Soon, the magic circle contacted the gods and entered the link of communicating with the gods.
And the first to come.
It is the god who has the deepest relationship with the Marquis of Vauban.
God of light, prophecy, music, poetry, medicine, laws, and the sun.
One of the twelve main gods of Olympus.
In itself, it is also the source of the power of the “Greedy Wolves” of the Marquis of Vauban.
– Phoebus Apollo;
The radiant sun descended on this beach.
A god with the same handsome appearance as Perseus appeared in front of the two of them.
A golden sword hangs from his waist, and a silver bow and arrow hangs from his back.
“I seem to detect a familiar breath.”
After Advent.
The god of the sun and art did not look at the Marquis of Vauban who was related to him.
Instead, he looked at Su Mo beside him.
On the origin and fate.
The relationship between him and Su Mo is more complicated than that of the Marquis of Vauban.
And heard the words of Apollo.
Su Mo stretched out his right hand and spread his palm.
A sun’s fire burned in his hand.
“It seems that our origin of the sun is the same!”
Su Mo also understood what the gods meant.
The flame of Mithra, the sun god, obtained by usurping Perseus, who had been disobedient.
In Roman worship, it was confused with Helios, the sun god from the East.
In other words, Su Mo’s “Eternal Burning Sun” power is related to the sun god Helios.
And Apollo.
In fact, it was originally only the god of literature and art.
The name of the sun god is the result of the false rumors spread by later generations who confuse the power of Helios with Apollo.
Therefore, the fire of the sun mastered by Apollo originated from the orthodox sun god Helios.
The solar power mastered by the two is completely homologous. Four.
Chapter 293: The Nine Gods Kill the Gods as Dumplings
Apollo of Disobedience in the Godslayer World. It’s much better than the homosexual Apollo who is wrong in the world.
However, even if it is not from Apollo.
It is also the type that men and women do not taboo.
However, in the face of the godslayer, the god of disobedience will only raise his fighting spirit.
After seeing the Marquis of Vauban unable to move.
Apollo turned his attention to Su Mo.
The two looked at each other full of fighting intent.
No need to speak, just move your hands.
The majesty of the sun appeared in the hands of the disobedient Apollo.
At the same time, a large number of wolves emerged from the dark ground.
The two to three meter wolf, which was about the size of a horse, had a dark green light shining in its pupils.
The originally silver hair shone like gold under the fire of the sun.
This is the same authority as that possessed by the Marquis of Vauban.
——”Greedy Wolves”.
At the same time, Apollo took up the golden sword hanging from his waist.
As the god of literature and art, he is proficient in all arts.
Whether it is swordsmanship, bow and arrow, or chariot driving, or poetry, music…he is very proficient.
Among the gods, he is also an extremely rare all-rounder.
And in the face of this “047” kind of disobedient god.
Su Mo held a shining golden sword in his right hand.
In his left hand, he holds a sharp silver magic sword.
Afterwards, weaved the spirit of speech.
“Let the justice of the world be manifested with my spiritual skills! These spells are powerful and eloquent. They are the swords of wisdom that call victory.”
“Apollo, the sun god, was originally a child of Leto, the goddess of the earth—a young child born to the mother of the earth, and became a god in the form of a child.
From here on becomes the husband of the goddess, lover, brother, and thus has a close relationship with the earth. Therefore, although Apollo was born from the darkness, he possessed the godhead of the attribute of light. ”
Tell the key to Apollo’s godhead.
Su Mo continued to sharpen the blade of the Word Spirit even more sharply.
“It was originally a god born of the earth, but it was subsequently given the alias of Phoebus, which means light.”
“In fact, Phobos was the name of Helios. It was through this that Apollo mastered the priesthood of light and continued to evolve into the sun god…”
The origin of Apollo, the god of the sun, is precisely the result of changes in mythology.
Take this gist.
Su Mo quickly sharpened the golden sword.
Because the infused speech spirit is a fusion of two sides of one body.
This golden sword can not only cut off the godhead of Apollo Sun, but also cut off the godhead of the demon wolf related to the earth.
Facing Su Mo’s singing.
Even without knowing what power he is using.
Apollo, the sun god, still felt the danger.
“This is the order of the great god Zeus, order me to master the chariot of the sun!”
He summoned the spirit of words in the myth.
Then, a golden light appeared in front of him.
By the legend of the sun chariot driver himself.
Apollo summoned the sun chariot in Greek mythology-this should have been the authority of Helios.
Four steeds, wrapped in white sunfire, appeared before Apollo.
——Pylos, Heos, Eton, Foergong.
The four steeds with gods are all top-level beasts that have mastered the flames of the sun.
And behind the four steeds are pulling a huge and luxurious golden chariot.
This is the chariot of the sun in Greek mythology.
According to legend, Helios drove the sun chariot from one end of the earth to the other every day.
In this way, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
It was Apollo who was given the authority to drive the sun chariot that officially replaced Helios and won the position of the sun god.
He is indeed an all-rounder who is proficient in all arts.
Apollo easily steered the four flaming white horses.
The Sun Chariot, carrying Flash Flame, galloped towards Su Mo.
At the same time, he opened the silver bow and arrow behind his back and aimed at Su Mo.
The giant wolves scattered nearby also rushed towards Su Mo like a tide.
An offensive like a torrent can easily destroy a country.
Faced with such a combined attack.
Su Mo went up to meet him.
The sword of wisdom shining with golden color seals the godhead of the sun and the earth.
The sharp and sharp magic sword shining with silver color cuts everything in front of it.
at the same time.
The punishment method of the place of light has also been activated.
“I declare here that the sword is above and the god is below.”
Apollo’s offensive collapsed in an instant.
The wolves were sealed, and the sun chariot was cut off.
He wanted to continue fighting with swordsmanship and martial arts at the level of God’s Domain, but was cut off by the martial arts and powers that surpassed him.
It is only a minute or so before Apollo arrives.
My main god is Kaguya
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