force will not work.
At this time…
Lily Luca, who was almost slapped, remained calm.
Looking at Sonny in front of her, she asked in a cold voice.
“Head, is this your attitude towards the only spokesperson for that lord?”
“It’s fine if you want to humiliate Lily, but if you want to disgrace the adult behind you, please consider the consequences!”
If it angers the people behind it.
At least lose the right to consignment.
Worse, provoke a powerful enemy.
After realizing this, the adventurers all cast unfriendly glances at Sonnys.
Even the eyes of Sonny’s confidant have changed.
All of them want to get affiliate rights.
It’s just that Sonny’s confidants want to hold the power in their own hands so that they can share the profits.
Therefore, no one is allowed to lift the table.
Even his own leader is the same.
After realizing the 000 points, Sonny took a step back in fear.
But immediately, he remembered something, and a mocking smile appeared on his face.
“Of course I don’t want to offend that lord.”
“It’s just, Lily Luca, you lied, right?”
“A mere minor, why would that adult make you the only spokesperson?”
“In any case, they should come to me as the leader, right?”
“I suspect that you deliberately misinterpreted the words of that adult for the sake of power!”
“If that adult wants to sell wine, he will never find you, a despicable thief!”
These words are extremely contemptuous of Lililuka’s identity.
Sonny certainly thought so.
To talk about business, how good it is to talk to yourself, the team leader.
Why look for someone else, let alone a rat in the sewer like Lily Luka.
It’s impossible!
He suspected that Lililuka was holding a chicken feather as an arrow.
These words also resonated with others.
Although I also want the right to consignment.
But for Lilyluka, who has always been at the bottom of the family, suddenly climbed to their heads.
Many adventurers are actually very uncomfortable.
That’s all for Sonnys, he’s a team leader anyway, so what are you, Lily Luka? !
It’s just garbage that survived in the trash can.
With such a gloomy mentality, many people began to waver.
Even if Sonny came to power, they would not fare well.
But at the same time, they couldn’t see Lililuka soaring into the sky.
The mentality is ugly, but also true.
And for this case.
For this question.
Naturally, Lily Luca had expected it.
If he can’t confirm the uniqueness of his spokesperson, Sonny will definitely open his mouth.
In that case, Master Su Mo will definitely suffer losses.
This is not acceptable.
Having already prepared, she took out a dagger from her bosom.
“As for the fact that I am the only spokesperson for that adult, I can prove it.”
In front of everyone, she said so.
Chapter 235 Tianjiu’s terrible marketing method
My main god is Kaguya
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