However, the golden sword has the characteristic that the more knowledge it instills, the stronger its effect on gods will be.
The gods in the game life world are different from the gods in the mythology system.
Including God of War Artosh.
The gods in this world are all conceptual gods with a very pure essence.
Even if Su Mo wants to infuse the corresponding speech spirit.
There isn’t much to say either.
In this case, he himself didn’t know what effect the golden sword would have on the gods.
If not try it yourself.
When facing Artoxiu, if this trump card suddenly loses the chain.
That would be troublesome.
That’s why.
Su Mo needs an experimental product to test the power of the golden sword.
And Senshen happened to be that unlucky guy.
Chapter 337
The reason why Su Mo chose Senshen. It’s not all arbitrarily chosen.
In fact, before arriving at the elves’ residence.
Su Mo has already been to the goblins, and has seen the god stove there.
Also got a good harvest.
However, he did not choose to do anything to the God of Blacksmithing Orkan.
Because, for the goblin species.
Okan, the god of forging, is not only the creator.
The God Stove he made is the power necessary for goblins.
The God Furnace, which can calcine everything, can help goblins to forge psychic weapons-this is the most important thing for goblins to exert their combat power.
Moreover, although Okan himself did not dare to make a move against God of War.
But it wasn’t completely depraved in itself.
He himself did not give up smelting weapons.
For Su Mo.
Orkan, god of the forge, is of the useful type.
Wait until you get the star cup and become the only god.
You can let Okan, the god of forging, help you create various artifacts and study various possibilities.
From this point of view, this guy is an excellent tool man.
In contrast, as a one-hundred and sixty-eight-fold magician, he is also the founder of the magic-style civilization.
The Sen God Cainas is not as aggressive as the God of Forging at all.
For so many years, it can almost be said that he has been listening to politics behind a curtain.
Not only did he not make any contribution to the magic system of the elves.
But I still think about sitting back and enjoying the success every day.
I want the elves to work hard to add to their victory.
“This look is really too depraved!”
Su Mo couldn’t help shaking his head.
In Su Mo’s view, except for Artosh, the God of War who had to cross over.
――The other gods are not enemies at all――
It is a resource that may be used in the future.
Okan, the diligent god of forging, can naturally display his value by virtue of his god-level forging skills.
The god of the forest, Cainas, who obviously has talent but has been trying to fish and is unwilling to work hard, belongs to the negative type.
——If you don’t work hard, how can the boss get a new car and a new house?
“Everything is born to nourish the gods, and the gods have nothing to repay the sky.”
Is that good?
Of course not.
So, just sorry.
Since you don’t want to work, let me optimize it away!
Thinking so, Su Mo decided to swing the butcher knife at Senshen.
Of course, after solving thisguy before.
He still reminded Xinke Niervalen a little to prevent accidental injury.
And after hearing his words.
Xinke Nierba was numb all over.
She had known for a long time that Su Mo and Jibril were two time bombs.
But it never occurred to them that the two of them were so outrageous.
Now, it is quite far away from the era when the gods fell.
Except for the fact that the Flügel had killed gods.
For more than 20,000 years, almost no other species of gods have fallen.
She, who had never considered the possibility of the death of the gods, felt as if she had received a heavy blow.
Suddenly panicked.
She realizes one thing.
“Lord Su Mo, if I agreed to your invitation just now.”
“Doesn’t it mean that, as a creature, I want to wield a butcher knife at my main god?”
She had a surprised expression of “what is this operation”.
Regarding this, Jibril said it as a matter of course.
“What’s the matter?”
“At that time, I chose to follow Lord Su Mo precisely because Lord Su Mo was about to defeat Lord Artoxiu!”
“Now I am the wing that belongs exclusively to Lord Su Mo. Even if Lord Su Mo needs me to attack Lord Artoxiu, that is just what I should do.”
“It’s better to say that Master Artosh would be happy if that scene really happened!”
With very righteous words, Jibril spoke rebellious words.
After Xinke Nierbalian heard it, he was immediately speechless.
“Don’t impose the values ​​of you monsters on us!”
She couldn’t do what Jibril did.
He slashed the butcher knife at his main god, still looking cheerful.
That is by no means in keeping with the mind of the creature.
Two people were heard talking.
Su Mo said.
“Don’t worry, even if you agreed to my invitation before, I will not force you to face Senshen.”
“For things like hunting gods, I am enough alone.”
Although he was usually very cautious, Su Mo really didn’t take the forest god Cainas seriously.
Even if the golden sword of killing gods is useless.
By other means.
He can also slaughter the Sen God Cainas dozens of times.
No help from others is required at all.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
Xinke Nilvalen couldn’t help but feel a little touched.
There are indeed no restrictions on Su Mo’s side, and the treatment is indeed good.
However, the problem now is not here.
“You must fight Senshen, is there no room for maneuver?”
Xin Ke Nilvalen asked with a slightly pale face.
The battle between the gods is not something she can intervene in.
However, she hoped that Su Mo would change his mind.
After all, whether it is victory or defeat, it is not something she wants to see.
It’s a pity that although Su Mo is willing to spend a lot of time for her as a magical genius, he is also willing to make a certain degree of concession.
However, when it comes to business, his attitude has always been firm.
Gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.
Not to mention, he was just an elf genius.
My main god is Kaguya
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