“Huh (is it Zhao)? Does Master Su Mo have any orders?” Lily Luka, who was about to knock on the door, asked outside the door with some doubts.
As soon as the words fell, another female voice sounded.
“Su Mo, I’m here to find you! Open the door, open the door!”
The owner of this cheerful and hearty voice is Loki, the main god of the Loki family.
These two people actually came together.
Is it something about the wine side?
Thinking of this, Su Mo urged the breeze and pushed the door open.
The two walked in immediately.
“You guys are here today… What’s the matter?” He asked bluntly.
Heard this unexpected question.
Lily Luca and Loki looked at each other.
The expressions of both of them were a little stunned.
“You guys, don’t you forget?”
Loki said in disbelief.
“Forget what?”
Su Mo thought about it, and there is nothing serious about it recently.
The only thing worth noting is that the distance to the Shenyue Festival is getting closer and closer.
“I really don’t remember…”
Seeing his unfaltering expression, Loki couldn’t help being speechless.
Lily Luka reminded from the side.
“Master Su Mo, according to the treaty, today is the day to divide the accounts.. ”
Su Mo nodded.
It turned out to be this matter.
A few days have passed since the release of Tianjiu.
Now it’s time for shareholders to split the bill.
Chapter 301 Ace Wind King Hammer
The Dionysian family signed an employment contract. Therefore, despite the bonuses, they are still wage earners.
The money paid to them falls under the cost category.
And the profit after deducting the cost is the part shared by the Hestia family and the Loki family.
After seeing Lililuka’s reminder.
Su Mo still looked indifferent.
A very calm “oh”.
Loki couldn’t help being a little dumbfounded.
“This is a penny, hundreds of millions of fare! You didn’t respond at all?”
Even she couldn’t help but admire Su Mo.
Even for the adventurers of the first echelon, hundreds of millions of Farley are the result of years of savings.
Facing hundreds of millions of Farley, he was actually unmoved.
Even so big that I forgot about it.
Thinking of this, Loki couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.
For today’s bill, she didn’t sleep last night.
Let’s go straight to the Bacchus family today.
It’s a bit embarrassing to think about it now that he looks like he has never seen money.
“Oh, hundreds of millions of Farleys.”
Su Mobang read it again to show his surprise.
He really didn’t care much about it.
After all, compared to the profit after sharing.
For him, the cost is the big head.
As a provider of Tianjiu.
Su Mo is basically in a state of no capital and huge profits.
All costs are his profit.
Compared with this part of the money.
The share of pure profits is really not much.
However, from Loki’s appearance, he was very concerned about the money.
So, he didn’t say much.
“Then let’s start sharing the accounts. Compared with seeing my surprised expression, I think you should care more about the money you get.”
These words hit Loki’s mind.
“Hey…then let’s start!” She sat down at the table familiarly, and urged Lily Luka.
Originally, when she met Lily Luca in advance, she planned to let her share the bill in advance.
As the current head of the Dionysian family, he is also the supreme leader.
Basically all commodity channels, inventory, and cash are all in her hands.
If she wanted to share the bill, she had to nod.
It’s a pity that Lilyluka is extremely difficult to deal with in this regard.
Refuse to talk to Loki about this before meeting Su Mo.
Loki had no choice but to follow along.
Still in Hestia.
It saves the fight of words.
Get Su Mo’s eyes to signal.
Lilyluka took out the ledger in a hurry.
“Tianjiu has been on sale for three days. As of last night, the total turnover reached two billion fare.”
“After deducting the cost, the net profit is 500 million. According to the 19% share, the Loki family will get 50 million mana, and the Hestia family will get 450 million mana.”
She said it very skillfully.
The sales of 1.5 billion on the first day were just the effect of advertising for many days.
After the advertisement, most people tasted the taste of Tianjiu, and the traffic returned to normal.
However, even so, it was much better than what Su Mo had imagined.
The average turnover is about 200 million per day.
Add it up, that’s the number now.
“There are fifty million fare?!”
Hearing Lilyluka’s words, Loki couldn’t help but shine his eyes.
It’s not that she hasn’t seen the market.
In fact, the customized weapons of adventurers with high-level weapons can cost hundreds of millions.
As the main god of the family, this amount of money is not enough to scare her.
However, be careful with the time here.
three days!
It’s only been open for three days!
Earned 50 million fares in three days.
This is much faster than their family expedition to make money, and there is no cost.
Just letting LV2, LV3 second-line adventurers and high-level retired adventurers come over to guard, you can earn so much.
It is difficult to change the rules if it is not already set.
The entire Loki family has been shaped into an expedition type family.
Loki really wanted to call back his family members who were on an expedition, and start business with Su Mo.
After all, making money like this is too sweet.
Seeing that Su Mo and Luo Ji had no objection.
Lililuka counted the evidence and handed Loki’s copy to her.
This is a certificate of property issued by the guild.
With just this piece of paper, you can directly exchange the corresponding money from the money exchange.
After getting the credentials.
Loki hummed happily.
Fifty million in three days, even if the sale on the first day accounted for the bulk.
My main god is Kaguya
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