Jibril really intends to possess herself.
This sick girl is kind of scary!
There’s no way she can do that.
“Do you think you can escape-?”
A malicious smile appeared on the corner of Su Mo’s mouth.
“What are you talking about?”
Jibril’s heart sank, and she had an ominous premonition.
But she did not find the source of the foreboding.
However, for the purpose of caution, she directly opened the space channel behind her.
Then said.
“The sky shifting power possessed by the Flügel can be instantly reached wherever it has been!”
“So, even if Master Su Mo uses [Dragon Essence Language], it won’t be as fast as we can go back?”
Hearing this, Azrael also interjected.
“That’s right! Flügel retreat is the strongest cat!”
He said something that left the other Flügel speechless.
——Isn’t this really discrediting yourself?
However, it is precisely because of this characteristic.
During the Great War, the Flügel was one of the races that died the least.
And Azrael’s plan was also based on their super retreat ability.
Otherwise, if the fifty weakened Flügel encounter any powerful enemy, it will be a huge loss.
After speaking, Jibril was a little restless and looked at Su Mo expectantly.
She really wanted to know why Su Mo looked so confident.
What is the card in the end.
But he was on guard against Su Mo.
If he suddenly said [Dragon Essence Language], all the Flügel present would be wiped out.
The girlish Flügel couldn’t withstand the blow of [Dragon Essence].
And seeing Jibril’s vigilant expression.
Su Mo didn’t use magic power, and he didn’t plan to use [Dragon Essence Language].
Just in the language of the Flügel just learned.
Said to Jibril.
“My pet, come and shake hands.”
This is like talking about a pet dog.
After hearing this.
The Flügel were dumbfounded.
“Xiaoji is not an idiot, he will never obey your rude orders meow!”
Azrael just complained.
Then I felt the space fluctuation.
――It’s Jibril.
Xiaoji was directly humiliated and angry, so he went back?
Just when she had this conjecture in her mind.
Suddenly, Jibril appeared in front of Su Mo.
Then, very well-behaved, with a pet-like attitudeHe raised his head and looked at Su Mo with wet eyes.
She put her young palm in Su Mo’s.
The pose of a tamed puppy.
If Jibril had a tail behind her, she would definitely wag it too, right?
what happened? !
Azrael’s eyes widened, and the entire Flügel froze.
Not only her, but all the other Flügel members died at the same time at this moment.
That naughty and cute Jibril who never behaves in the extra episode.
She was so tame that she became that man’s pet!
After finally escaping, but because of that man’s words, he ran back? !
what’s going on? !
Thinking of Jibril’s previous words, Azrael immediately shook her head.
Although I feel very jealous for my favorite little girl, who cares so much about a man, and can even be called obsessed.
However, with her understanding of Jibril.
She knew that what Jibril said before was sincere.
She really planned to run away and challenge this spirit species in the future.
And, be sure to get everything of this god species.
Since this is the case.
There is no reason to run back like a pet, it is not in line with her consciousness.
That is to say——
“The power of the gods?!”
Azrael could only come to this conclusion.
Jibril was captured by the power of the gods.
“It’s despicable!” she couldn’t help complaining.
A majestic god actually uses this kind of power to dominate a mere Flügel.
And facing this, the young girl Azrael glared at her.
Su Mo just responded calmly.
“.- It’s just asking Jibril to abide by the contract that both parties agreed to before. How can it be despicable?”
“Or, you Flügel think my behavior of obeying the contract is despicable, and your behavior of breaking the contract is noble?”
“If that’s the case, I’ll treat you differently.”
There was some irony in his words.
And the Flügel who heard this lowered their heads one after another, they had no room to argue.
As for Su Mo’s criticism.
“It’s too despicable, I also want to turn Xiaoji into a pet that only belongs to me!”
Azrael wailed like this.
“Forget it then!”
After completing the handshake command, Jibril regained control of her body.
Then, the little girl gave Azrael a cold look.
“Compared to the perverted Lil, I would rather choose Lord Su Mo as my master!”
He said such words with shrimp and pig’s heart.
Azrael instantly petrified.
I would rather be Su Mo’s pet than my own.
Azrael felt like crying.
After sinking the head of his eldest sister.
Jibril looked at Su Mo.
“However, how did Lord Su Mo do this? Can you explain in detail?”
Before, after she heard Su Mo’s order. (okay)
Obviously just ordinary words that don’t contain any power.
Not even a single sprite was called.
However, her body moved involuntarily.
Forcibly follow the discipline of pets.
Let her reach the “Master” as quickly as possible, and then complete the handshake.
Forcibly dominate the Flügel.
This power is too terrifying, it is simply unreasonable.
And for this unreasonable power.
Jibril was not untouched.
My main god is Kaguya
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