The four elements of earth, water, wind and fire can influence and interfere with each other under the corresponding cosmology concept.
Although only mastered the fire.
But by means of fire it is possible to interfere with water, to influence wind, and finally to change earth.
In an indirect way, interfere with all elements in the world.
And flatten and round it arbitrarily.
Thereby achieving the omnipotent fact.
Relying on the power of its own domain, through the connection of the cosmology, it indirectly interferes with the entire world and achieves the existence of omnipotence in the material world.
It is the truth of the three digits in Hakoniwa.
Mastering all the concepts of water, wind or land alone can also achieve the three-digit omnipotent field.
And if this simple view of the universe is complicated.
Mastering the existence of the concept of swamp with 50% water element and 50% earth element can also reach the omnipotent field.
Arrange and combine, there are already quite a few combinations that can achieve the all-around field.
And a little more complicated, the elements of the cosmology are not limited to only elements.
After adding various elements such as good, evil, light, and darkness.
What has been achieved is the three-digit number that Hakoniwa currently has.
Different three-digit numbers may have similar domains, but they are definitely completely different.
Some three-digit figures are even outright stitch monsters.
On the basis of patchwork, it still achieved omnipotence.
So it can still be promoted to the all-round field.
Once the Omnipotent Domain is achieved, except for special circumstances, their spiritual status will be the same.
Although in terms of combat power, there are high and low points because of different areas of expertise.
But in terms of spirituality, there is no difference.
It can be seen from here.
It is the same as Su Mo’s inference in the Forbidden World.
Want to achieve triple digits.
Using the power of the cosmology of the mythological system, although it is not the only option, is definitely the most convenient option.
The induction of the newcomer Su Mo also verified this point.
The only question is whether the ceremony in Hakoniwa will recognize the godhood obtained from the Godslayer world.
“The Zoroastrian view of the universe is “dualism of good and evil”. “Su Mo of the Forbidden World said.
“And its core teaching is that ‘good must overcome evil’. ”
“It means that the good god headed by Ahura will definitely overwhelm the evil god headed by Angola Mainyu.”
“In mythology, the good god and military god Veleslana of the Zoroastrianism also followed this teaching and defeated the three evil dragons Azi Dakaha.”
“If it is said that the god-making ceremony of the Zoroastrianism is based on the body of a good man who defeats evil to represent “absolute evil”. ”
“Then, the content of your ritual is very likely to defeat Az Dakaha.”
He stated his inference.
After hearing this.
Su Mozhong pondered for a while, then nodded.
With the magic knowledge they know.
This inference is very reasonable.
However, Su Mo from Godslayer World still added something.
“Of course, the premise of completing the ceremony.”
“We got it from the world of godslayers. It belongs to Veleslana’s godhead, and it will be recognized by Little Garden.”
After hearing this.
Su Mo in Hakoba World couldn’t help complaining loudly to other Su Mo.
“Why can you speak so calmly?!”
“That’s absolutely evil, and its combat power is close to that of a monster in the realm of full authority!”
“You gave me a four-digit number to fight a monster that can defeat a million gods.”
“Is there something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with you?”
“Speaking of which, isn’t the ritual of becoming a demon god not making a piece of equipment?Is it okay to have something symbolic? ”
“Why do you have to deal with such a dangerous enemy when you come to me?”
He felt very tired.
The world is simply full of malice.
It was not easy to get the golden finger, and it was not easy to have the strength of the four-digit level.
Two happy things, put together, should have been an unparalleled happy time.
But why did it become like this?
“Scholar Bai was killed!”
Su Mo from the Forbidden World interrupted the rookie’s complaints.
Then, he patted him on the shoulder.
“Relax, in fact, you don’t have to worry too much.”
Su Mo from Hakoniwa World gave him a suspicious look.
Faced with one of the most vicious human final trials, it can be said that there is no need to worry too much.
“Could it be that the bosses have new cards?” He asked with some doubts.
“That’s not true.”
Su Mo of the Forbidden World showed a bright smile.
“I just want to remind you, except Azi Dakaha, who is a three-digit enemy.”
“On the side of the Devil King Alliance “Ouroboros”, there may be some bigwigs in the sphere of authority staring at your community. ”
“Enemies more terrifying than this are hidden in the dark. Do you now think that Azi Dakaha is not so scary anymore?”
Hearing these unconscionable words, Su Mo in Little Garden World was silent for a moment.
“Do you think you are very humorous?” He said with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.
It was hard, his fist was hard.
If it weren’t for the big boss who helped him share his strength.
If not for the fact that they are still the same person.
He really wanted to punch this schadenfreude.

After continuing to chat for a while.
The other Su Mo stopped joking.
They also realized that their current strength was not enough to deal with Azi Dakaha.
They all said that they would hurry up and practice when they turned around.
Help Su Mo in Hakoniwa World to overcome this difficulty first.
Once this pass is crossed.
All of them can be promoted to Demon God.
Therefore, the Su Mos are doing (, this! book;; by “;【Fl!i?:ppe?:d】, sorting out; 😉 Powerful.
…seeking flowers 0…
After the newcomer expressed his thanks to several bigwigs.
Then left the foggy space.
――He still needs to confirm the matter of the spiritual correction.
Consciousness has just returned to Hakoniwa World.
Su Mo sensed something was wrong.
The box garden center seems to have noticed Su Mo’s change in an instant.
And began to observe his spirit power with all his strength.
“Su Mo?!”
Leticia, who was standing next to him, could only feel Su Mo’s spiritual power soaring suddenly.
Like the tides of the sea, waves of expanding spiritual powers appeared continuously.
every second.
Su Mo’s momentum became even stronger.
And the spirituality he displayed is even more majestic.
“How is this going?”
My main god is Kaguya
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