However, hearing this, Su Mo was not satisfied.
He didn’t miss Jibril’s momentary hesitation.
“Is your wish really just this?”
He stared at Jibril with a rather sharp gaze.
As if to see through her heart.
This made Jibril’s heart tremble uncontrollably.
“Don’t try to fool yourself, that’s stupid.”
It is different from the gentle attitude just now.
When it comes to business, although Su Mo’s attitude is not tough, it contains an irrefutable will.
“After many defeats, your wish now gradually changes in order to push God of War back one step.”
“However, that’s just because reality forced it.”
“Your original and real wish is definitely more than that?”
It was like torturing Jibril’s soul.
Su Mo asked like this.
Hearing Su Mo’s words, seeing his eyes.
Jibril’s small body began to tremble, and her cheeks suddenly became hot.
His eyes also became hot.
Holding her face in her hands, Jibril asked Su Mo a little awkwardly.
“What to do, beLord Su Mo should feel very ashamed and unhappy for asking such a question. ”
“However, what’s the matter with this fiery emotion in my heart, this enthusiasm for Mr. Su Mo to continue to intensify his efforts and insult me?”
“Hey, Mr. Su Mo, you must understand, can you explain to me?”
Under the torture of Su Mo’s eyes.
It seemed that he had awakened some serious sexual fetish.
Jibril looked at him with a longing expression.
This has become an M?
After thinking about it, Su Mo replied.
“Simply put, it’s a personal hidden XP problem that usually doesn’t show up.”
“However, this kind of thing will be explained to you later.”
“The problem now is the problem of your wish.”
From the verge of prohibition, Su Mo brought the topic back to normal.
“As expected of Mr. Su Mo, he understands this kind of thing very well.” Hearing Su Mo say this.
Jibril was also temporarily curious in the hearts of her subordinates.
His expression became serious.
My first wish…a wish that was earlier than repelling Artosh-sama.
What could it be?
She vaguely remembered having this impression.
That’s not what I originally wanted.
Although it wasn’t too long since she was born, for some reason, this memory is very vague, and now she has forgotten it.
See her slightly confused eyes.
Su Mo gave a hint.
“What do you think the god of war Artosh created the Flügel based on?” He asked all the Flügel.
Needless to say, the significance of creating dependents for other spirit species.
They all want their children to help them, so as to obtain the star cup.
However, God of War is different.
�k is the strongest, and he is the one who can defeat ten thousand with one.
The idea of ​​creating dependents to help him is absolutely never in Śk’s mind.
Because it’s a question of your own soul.
Since you are the “strongest”, why do you need help?
Moreover, after the creation of the Flügel, the God of War never left the seat of God, never intervened in wars again.
This is enough to prove that Flük didn’t create the Flügel for power.
And heard Su Mo’s question.
All the Flügel showed a confused look.
Even Azrael, who was born in the first place, didn’t understand why the main god created herself.
They have also been confused, but everyone who has no answer can only give up thinking.
Accept it as an unfathomable fact of the Lord’s mind.
But now, after hearing Su Mo’s words, all the Flügel, including Azrael, turned their attention to Su Mo.
Will this Deity know the deep meaning of Master Artoxiu?
“Lord Su Mo, what do you know?”
Jibril asked boldly.
Hearing this, Su Mo just whispered.
“Once upon a time, there was a person who asked the sky—what is the strongest?”
“Heaven didn’t respond to him.”
“Later, he went to ask the strongest dragon, but the dragon was killed by him, but he couldn’t find the answer.”
“So he decided to ask himself.”
“What is the strongest?”
“Thus, the wings of the God of War appeared, and since then, the God of War fell into a long silence.”
With a few words, Su Mo told the whole story.
After listening.
All the Flügel fell into deep thought.
“What is the strongest?”
The leader of the Flügel and the strongest Flügel at first, Azrael, chewed on Su Mo’s words.
Thinking back to the master who is invincible in the world, but he is always thinking and silent.
Think back to the day when Jibril was made.
A conversation between her and God of War.
Even she has to admit it.
This is indeed very possible, and it is a question that the Lord God is thinking about.
After realizing this, her complexion was bright.
If this is the case, as a member of the God of War, he has not been able to comprehend the will of the gods, which is undoubtedly a complete dereliction of duty.
After glancing at Su Mo, Azrael couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.
Could it be said that the only ones who can understand the gods are the gods?
Obviously it is not difficult to think of the answer, why have I and others never thought about it in the past 20,000 years?
And heard what Su Mo said.
Jibril also realized something.
It was different from Azrael’s slightly skeptical attitude.
Jibril accepted Su Mo’s words as facts without thinking.
“Master Su Mo means that the birth of our Flügel is actually to solve Lord Artoxiu’s doubts?”
She understood it immediately.
They are props created to answer doubts.
For this, they don’t care.
Dependents are inherently instrumental to gods, and so are other races.
This point is common sense.
They were just used as props, and they didn’t know the meaning of their existence before.
Su Mo nodded, affirming Jibril’s conclusion.
Then reminded again.
“Now, you already know the reason why the God of War started creating the Flügel.”
“Then, why did God of War suddenly end the act of continuing to create Flügel?”
This hint is too obvious.
So much so that Jibril suddenly realized something.
The amber eyes sparkled, and Jibril looked at Su Mo more and more fascinated.
My main god is Kaguya
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