hear this.
Su Mo of Xingyue World almost spit out a mouthful of water.
“You suddenly dropped too much!”
All of a sudden, from a high-level mystery to a low-level martial arts or even a non-magic world, this is too low.
“Okay, let’s not play tricks!”
He failed to pretend to be aggressive but was killed by Mengxin.
He had no choice but to pat Mengxin’s shoulder dejectedly.
Pass the power to him and let him feel it himself.
Su Mo from the Godslayer World and Su Mo from the Forbidden World set their sights on the newcomers at the same time.
“Although there have been speculations, let’s confirm it.”
“Newcomer, you should be from the Paradise World of Shura Gods and Buddhas?” Su Mo from the Godslayer World asked.
“That’s right!”
The newcomer Su Mo nodded immediately and said without any concealment.
“The world I traveled through was Hakoniwa.”.
Chapter 347 Gift Card Unobserved Spirit
(The timeline was wrong before, sorry, it has been revised to normal)
Hakoniwa World. It is known as the Paradise of Shura Gods and Buddhas.
In itself, it is a man-made world.
Hakoniwa World, located above the parallel world of three-dimensional intersection, is like a master console, connected to infinite worlds.
And, like the source template, it controls and influences the development process of other worlds.
In Hakoniwa World.
Millions of gods gather here.
Like Baumkuchen, Hakoniwa is divided into seven layers.
Corresponding to this is the division of strength from one digit to seven digits.
The more you go inside, the higher the strength, the smaller the number.
The multiverse level mentioned by Su Mo before is the highest single digit in the division of Hakoniwa.
And after that, all the powers are contained, that is, the domain of full power, which is a two-digit number.
The omnipotent domain that is the same as the demon god of the forbidden world is a three-digit number.
The basic standard of four digits is starburst, and the basic standard of five digits is the holder of godhead.
The six or seven digits below this are only the strength of the opposing city and opposing army.
After that, they are not eligible to enter the ranking at all.
Under this extraordinary level of strength system.
The rookie Su Mo subconsciously thinks that he in other worlds has reached the level of the multiverse.
After all, this is indeed the ceiling of Hakoniwa World.
Even in the end, he found that it was not what he imagined, and he was not really invincible, not even triple digits.
Su Mo in Hakoniwa World is still very happy.
“From an ordinary person, to a four-figure figure, to the demonic realm outside the human realm.” He said happily.
“For me, that’s enough of a surprise.”
“Even if it can’t be called invincible, it can finally be on the stage.”
“You don’t have to spend time waiting to die in logistical work, you finally have the strength to resist!” I heard him say so.
Su Mo of the Forbidden World flashed his eyes, and said with some doubts.
“From your point of view, your current situation seems to be very bad?”
“Even if you have the current strength, can you only say that you can resist?”
It’s no wonder that the newcomer is multiverse as soon as he opens his mouth.
From the looks of it, he should be facing some kind of crisis.
You must have a strong force to be free!
Hearing Su Mo’s speculation.
Su Mo of Hakoniwa World nodded.
“Although there is no imminent crisis yet, I do have very difficult enemies on my side.”
Su Mo from Godslayer World looked at the newcomer curiously.
“Even you now, will you feel troublesome?”
“You know, we now have the “right light” spell. ”
“Even if we are in the four-digit number, we should belong to the ranks of first-class powerhouses, right?”
“Even this can be tricky. Could it be that you have offended an enemy at the three-digit all-around level?”
If so.
He should feel admiration for the newcomer.
You know, before sharing, newcomers are pure ordinary people.
An ordinary person can provoke an omnipotent monster.
survive to triggerGoldfinger.
No matter how it is done, it can be called a miracle.
Even Hakoniwa World’s Omnipotence Domain was hacked because of the “Omnipotence Paradox”.
Unable to exert full power like the Demon God of the Forbidden World.
That is still the same, and it is not something ordinary people can handle.
Hear him.
Su Mo in Hakoniwa World couldn’t help showing a speechless expression.
“Do you think it’s possible?”
“No matter what, I won’t be so stupid as to provoke a three-digit existence.”
“Then what do you mean by the tricky enemy?”
“Magic ban” Su Mo asked doubtfully.
“About this, I don’t know.”
Su Mo from Hakoniwa World spread his hands and gave an unexpected answer.
Knowing is the enemy.
I also know that the other party is very difficult.
But do not know the true identity of the enemy.
It sounds a bit strange.
But whether it was Su Mo from the Godslayer World or Su Mo from the “Magic Forbidden”, they immediately guessed something.
“That’s right, just as you think.”
“Little Garden” Su Mo said bluntly.
“I am now two hundred years before the start of the plot, and the community I am in is the strongest community of mankind “Arcadia”. ”
“Although there is no fatal crisis yet. However, two hundred years from now, I guess I will face the enemy who destroyed “Arcadia”. ”
Just like the mages in the world of Fairy Tail, they will survive as a collective with guilds.
Individuals in Hakoniwa World carry out activities based on the community.
Whether it is a country, a group of gods, or a team, they are all united in the name of the community.
And the “Arcadia” where Su Mo is.
It is Hakoniwa World, the most legendary human community.
As a human being, reach the demonic realm beyond human beings.
Moreover, he also became an enemy of the devil king, and eliminated many willful and reckless devil kings.
In addition, this community also participated in the encirclement and suppression of the “dystopia” in the final trial of mankind.
It can be said to be a great achievement.
He has friendship with many gods of the gods.
this community.
It is also the predecessor of “NONAME” in the original plot.
However, according to the original plot.
“Arcadia” was destroyed overnight by a strange demon king three years before the plot started.
All important personnel were exiled.
My main god is Kaguya
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