Chapter 354 It’s impossible to help and wait for death
After asking. It was only then that Canary remembered that these achievements were all given by Su Mo in the parallel world.
In this case, the current Su Mo himself should not know about it.
So, after patting her forehead, she continued to read patiently.
Except for Godslayer, and Godhead and other gifts.
There is also a gift called “Magician” left.
In Hakoniwa, there are also magicians.
It is itself defined as a fantasy species of humans.
It’s just that the strength is generally not too strong, so Canary doesn’t care too much.
The line of sight continued to look down.
――【Giant of Light? ? 】
Another puzzling gift name.
“Does this question mark mean that even the fragments of Laplace are gifts that cannot be identified?”
Canary has been shocked for countless times today.
The giant itself seems to exist from the Norse mythology.
In Celtic mythology, there are also giants.
However, the Giant of Light…
“Could it be Luge, the sun god of the Danu protoss?”
Canary thought for a moment, then immediately shook her head.
“No! If it exists in the mythology system, it is impossible for the gift card itself to fail to be identified.”
Unless it is something beyond the known mythological system.
Or within the mythology system, there are no secrets that have been clarified.
After thinking for a moment.
Canary shook her head and chose to give up.
It is difficult to guess something that can’t even be identified by Laplace’s fragments without enough information.
Keep this gift in the back of your mind.
She continued to look down.
At this time, Su Mo also noticed the gift called “Giant of Light”.
See gift cards are 14 can not be identified completely.
He wasn’t surprised himself.
“Tiga Altman, that is a world view with a sci-fi background, and there are even aliens in it.”
“Hakoniwa’s world of mythological cosmology, it’s normal to be incomprehensible.”
In the world of Hakoniwa, where the history of mankind and the history of mythology are interdependent.
There is no place for heterogeneous products like aliens.
Tiga itself has nothing to do with the myth system.
Therefore, even if it is a fragment of Laplace, it is difficult to detect the nature of Tiga.
After all, the routes are quite different.
After skipping this point.
Su Mo continued to look down.
All the power he has mastered.
have been transformed into gifts.
However, not all spirits in all worlds will be bestowed with new gifts by Hakoniwa like the Godslayer world.
Daily World, Pirate World, Genshin World…
Although these worlds have superimposed spiritual powers, they do not bring new power.
Probably because Su Mo hasn’t changed the world enough.
However, what surprised Su Mo was that.
Su Mo of the Pokémon world obviously didn’t interfere much with the world.
But Hakoniwa also bestowed a new gift.
――”The Evolutionary Tree of Life”.
Not the Christian Kabbalah tree of life.
It is a gift formed by the tree of evolution based on Darwin’s theory of evolution.
As you can see, above the tree of life.
There are quite a few points of light being lit.
Each light point is lit.
They all represent a kind of Pokémon that Su Mo has researched and understood.
No, in Hakoniwa World, it shouldn’t be called a Pokémon.
Instead, it should be called – Eudemons.
And the life evolution tree mastered by Su Mo.
It is the gift that combines the power of many ordinary animals and Eudemons.
And, look at the design of the gift.
The light spots that are lit up only occupy a very small part of the life evolution tree.
“It seems that this gift is only in an unfinished state.” Su Mo pondered in his mind.
“Once the “Evolutionary Tree of Life” is completed, it should be possible to complete the theory of evolution. ”
“Hey, the theory of evolution is one of the cornerstones of modern biology… If this theory can be completed, it is at least an achievement in the field of omnipotence, right?”
In Hakoniwa…
But not only merit based on the myth system will be recognized.
Merits based on human history will also be recognized.
To know.
The maker of the Gift Card, the Laplace Demon itself, is a hypothetical device in the theoretical physics world.
Even an imaginary device can become a three-digit number.
The merits of perfecting the theory of evolution.
Certainly no lower than the Laplace Demon.
And want to perfect the theory of evolution.
Light up all the “Life Evolution Trees”…
Thinking of this, Su Mo couldn’t help looking at Takaaki Kasukabe beside him.
Kasukabe Takaaki also set his sights on him.
The two smiled slightly.
Takaaki Kasukabe spoke.
“I didn’t expect that we would have the same type of gifts.”
“It seems that the strengths of the two of us can completely complement each other!”
As the holder of the gift “Life Directory”.
He is very happy.
“Life Directory”.
It is a kind of gift, similar to what Su Mo used to use before, to receive the effect of magic.
It’s just that its trigger conditions are much looser than receiving magic.
All it takes is a light touch.
Takaaki Kasukabe can directly copy the racial talents of other creatures and obtain the corresponding racial forms.
and use it flexibly.
You can fight by switching different stances.
As a person living in Little Garden.
What Takaaki Kasukabe has been in contact with the most is the phantom beasts and mythical beasts that exist in the mythology system.
And Su Mo had the most contact.
But they are ordinary animals, as well as various phantom beasts in the Pokémon world.
The fields of expertise of the two are completely different.
Once the two parties exchanged the data of the life form that the other party possessed.
Takaaki Kasukabe can directly obtain the transformation power of hundreds of life forms.
And Su Mo…
It can light up a considerable part of the “life evolution tree” pattern.
My main god is Kaguya
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