The dragon spirit was fighting with the beast wild boar.
While talking to Su Mo.
And hear its words.
Su Mo showed a funny smile.
“You are in a hurry!”
These words hit the dragon spirit’s heart.
Probably before, I have never encountered a situation where I had to lie.
It has no experience in concealing expressions.
“Forget about the bluff, I already know the nature of your power.”
“The powerful mystery of the dragon spirit lies in its own essence. You have spanned multiple times and bounded the past and the future.”
Su Mo revealed the answer to the mystery.
Hearing this judgment, Bai Long’s expression changed slightly.
“Just like two mirrors placed in parallel will project infinitely, your powers will superimpose each other.”
“The reason why the dragon spirits have such a powerful amount of elves is because of this.”
“Actually, your current power is equivalent to the sum of all your past and future selves. Through this, you have obtained magic power far beyond your own specifications.”
“And your body is actually just a container for converging time and space.”
This is the truth about the race of dragon spirits.
“And you, who strengthen your strength by constantly reflecting the past and the future, have a fatal weakness.”
“That is, once the container of your confinement time and space collapses, the injury will continue to reflect and increase.”
If we use mirrors as a metaphor, two mirrors placed in parallel can indeed reflect infinite mirror images.
However, if there is a crack on one of the mirrors, then all the infinite mirrors must have cracks.
Since power can be strengthened through constricting the mirror image.
The same is true for injuries, which will increase infinitely due to the constricting mirror image.
In this case, the result would be——
“Total collapse.”
Su Mo issued a declaration.
After hearing this, the dragon spirit species directly asked a question.
“Didn’t you already cause me a fatal injury before?”
The first sword almost cut off its body.
But the dragon spirit in front of him was still alive and kicking.
According to Su Mo’s theory, when it was injured before, the mirror should be considered cracked, and it should also self-destruct.
But this is not the case.
In other words, Su Mo’s theory is wrong.
Bai Long retorted with anxious eyes.
on this…
Su Mo, who saw through its small movements, smiled lightly.
“It’s just lingering, but I don’t mind answering your dying questions.”
“According to your characteristics, even a small injury will be magnified to a terrifying degree.”
“But because you can directly reflect the past and future self, so as to repair your own characteristics, you, as containers, are still quite resilient.”
“This is your self-healing power.”
“So, if you want to completely break your shell, you need two conditions.”
“One, it is an attack that can penetrate the dragon scale.”
With that said, Su Mo raised the silver magic sword.
“Second, we need to stay a little longer.”
Then, the long sword swung down violently!
With a small attack, it is impossible to really hurt the surface.
The reason why Su Mo’s initial blow failed to kill the opponent directly.
It’s not because the other party has strong healing power.
It’s simply because the sword light is too fast.
The power of restraint and special attack is too strong.
So that in an instant, it cut off the opponent.
So fast that there is no stop, so that the minimum time length requirement cannot be met.
The second condition is actually for other beings.
Even for the gods, there are actually no conditions.
Because no matter how strong they are, when their power penetrates the dragon spirits, they will stay for a short moment.
And this moment is enough to make the “crack” reflect to countless “mirror surfaces”.
It is enough to successfully crusade against dragon spirits.
And the reason why Su Mo failed to kill the opponent before.
Purely because the power of restraint plus special attack is too strong,So much so that the crack had not had time to increase and spread, and the magic sword had been withdrawn.
Therefore, Su Mo only needs to let the magic sword stay for a moment longer, and it is enough to kill the opponent.
The silver light splits down vertically.
“Beautiful reasoning!”
After hearing Su Mo’s words, even though he was an enemy, Bailong couldn’t help but praise him.
“However, you are too dangerous for the dragon spirits. Even if I sacrifice my life, I must get rid of you!”
Praise is praise, battle is battle.
It flicked away the beast wild boar with one tail.
Facing the silver sword light, the dragon essence used its long-awaited attack.
This is the strongest skill of the dragon spirit, and it is the most destructive trick that can only be released by sacrificing one’s own vitality.
“[Broken Roar]!!”
Put everything in yourself into this breath attack.
This can be called a suicide-level attack, and it is also the most powerful hole card of the dragon spirit.
Incomparable light and heat were released by the dragon spirit in front of him.
The dragon’s breath, which can directly cut the continent and shake the planet level, directly met the silver magic sword.
The aftermath of the impact created a natural disaster-like storm.
The surrounding mountains and hills tens of kilometers were instantly moved.
The sea water was also completely evaporated, and even magma and volcanoes began to erupt.
The aftermath of the battle was transmitted a hundred kilometers away.
If Su Mo couldn’t block the blow.
I am afraid that there will also be a permanent huge abyss here.
However, there are no ifs in reality.
It is opposed to the [Crash Cry] released by the dragon spirits sacrificing their lives.
It is a magic sword capable of slaying dragons.
The special attack against dragons also includes the breath of dragon spirits.
Under this double addition.
Su Mo began to supply mana power with all his strength.
This is the spell power several times higher than that of an ordinary godslayer.
Under the blessing of the third method, it poured out in an instant regardless of consumption.
In the beginning, when the Silver Demon Sword resisted the opponent’s [Beng Xiao] who sacrificed his life.
Su Mo had already confirmed his victory.
Compared with staying power, he has full self-confidence.
And it is true.
The result of the battle of light cannons is the scene in front of you.
Su Mo, who was unharmed, quietly watched the giant dragon that was about to pass away in front of him, and his body gradually turned into light spots and dissipated.
“What an unreasonable world!”
At the end of his deathbed, Bailong sighed.
“It’s enough to have one monster in Artoxiu, but I didn’t expect another one to come.”
“You don’t seem to be praising people.”
Su Mo shook his head.
Bai Long was stunned for a moment, and finally sighed.
“Mysterious strong man, it is impossible for you to get [Dragon Essence Language], just give up!”
My main god is Kaguya
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