However, there was no trace of her in the invitation letter itself.
On the contrary, engraved with a very old-looking pattern.
“The emblem of the flame, is it possible that it is a legacy left by Zoroastrianism?”
Canary’s eyes moved slightly, as if thinking of something.
“I remember that Di Shitian was a god of the Zoroastrianism before. This invitation letter may be left by the Zoroastrianism.”
“However, hasn’t Zoroastrianism itself withered long ago?”
“It’s not until now that this thing is taken out.”
“That useless god, what the hell is he thinking?!”
Her eyes gradually became sharper.
Because of the omnipotence paradox.
All monotheistic religions are suppressed in Hakoniwa.
The existence of omniscience and omnipotence was denied, so that the field of omniscience was severely slashed.
The myth that is characterized by omniscience and omnipotence has been severely weakened.
This is true whether it is the Hebrew gods or the Christian gods.
Even the god of Christianity was backlashed by Hakoniwa’s rules.
As the only god, but can only live in three digits, juxtaposed with the main gods of other gods.
It is inferior to Buddha Sakyamuni and White Night King.
If it weren’t for Christ, the Son of God, to go against the trend and achieve double digits.
The influence of Christianity in Little Garden will definitely not be as great as it is now.
However, even so, the position of God is still awkward.
As a god, he was surpassed by the Son of God.
If it weren’t for the saying of the Holy Trinity, it would be forced to withdraw the respect.
The faith of Christianity has long been unstable.
Compared with the much-targeted Christianity.
Zoroastrianism’s cosmology fits well with Hakoniwa’s setting.
During the dawn of Hakoniwa’s creation, the gods of Zoroastrianism were also the most active type.
Possibly due to hyperactivity.
Worship Fire teaches coolness very quickly.
In the battle among the gods, some good gods of Zoroastrianism left, and some died because of being crusaded.
Some of the evil gods corrected themselves, while others were directly sealed and killed.
By now, Zoroastrianism had already completely withered.
Except for the traitor Di Shitian.
Almost no gods are active in Little Garden.
If you are not a knowledgeable person like a canary, you may not know this sect.
Hear Canary say that.
The leader of the community, Kasukabe Takaaki, didn’t care too much.
“You can ask Di Shitian about this kind of thing, won’t you know?”
He said it very casually.
“Although that guy is a bit hopeless in character, he shouldn’t do too much bad things.”
“With your wisdom, it shouldn’t be difficult to force this point out, right?”
He has great confidence in Canary’s ability.
By the way, he also has the idea of ​​throwing the pot away.
Although he holds the position of leader, he prefers the life of idle clouds and wild cranes.
Compared to negotiating with Di Shitian.
He prefers to go around and make new friends.
Canary has no intention of letting him go.
After seeing Takaaki Kasukabe’s plan at a glance, Canary shook her head.
“Don’t try to be lazy!” She said in a very leisurely but unquestionable manner.
“This guy, Di Shitian, invited all the main players of our community this time.”
“And, I hope we can all arrive.”
“The current internal situation in Buddhism is unstable, and I feel that it is inconvenient for him to say something else.”
“To be on the safe side, you must go this time!”
Hear Canary’s words.
He is obviously the leader of the community, and it stands to reason that he is the decision maker of the community.
Kasukabe Takaaki did not have the slightest momentum to refute.
“OK then……”
He could only nod resentfully, following Canary’s advice.
This is also the norm.
In fact, Kasukabe Takaaki is more like a withdrawn thug than the leader.
It’s just that there is no one in the community who is suitable to be a leader.
Although Canary is smart, she also knows that she has no leadership skills.
That’s why Kasukabe Takaaki was pushed to this position by everyone.
In fact, the decision-making of large and small events of the community is all decided by the canary.
After the two agreed.
is about to leave.
Let Su Mo and Leticia continue to communicate.
In the depths of the forest, in the direction of Su Mo and Leticia.
There was an aura of a strange spirit, and it exploded!

In the foggy space.
Su Mo of Hakoniwa World, after sharing power.
Together with everyone, we chatted about the setting of Hakoniwa World.
“Speaking of which, I have a question.”
Su Mo of Xingyue World touched his chin.
After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth and said.
“According to what you said, the Hakoniwa Center will observe the experience of the summoned, and bestow corresponding spiritual status and gifts.”
“If that’s the case, doesn’t it mean that even if you don’t have great strength, as long as you have extraordinary experience, you can still form a powerful spirit?”
Although I already have guesses in my heart.
But, because it’s important, he needs to confirm it.
Su Mo of Hakoniwa World nodded.
Regarding the setting of this world, he had consulted Leticia a lot yesterday.
Therefore, it is still understood.
“It’s like on the side of Xingyue World, even if Tesla is just an ordinary person, he will be upgraded to a powerful follower because of his own achievements.”
“If it is placed in Hakoniwa World on my side, if Tesla is summoned, I estimate that he should be able to obtain a five-digit level of spiritual status.”
――The Tesla mentioned here refers to Nikola Tesla, the father of alternating current.
For Hakoba.
The measure of a spiritual power is not only strength, but also its own merits, experience, and inheritance.
So, even if it is a purely ordinary person.
just make an impactthings in the world.
After being summoned to Little Garden, they will receive spiritual corrections.
hear this.
Su Mo’s eyes in Xingyue World began to shine brightly.
“.-If this is the case, you, who were an ordinary person in the beginning, will indeed not have the gift. After all, we are only ordinary people and cannot receive spiritual correction.”
“But now, after sharing our experience of so many worlds—”
Having said that, he gasped.
“Hiss, I have a bold idea!”
My main god is Kaguya
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