It was like seeing a miracle… no, a miracle.
Only Liku.
After reacting, she immediately turned pale with fright.
Even with his self-control, he couldn’t control his emotions at this moment.
He shivered and looked at Su Mo in front of him.
He looked at the man with the fire in his hand in front of him.
Tears welled up in Riku’s eyes, but he suppressed them with a strong heart.
Just about to say something.
He immediately shut up, and after adjusting for more than ten seconds, he bowed tremblingly, and then asked.
“May I ask this noble upper race, what will you do to the real Master Su Mo?”
There was blood in his eyes and hatred in his heart.
But they were well suppressed.
How can humans use magic?
If the norm doesn’t change, then it’s time to be skeptical.
Is this person in front of him the real Su Mo?
If there is a superior race who suddenly wants to become Lord Su Mo to have fun among humans.
So, what happened to Su Mo himself?
If this upper race kills Su Mo when transforming.
The last hope of the human population is about to fall.
Because of this, he would have a glimmer of hope and ask such a question.
In his heart, anyone can sacrifice.
Even half the population can be sacrificed.
However, only Su Mo can’t have an accident.
He is the last hope of mankind. As long as Su Mo is still there, mankind will have the possibility to recover.
And once lost him.
The future of mankind will inevitably fall into darkness.
So, even if you are resentful of the “superior race” in front of you for doing whatever you want.
But he endured everything and decided to find out the news about Su Mo first.
And after hearing Riku’s words.
The crowd suddenly became noisy.
Master Su Mo may have had an accident?
Thinking of this, everyone showed uneasy expressions.
However, because Su Mo in front of him didn’t explain the reason.
They didn’t believe Riku’s words either.
Maybe it’s stupid or persistent.
They would rather believe in Su Mo who has been guiding them than Riku’s judgment.
Even if the Su Mo in front of him used magic.
Everyone is still unwilling to believe that the people in front of them are illusions of other races.
If it is Mr. Su Mo, maybe he can break common sense and learn magic?
Most people have this mentality in their hearts.
And heard Riku’s words.
Although expected.
Su Mo still showed a speechless expression.
Fortunately, my prestige is enough, and everyone can still maintain order.
“Although you usually look smart, Riku, you are a complete idiot at critical moments!”
Without admitting or denying it, he first complained about his trusted deputy.
Hearing these Su Mo-style words.
Riku’s eyes moved slightly, but his expression remained serious.
At this time…
Another subordinate of Su Mo.
The energetic girl Chroni is responsible for communicating with everyone and conveying orders.
Came up from under the field.
“Let me confirm it!”
Having said that, Chroni threw her eyes on Su Mo with bright eyes.
Then touch here and look there.
After going around in a circle, he hugged Su Mo directly.
He smiled and rubbed Su Mo’s chest.
“Not enough, not enough! Let me try again!”
This appearance doesn’t seem to be confirming, it’s clearly a profiteering.
Among all the people, Chloe Dora has the most contact with Su Mo and the closest relationship.
So, she came up to confirm.
At first, no one had an opinion.
However, after seeing her run up directly, take advantage of Su Mo’s maneuvers, and hold on for a long time.
The girls were all unhappy.
“Protest! Sister Chroni is using power for personal gain!” Little Nona shouted angrily, waving her tiny fists.
“I also want to post with Master Su Mo!”
“Yes, Chroni is too cunning!”
“I want to come too!”
The wave of opposition suddenly sounded.
They also want to get in touch with Su Mo!
How could such a good opportunity be given to Chloe Ni.
I saw a slight commotion among the crowd.
Su Mo patted Clone’s little head in his arms silently.
“That’s enough, if you keep posting, they will come up and arrest you!” I heard him say so.
Clooney just let go.
Then he stood up and said in a calm voice.
“Lord Su Mo is Lord Su Mo, I will never forget his taste!”
He issued a declaration of appraisal with a righteous face.
“Why do you know Master Su Mo’s taste?”
Someone asked this question.
Then, Chroni gave a heroic answer.
“Master Su Mo’s clothes are all washed by me!”
“Isn’t it normal to smell something when you’re doing laundry?”
Then, a new round of commotion was caused.
“Let’s redefine normal…”
“Bastard! What did you do to Master Su Mo’s clothes?”
“Such a good opportunity, just to smell it?”
“Sister Chroni, share one with me next time!”
All kinds of strange words came out.
It made the scene even more chaotic.
in this case.
Su Mo just coughed lightly.
Then, everyone immediately fell silent.
No words were used, no magic was used, just talking.
As the authority of the leader, everyone immediately chose to obey.
Everyone trusted the judgment of Cloni who was most familiar with Su Mo.
As the saying goes – a fool’s intuition can’t be wrong.
And hearing what Chroni said, Riku also began to doubt the letter.
My main god is Kaguya
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