At the same time, the Flügel living in Abant Heim all ran out one after another.
He probed his head to find out when the main god who had been sitting on the throne for a long time was able to make such a happy smile.
Yes [happy.
No dissatisfaction with being betrayed, no killing intent to be challenged.
The invincible god of war, after hearing the challenge from a strange god and the betrayal of the tiny wings of his own creation.
Sent a pleasant smile.
The heroic smile took a long time to stop.
After the laughter is over.
“Individual No. 1, do you seem to have doubts in your heart?”
God of War Artosh stared at Azrael with golden eyes.
The sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, and asked.
There should be no concealment about the main god’s inquiry.
Thoroughly implementing the way of loyalty, Azrael expressed her thoughts.
“I’m a little worried about Jibril, the extra individual.”
Lying is not allowed before the Lord God, and there is no point in lying.
After honestly expressing my concerns.
God of War Artosh shook his head.
“No problem.”
Azrael didn’t understand the meaning of her main god.
“I mean, it’s all right.”
Artosh showed a cheerful smile full of fighting spirit.
“After so long, have my last wings finally found their mission!”
“Hahaha, I wanted to see if she could defeat the dragon spirit, but I didn’t expect it to bring me such a big surprise.”
“The strong man who is stronger than the strong man will come to take my head.”
“And—one day, will you come to me and answer my question formally, hmph!”
At the end, Artosh’s voice was full of anticipation.
This is by no means the expectation of cross-examination and verbal debate.
It’s the anticipation of the upcoming, long-lost war.
He is the god of war.
A god species that feeds on fighting spirit, hatred, malice, and blood.
With the sense of smell of the gods, he has already asked the smell of iron and blood.
It was the fragrance of war.
Moreover, it is the scale that covers the planet.
“Don’t make me wait too long!” God of War responded expectantly.
In other words, he responded to Su Mo and Jibril’s invitation to fight.
——It’s over!
Jibril is dead!
Hearing Artosh’s words, Azrael fell to the ground.
I realized that the main god is very serious, and he is going to be an enemy of the god named Su Mo and Jibril.
Except for this, though.
God of War’s words revealed a more important point.
“That is to say, did the god named Su Mo really guess all the main god’s intentions correctly?”
Although expected.
But after hearing God of War’s personal affirmation, she still couldn’t help confirming it.
“My intention, do you mean the duties I have given you?”
God of War immediately understood Azrael’s question.
Then, he showed a brave smile.
“My little wings, don’t worry about that.”
“As Wing, whether you can perceive what I mean depends on me.”
“So there is no need to be confused. It is better to say that the gods who have never been in contact with me but can understand what I mean are the exceptions.”
God of War said briefly.
Although he is the strongest god, he is not without emotion.
As for the wings I created, although it is also a tool for seeking answers, but in ordinary times. He treats her like a daughter.
Although he is an invincible god, sometimes he unexpectedly looks like an old father.
And relieve the doubts in my heart.
And Azrael, who was comforted by her main god, said that she didn’t need to worry about her clumsiness.
After hearing Artoxiu say that, he seemed to think of something.
Immediately, “Wow” burst into tears,
“Master Artoxiu! What you mean is that Xiaoji’s deduction is not wrong.”
“Because he was the first to be born, so he is the most stupid among the Flügel… Are these all the truth meow?”
Originally, when facing his own Lord God, he naturally had to be serious and unsmiling.
Pay attention to etiquette in the way you speak.
So usually Azrael would not be like this.
But today may be too much stimulation.
After hearing that God of War fully affirmed Su Mo’s analysis.
Azrael froze immediately.
Kneeling and crying on the ground, with snot and tears.
And for the crying of Azrael in front of him.
The absolute god, the strongest god, the king of kings, spoke his words lightlyGod’s will.
“In the face of the facts, what is there to be angry about?”
“Then I’ll die!”
The words of the beloved Lord God had a great impact on her.
An idiot recognized by the Lord God.
If this name gets out, I’m afraid the lowly goblins will all snicker!
Azrael seemed to have been spoiled.
Prepare to unleash an attack on yourself.
At this moment.
Raphael, the slightest individual of the Flügel, appeared.
One blow sent Azrael flying.
Azrael penetrated the wall and disappeared directly outside.
“Sorry for disturbing the Lord God!”
Rafael knelt down respectfully and pleaded guilty.
Artoxiu looked at the farce in front of him, and asked her without much reaction.
“Individual No. 4, is that thing broken?”
He meant Azrael.
“To get the care of the master, she must die without regret!” 030;
Rafael replied.
“Maybe it’s just that I have been disliked by the outsiders all the time. I heard that the outsiders would rather be the pet of the god of contract than my own pet, so the mentality is out of balance!”
Although for the main god, it is hard to understand why Azrael called it “that thing”.
But Raphael still seriously answered the Lord God’s question.
Hear Raphael’s answer.
Artosh didn’t care about Azrael, but smiled again.
“God of Contract, Individual No. 4, do you think so?”
“Do not!”
Raphael immediately shook his head.
“This cannot be confirmed based on intelligence.”
“On the contrary, the power used by the other party when receiving the fifty heavenly strikes without a hair is more like the power of a god.”
“As for the power of the contract, the source is unknown. It may be something like a magic formula created by Senshen.”
My main god is Kaguya
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