After gaining the power of Artemis, he also shared the knowledge of Artemis’ archery and power.
After the bowstring is taut.
The Arrow of Orion shone pure white.
The hunting power derived from Artemis is superimposed with the power of Orion’s Arrow, a god-killing weapon.
The unparalleled power fluctuations made the entire ruins shake a little.
Andaris, who was aware of this power, directly attacked.
“call out!”
Sway all the divine power that was stolen.
The Yinyue sharp arrow burst out directly.
And at the same time.
“call out!”
Orion’s arrow also left the string instantly.
The two huge forces collided directly.
A torrent of magic whipped up a storm, blowing everything around it away.
The atmosphere began to roar, and the ground began to shake.
At the same time, the sky above the head also changed.
On one side is the strongest arrow in the heavens that only the goddess of purity can shoot.
On one side is the Arrow of Orion, which also uses the power of the Moon God and is equipped with the God Slayer Armor.
The moment when two huge energies collided.
Su Mo confirmed his victory.
This is not because of an overwhelming advantage in magic power, nor is it because of trust in the power of Orion’s Arrow.
It’s purely because of the positions of Ais and Artemis.
From their point of view.
This time against waves, Su Mo is on the right.
Since ancient times, the left side of the wave has lost.
Su Mo, standing on the right, had no reason to lose.
It turns out that this theorem is very useful.
Orion’s arrow pierced forward inch by inch, and Andaris’ light arrow collapsed inch by inch.
The huge blue diamond-shaped jewel in the chest of the monster Andaris was directly shattered by Orion’s arrow.
Become scattered points of light, disappearing into the air.
The unabated Orion’s arrow completely pierced Andaris’ body.
Kill this ancient monster that has devoured divine power on the spot!
AndariThe soldiers were formally punished.
After the death of Andaris.
The atmosphere stabilized, and the ground began to calm down.
Above the sky, the wide-area god-level magic circle gradually dissipated.
The night that was maintained by the power of the moon god dissipated.
Day returns to the world.
Everything is settled.
The gods far away in Orario didn’t know what happened.
They just know.
This crisis has been resolved.
All the gods could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.
And at this time…
Among the ruins of Ersos.
After seeing Andaris was completely wiped out.
Artemis also felt relieved.
However, there was no smile on his face.
Can’t smile either.
She stared silently at the bodies of the children of her family that Aisi had collected just now.
Children who were lively in the past and loved the Lord God very much.
At this moment, it has turned into a cold corpse.
Artemis lowered her head.
Shadows covered her cheeks as soft as moonlight.
She didn’t make a sound.
But seeing her slightly trembling shoulders, and the tears dripping on the ground.
Ace pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.
Su Mo took a step forward and walked to Artemis.
The Moon God, who had always been strong and did not shed a single tear even after all his family members were wiped out, quietly leaned on Su Mo.
Then, there was a whimper.
Su Mo’s chest was completely wet with the goddess’ tears.
“Everyone… Woohoo! Orion… everyone is dead—”
Weeping softly, gradually turned into an uncontrollable scream.
The goddess who lost all her dependents in one day hugged Su Mo, crying without the appearance of a goddess.
The temperament of a martial god, the majesty of a god, all of them no longer exist at this moment.
The crying figure of Artemis not only lacks the majesty of a god, but is as small as a mortal.
See the goddess like this.
Ace couldn’t help but feel her heart tighten.
I remembered my parents.
And facing this, Artemis was crying like a young girl.
Su Mo didn’t say a word.
He just stroked her long aqua blue hair soothingly.
Let her vent.
After more than half an hour.
Artemis gradually recovered.
However, he still buried his head in Su Mo’s arms and refused to leave.
――If she leaves, she will see the bodies of those children.
Just then.
“Lord Artemis!”
Luna heard a dreamlike voice.
It was the voice calling to her.
Artemis’ body stiffened immediately.
This voice was the voice of Letesa, head of the Luna Familia.
However, she should have died.
He should have been killed by Andaris in order to save himself right in front of him.
If so, what was the voice behind her.
Could it be that I missed them too much and heard hallucinations?
Artemis froze for a moment.
She had an unrealistic idea in her heart, which was like a dream.
…seeking flowers 0…
——Maybe those children are not dead?
However, the facts that have been personally confirmed with the eyes of the gods will not lie.
So, she didn’t want to turn back.
My main god is Kaguya
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