Xin Ke? Neil Valen, I still have the confidence to touch her.
“You betrayed the wings of the Creator God, and want to win the favor of the new master?” She satirized Jibril in front of her in a very pungent tone.
“Unfortunately, with your current posture, you can’t do anything pitifully, right?”
“Oh no, even with a normal posture, you seem to be a tablet… It’s really rude to poke your sore spot.”
Without any scruples, he released his verbal swords.
Xinke Niervalen puffed out her chest, and used her giant slime to express her contempt for Jibril, who was in the state of a young girl in front of her. Four.
Chapter 333 What You Lost Is Just a Pair of LegsJPG
The elves are indeed a race known as the coloring elves. Compared to the Flügel, the Elf’s figure is undoubtedly more impressive.
He looked at the huge elf slime in front of him.
Then, he looked at his empty chest.
Jibril hummed proudly.
“It’s just a low-level organ of a low-level creature. For Flügel like me who don’t need to reproduce, that thing is completely a burden!”
Flügel, as magical beings, possesses an almost unlimited lifespan.
In addition, all the Flügel are female.
Therefore, they do not reproduce.
All Flügel are individuals created by God of War using his own wings.
Although it does have various organs of girls.
However, Jibril really didn’t think that was meaningful.
Therefore, even though she was crushed physically, she still looked arrogant.
Hearing Jibril’s belittling.
Xin Ke Nilvalen was not angry at all.
She smiled sweetly and said.
“I see, the noble Flügel don’t need to breed, that’s just right.”
After finishing speaking, she looked at Su Mo who was on the side.
“But as an elf, I really want to know what the child of the god-species “Zero Six-Three” will look like…”
“If Master Su Mo doesn’t mind, you can ask me to come to bed tonight!”
In front of Jibril, she said these words.
It was to stimulate Jibril.
Also out of my own curiosity.
The descendants of the god species… This kind of thing has really never appeared in this world.
Being curious about this is also her sincere heart.
However, her biggest purpose was to anger Jibril.
It is best to have thisA Flügel who only knows violence, was so angry that he had a cerebral hemorrhage.
Xinke who thinks so? Nierbalian.
It was completely unexpected.
After hearing her words, Jibril was not only not angry, but her eyes lit up.
The Flügel in the state of a young girl looked at Su Mo beside him with a thirsty expression that was about to drool.
“I didn’t expect this?! Master Su Mo’s child… hehehe——”
“If it’s me and Master Su Mo’s child, he will definitely become very strong!”
“Maybe, Master Artoxiu can be defeated with a single slap!”
“Woo…Thinking about it, I feel like I want to suck…”
Wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth, he revealed a slutty smile.
Jibril approached Su Mo directly.
He stretched out his little hand and looked at him with timid eyes.
Pretending to be pitiful, she begged softly.
“Master Su Mo, make a child with Jibril-chan!”
In order to achieve your own goals.
Jibril did not hesitate to use her current juvenile body to act like a child.
Simply not too cute.
Even Su Mo’s willpower weakened for a moment.
However, come to my senses.
Su Mo still hit Jibril’s forehead angrily with a hand knife.
“Woo…it hurts!”
Jibril covered her reddish head with tears in her eyes.
Continue to act coquettishly.
“Why did Master Su Mo refuse?”
“Could it be that you don’t like Jibril?”
Looking at the tip of her eyebrows, she also seemed a little aggrieved.
It has to be said that the Flügel is a race uniquely favored by the heavens.
Even if Su Mo knew, the scene in front of him was purely Jibril’s acting skills.
But still involuntarily, I felt my heart melt a bit.
However, this level was not enough to make Su Mo change his mind.
What’s more, Jibril’s starting point is all wrong.
“The reasons for my refusal have nothing to do with this.”
He looked at Jibril seriously.
“If it’s a normal emotional exchange, I don’t mind doing that kind of thing.”
“However, if you count on the daughter you give birth to have some special talent to defeat Artoxiu.”
“Then I will be disappointed in you.”
Saying so.
Su Mo’s tone became as hard as iron.
He looked at Jibril in front of him with an attitude that had no room for discussion.
Then, he said a little harshly.
“Can you defeat the enemy by relying on the strength of others?”
“Who do you think I am!”
The overbearing arrogance swept over the minds of the two of them.
Whether it was Xin Ke? Nil Valen, or Jibril, their bodies began to faintly tremble.
The god in front of him is seriously planning to use his own strength to challenge the strongest god who silenced all the gods.
Moreover, there was no hesitation or hesitation at all.
It is different from those gods who have waited and watched so far, and no one dares to attack the god of war.
The man in front of him had undoubted confidence in his ability to defeat the God of War.
After realizing this.
The two finally realized.
The man in front of him is the only one who can stand on an equal footing with the God of War who stands on the summit of the strongest.
Nothing to do with strength.
This is an equivalence of wills.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
The brilliance in Jibril’s eyes was even greater.
Overjoyed, she directly knelt down.
A pair of wings around the waist are attached to the bottom as if tame.
The halo above his head also moved slightly backwards.
This is the Flügel’s attitude of absolute submission only to its master.
Even before, when she became Su Mo’s pet because of the contract, Jibril didn’t show this gesture.
But now, she finally confirmed Su Mo’s will.
That is absolutely uncompromising, and will definitely overcome Artosh’s will.
Thus, Jibril expressed her submission.
“Sorry, my lord, it’s because I don’t know enough about you that I made such ridiculous words.”
“As a servant, it’s my fault if I don’t understand the Lord’s thoughts.”
“Starting today, I will trust Master with all my heart.”
My main god is Kaguya
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