After all, there will only be more and more Su Mo in the foggy space.
Their power will only get stronger and stronger.
Su Mo of Game Life World nodded.
As the leader who led the human race all the way to today.
Naturally, he will not be a reckless character.
If you can harvest the star cup safely, why should you work so hard?
Compared with the warrior, the identity of the devil king.
Su Mo in this world is more concerned about his status as a leader.
After reaching a consensus in this regard.
Su Mo of Tiga World spoke.
“The matter of the Star Cup will have to wait until our preparations are completed.”
“However, besides the star cup, you also have a lot of other powers?”
“Before the decisive battle with Artoxiu, you can try to collect other powers.”
Compared with the star cup that is temporarily unavailable.
“Tiga” Su Mo is more concerned about the other powers in the game life world.
Whether it is the innate ability of the dragon elves, the magic of the elves, or the analytical ability of the ex-machines, they are all very important things.
“Other powers?”
Su Mo in the game life world was not surprised when he heard this.
“I also have this plan. Do you have any special powers that you care about?”
Other races created by the gods have been tempered by wars that lasted more than ten thousand years.
Today, the brilliance of civilization has bloomed.
The power of those races has even reached the level enough to kill gods.
Although, it’s not enough to look at Artoxiu.
However, it is also a pretty good power in its own right.
It does have value to collect.
Hear his question.
Su Mo from Fairy Tail World thought for a while and said.
“I am very concerned about the power of the dragon spirit, if there is a chance, help me make one. ”
The dragon essence of the game life world.
Its own life form is also very different from dragons in other worlds.
It itself belongs to [multiple space-time life forms].
In terms of immortality, as long as the weakness is not discovered, it is almost not much worse than his third method.
In addition to the special form of life itself.
The dragon spirit species also possesses the ability called [Dragon Spirit Language].
“Although it sounds similar to the speech spirit, the ordinary speech spirit is not so powerful.”
Su Mo of Fairy Tail World is very concerned about this.
When using the power of the gods.
He often needs to chant the spirit of words sometimes.
This is because, whether it is a godslayer or a god of disobedience.
All can further stimulate the power of power through the spirit of speech.
However, this act itself has only a ritual significance.
Words do have power.
But it is generally used in conjunction with power.
But [Dragon Essence] is completely different.
It is the remnant of the power that created the world, the most primitive language of the world.
Known as “Universal Language” and “Creative Language”…
It is the word of kingship that can unconditionally make all things in the world surrender.
There is no need to formulate spells, nor to use spirits or magic power, just speaking has power.
If the Christian creation myth is true.
Then the power of [Dragon Essence] is similar to the declaration of the Lord.
That is the reality that must happen.
Compared with the power of words, it is simply a world of difference.
Hear him say that.
Su Mo in the world of Game Life is a little puzzled.
“It’s true that [Dragon Essence Language] is really strong, but in itself, it’s not too foul, right?”
Although it is a remnant of the power of creation.
However, it itself means that [Dragon Essence Language] does not actually have the power to create the world.
Although it is said that whether it is used for destruction or for attack.
[Dragon Essence Language] can exert destructive power comparable to power level.
But that’s where its power ends.
It is impossible to exert stronger power in the future.
After all, no matter how powerful it is, there is an upper limit.
It is precisely because of this that the real trump card of the dragon essence is not [Dragon Essence Language].
It was the [Beng Xiao] that burst out at the expense of one’s own life.
According to the performance in the original work.
The power of [Dragon Essence Language] is roughly equivalent to a very powerful power.
And it is quite convenient to use.
It is indeed an ability worth acquiring.
But it’s not worth paying so much attention to.
As for “No Game No Life” Su Mo’s question.
Su Mo from Fairy Tail just shook his head mysteriously.
“You’re young now.”
“If it’s only used for commanding and killing, the upper limit of Dragon Essence’s language is naturally only this level.”
“But what if we change the usage?”
“For example, when activating the power, instead of using the ordinary speech spirit, I also use the [Dragon Essence Language], which is the world-opening speech spirit.”
“If this is the case, how much can the power of our authority be increased?”
The power of language is omnipotent.
However, precisely because of its omnipotence, it needs to be carefully compiled to obtain the strongest power.
The 0.4 Su Mo of Fairy Tail World was valued from the very beginning.
It is the characteristic of [Dragon Essence] itself.
If even ordinary words can be regarded as commands.
Wouldn’t it be possible to obtain a stronger bonus than ordinary speech spirits by using it to weave speech spirits?
In this case, the already powerful Word Spirit can be raised again directly.
After hearing his words.
Su Mo in the world of the game life suddenly realized.
“Instead of directly using the speech spirit, but using the speech spirit as a tool to enhance the power of authority…”
It does sound very reliable.
I am worthy of being myself.
“If this can be done, the power of the golden sword may also be greatly improved.”
For other powers, Yan Ling is just icing on the cake.
If you switch to [Dragon Essence], there will be a greater bonus, but it won’t be too outrageous.
However, the Golden Sword is different.
This is originally the power to forge the word spirit into a sharp sword.
If it is the power of Yanling itself, there will be a qualitative change.
The golden sword itself must also have a huge increase.
The stronger this hole card, the more stable it will be when facing Artoxiu.
So, after thinking about it.
Su Mo of the world of the game life immediately put [Dragon Essence] on the agenda.
My main god is Kaguya
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