Even if Jibril “rebelled by order”, they must not allow someone to kill the lord.
That’s an insult to the Flügel.
Facing Azrael, these words were full of killing intent.
Jibril had expected it.
“I knew you stupid Lil, but it’s not surprising, after all, I was the only one who answered “030”. ”
Only Jibril is the “answer”.
Therefore, among the Flügel, there is no partner who can walk with her.
Because her wish is to find a way to defeat Artosh.
But for God of War.
Only when one side dies in the battle can the winner be determined.
Therefore, those words are actually tantamount to killing their Creator.
Even Jibril would never use a sneak attack.
Whatever power you have, you will use it dignifiedly.
However, because of the previous declaration.
Even if she changed her mind now.
Probably too late!
It is impossible for the other Flügel who knew what she said before not to be wary of Jibril.
As a traitor who wants to kill the lord.
If Jibril goes back now.
I’m afraid that soon, there will be conflicts with the Flügel who fanatically support Artosh!
Fighting is inevitable.
It is estimated that the Flügel treatment room will no longer be available to her.
Now, it was impossible for her to return to the stronghold of the Flügel, the Phantasmal Species Avant Heim.
After realizing this.
Jibril couldn’t help looking at Su Mo.
“I really convinced you! Master Su Mo, you have expected this a long time ago, so you brought this up on purpose to cut off the possibility of me going back, right?”
She finally realized.
All the situation in front of him was pushed forward by Su Mo.
And heard Jibril’s question.
Su Mo just spread his hands leisurely.
“I just revealed the facts, and you are still free to choose.”
“Do you want to go back, or stay here as my pet?”
——What kind of free choice is this!
Jibril complained in her heart.
She has no choice.
The reason Jibril wanted to go back was only because that was the only way to challenge Artosh.
However, after what he said.
There is not much room for maneuver with other Flügel species.
Even back to base camp.
It is estimated that it is difficult to study the technique of defeating the strong with peace of mind.
Thinking of this, Jibril completely lost her energy.
“I want the world to be destroyed!”
She lay down on Su Mo’s body without energy, and complained fiercely.
Although did not speak.
But her actions express her choice.
Instead of returning to the base camp where it is impossible to develop with peace of mind.
It’s better to follow Su Mo, even if it’s a pet, with its cuteness, it should be able to get the chance to challenge Artoxiu!
I saw Jibril (young) who was completely listless.
Su Mo picked it up.
“Congratulations, you made the right choice.”
Having said that, seeing her still listless.
Su Mo added.
“I forgot to tell you one thing, my purpose is also to defeat the god of war Artoxiu.”
“So, you don’t have to worry about your mission at all.”
“In this respect, I am your strongest ally!”
“what? What?!”
After hearing these words.
Sitting up in shock in dying.
Jibril immediately regained her spirits and threw herself on Su Mo.
“Master Su Mo, are you serious?”
“You actually want to challenge Lord Artoxiu?!”
I thought it was going to be a pet.
Unexpectedly, there was such a surprise.
Jibril immediately hugged Su Mo’s neck and refused to let go.
The amber eyes are shining brightly.
“Of course!” Su Mo replied without the slightest hesitation.
“It is precisely because I want to defeat Artoxiu that I invite you.”
“How about it, do you feel that you have earned your blood?”
Hearing this, the Flügel at the side couldn’t help but raise their blood pressure.
I was tricked by you so that I couldn’t go home, and I had to become a pet.
Not only that, but also against God of War.
In this case, who would think that blood is earned!
Even for Jibril, it is absolutely impossible──
“It’s all blood money!” Jibril said excitedly, as if slapped in the face on the spot.
“Master Su Mo, why didn’t you say it earlier? If you had said earlier that you were going to challenge Lord Artoxiu, I would have followed you without hesitation at all!”
“Stupid like you… No, it should be a brave man, which is rare in 20,000 years!” Jibril said.
Su Mo squinted at her.
“You meant to say you were an idiot, didn’t you?”
“Hey hey——”
The young Jibril has passed the test.
“Anyone who wants to challenge Artosh-sama is an idiot, including myself!”
“However, people think that you are definitely the one with the most hope of success!”
Since the God of War killed the final dragon.
No Deity would dare to confront it head-on.
It is impossible to defeat the God of War in a head-on battle, which is considered common sense in this world.
Therefore, people who want to challenge this common sense.
Also very rare.
For example, Jibril, for example, Su Mo.
“For the sake of your cuteness, forgive you. If you do it again next time, you will be spanked!” Su Mo casually said to Jibril.
Jibril also responded with a smile.
The so-called harmonious atmosphere of like-minded people is probably what it looks like right now?
After confirming the other party’s mind as well.
bothAn existence whose purpose is to defeat Artosh.
And heard the conversation between the two.
Azrael was completely confirmed…
“The extra individual Jibril has already rebelled, and anyone who encounters it in the future will be killed without mercy!”
She gave the order blankly.
Despite some hesitation in their eyes, the Flügel took orders one after another.
My main god is Kaguya
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