Just as he took out his wallet.
Index, however, glared dissatisfiedly at Himekami Akisa like a kitten whose dried fish had been robbed.
“Su Mo, don’t be fooled by the bad woman. As a priest, no matter what, you shouldn’t ask others for money, right?”
“Besides, your clothes should belong to the upper-class priestesses. Will the upper-class priestesses show their faces?”
Comments like a professional, maybe this is the source of Index’s dissatisfaction.
After all, she is a priest, with the reserve of a priest.
Miko cannot be allowed to make money in this way.
However, after hearing Index’s criticism.
Ji Kami Qiusha shook his head.
Said the girl wearing the classic red and white miko costume, almost exactly the same as Kikyo.
“I’m not a miko’-.”
After a pause, she added something.
“I am a magician. ”
Unfortunately, magicians are Index’s field of expertise.
She stood up imposingly and approached Hime Kami Akisa.
“What magician? Kabbalah? Enoch? The School of Hermes? The Image of Mercury? Or modern astrology?”
“Don’t use vague words like magician to report the name of your professional school and organization, you idiot!”
He was just a professional, and Ji Shenqiusha was stunned by the series of words.
She looked puzzled.
Index had already expected this.
“How dare you call yourself a magician if you don’t even understand these things? Anyway, you are an oriental astrologer who is proficient in Yin and Yang!”
Hearing these menacing words, ordinary people would have flinched because they were exposed.
But Hime Kami Akisa was not like this, she said after thinking about it.
“Then this one!”
It seems to be a decision, and from now on he will call himself an oriental astrologer who is proficient in Yin and Yang.
This casual attitude irritated Index even more.
“Then this”? Did you just say “that’s it”? ! ”
Index, who felt her profession was insulted, wanted to argue something.
“Ding” sound.
A one-hundred-year-old bullet has bounced from Su Mo’s hand to Jishen Qiusha’s table.
“This is on loan to you.”
Su Mo’s voice came.
Immediately, Jigami Akisa’s eyes lit up, and he put the coin away.
Index puffed up her cheeks and looked at Su Mo.
“Obviously I don’t have any money on me, but Su Mo gave money to other girls so easily. Are you fascinated by this bad woman’s face?!”
Seeing her husband looking for mistress face to face, Index was a little jealous.
on this…
Su Mo just pinched the little nun’s bulging cheeks.
Said a little funny.
“If it’s Index, if you want it, it’s fine to give it all to you.”
Anyway, to Su Mo, money is really just something outside of him.
However, it does not prevent the effect of this sentence.
Hearing this, Index’s cheeks were hot, and she groaned in embarrassment.
Didn’t expect this straight ball at all.
“How about it, do you feel that you are treated well?”
Su Mo said jokingly.
“It’s, it’s okay!” Index turned her head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice.
“Anyway, everything else is given to you.”
no no no!
Don’t say that, it’s like I’m doing something to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old.
Su Mo wanted to complain a little.
Ji Shenqiusha didn’t seem to expect that he would eat a bite of dog food.
Just when she was about to say thanks and leave.
A dozen strong men in black suits surrounded him without saying a word.
Ji Shen Qiusha’s expression froze.
In fact, this time she sneaked out.
I wanted to leave by tram, but I didn’t have enough money.
It was not easy to borrow money from Su Mo.
Unexpectedly, they were still found by these people from Sanze School.
It seems that he can only accept his fate and follow them.
Thinking this way, Ji Shen Qiusha just got up,
Su Mo’s voice suddenly sounded.
“Borrowing money has to be repaid.”
Ji Kami Qiusha tilted his head in doubt.
Put the one hundred industrial naphthalene in your hand
Now that they’ve all been caught, it’s useless to ask for money.
Su Mo shook his head and rejected her.
“I forgot to tell you before, I want to borrow money here, and the interest is very heavy.”
“Basically, the interest rate doubles every second. It has been 60 seconds since I gave you the money.”
“Now you owe me a total of twenty to the sixtieth power, ???? Shake!  
He took it for granted and said an astronomical figure.
Let alone Academy City.
All the money in the world does not add up to this amount.
The girl in the red and white maiden costume stared wide-eyed.
Even if it’s blackmail, it’s not so outrageous, right?
“No, this is robbery.”
Su Mo smiled.
“So, you are being hijacked by me now, Miko.”
“I’m not a witch, I’m a magician, I’m a great astrologer Mo—”
Hime Kami Akisa was trying to explain something.
Several adult men in black suits around her surrounded her.
Several strong men with expressionless faces surrounded Su Mo and Index.
Their attitude was very obvious, they wanted to deter Su Mo from interfering with Jishen Qiusha’s affairs.
Seeing this scene, Jigami Qiusha’s pupils shrank.
Although Su Mo said so before.
But she was just taking it as a joke.
After all, that number is beyond the scope of usury, it is completely an astronomical number that is impossible to own, and it is impossible to be serious.
Because of this, she actually had a good impression of Index and Su Mo.
Don’t want to get involved with them.
“I’ll leave, let them go.” Ji Shenqiusha said to them expressionlessly.
These strong men in black suits did not respond.
It seems that Su Mo and Su Mo will really be let go only after she leaves.
Therefore, Ji Kami Qiusha had no choice but to walk outside.
“Feel sorry!”
Before leaving, she apologized to Su Mo. (the king is good)
But there was an immediate response.
My main god is Kaguya
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