“it is good!”
Canary, who was very assured of Su Mo’s wisdom, didn’t say much.
She showed a teasing smile and waved to Su Mo.
“Remember to get up early tomorrow, we won’t bother you two!”
Then, he looked happy.
Pulled away Kasukabe Takaaki who hadn’t reacted yet.
Leave Su Mo and Leticia to stay where they are.
Watching the back of Canary leaving.
Leticia tilted her head suspiciously.
“What does canary mean, what are you disturbing…Su Mo, do you have anything else to do?”
She, who doesn’t know how to beat around the bush, can’t understand Canary’s subtext at all.
“I don’t have anything important here.”
Although Su Mo knew it, he was not stupid enough to say it.
“As for why Canary said that, maybe she is planning something again?”
He directly blamed Canary.
And for this…
Leticia, who trusts her companion very much and will never sit back and let her be humiliated—— nodded slowly.
For Canary, the character of a female fox.
Leticia has a deep understanding.
Therefore, I don’t think Su Mo is speaking ill of Canary.
Because Canary is inherently a bad character.
“Speaking of which, I’m going to the Heaven Realm tomorrow, is there anything I need to prepare specially?”
Su Mo changed the subject very naturally.
And take a step forward and keep going.
“I don’t need anything special.”
Leticia shook her head.
Subconsciously followed Su Mo’s footsteps, the two continued toTake a walk in the jungle.
“Basic emergency food and water are enough.”
“But speaking of it, you just got your spiritual status correction, so you want to go to the treasury to pick up a weapon?”
Leticia remembered this.
She herself is not the type who needs to use weapons, and the “Shadow of the Dragon” is the most convenient weapon.
But Su Mo might need it.
“Arcadia (:, this book is organized by [‘F;l?;ip:p!’ed]” (:For more new books, contact 13,”4317:’7’.478;)” In the treasury, there are several collections even of divine weapons.
If you can use it, you can try it.
“The weapons in the treasury…then forget it.”
Mentioning this, the corner of Su Mo’s mouth twitched, and he shook his head slightly.
“I went to the treasure house yesterday.”
“The level of weapons in it is good, but the conditions and effects of use are too tasteless.”
“Even when I was an ordinary person before I got my spiritual status correction, I wouldn’t take it away from me.”
He said it as tactfully as possible.
A divine weapon in the treasury of Arcadia.
It is the unsellable junk in “NONAME” in the original book.
It’s really useless.
Hearing what he said, Leticia showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.
“Before you, the other main members of the community were not the type that needed weapons.”
“So we didn’t collect weapons on purpose. However, if you also need it, I can let them pay attention to it in the future.”
For “Arcadia” at this time, it is not difficult to find a handy divine weapon.
“It’s not that troublesome.”
Su Mo shook his head.
“Ordinary divine weapons are not very useful to me, and it’s not that I don’t have divine weapons.”
Karna’s sharp spear, and the sword of victory of the silver-armed god king.
In Su Mo’s hands, they all directly turned into divine weapons.
Therefore, he is not short of weapons.
Compared with weapons, he cared more about another point.
“Senior Leticia, what kind of person is the god Emperor Shitian we are going to meet tomorrow?”
Although very familiar with the original.
But he still wants to hear the evaluation of people in reality.
With Leticia’s character, her evaluation should be quite objective.
After hearing Su Mo’s question.
Leticia looked a little hesitant.
“Hmm… Master Di Shitian…”
As a Hakoniwa knight, it is wrong to use words to slander the gods who have helped the community a lot.
But here’s the trouble.
Apart from negative words, Leticia couldn’t find any suitable words.
To euphemistically express his evaluation of the military god Emperor Shitian.
After thinking about it, Leticia spoke.
“How should I put it, Master Di Shitian is a rather peculiar god.”
——It is a god scum who is despised by Canary and called a waste god.
“Among the gods, he may be the most humane.”
——Almost all of his humanity is negative.
“If you have to say it, he lacks the majesty of a god.”
――In the words of Canary, she is not worthy of being a god, and Leticia deeply agrees with this.
“So, Su Mo, after you see him, try to stay as far away as possible.”
——Don’t be fooled by this useless god!
When she said the last sentence, Leticia looked directly into Su Mo’s eyes seriously.
It seemed that he was very worried that Su Mo would be led astray by Di Shitian.
“Don’t worry, I know how to measure.”
Feel the seriousness of the vampire girl.
Su Mo could not help but smile, and agreed.
Leticia then showed a soothing smile.
The two continued to chat and walked towards the depths of the forest.

the next day……
Little garden, heaven.
Buddhism, the top of Mount Sumeru.
Located in the middle of the luxurious palace owned by Indra.
Su Mo was sitting in this extremely luxurious living room.
Involuntarily, she turned her eyes to Leticia beside her.
His tone fluctuated slightly, and he asked the vampire girl beside him.
“.-This is what you said before, Leticia-senpai, “slightly” lacking the majesty of a god? ! ”
This is slightly? ?
Leticia stood beside Su Mo with an aggrieved expression, silent.
She really had no way to refute Su Mo’s words.
Anyone here probably has no way to refute this sentence.
Even the canary is the same.
My main god is Kaguya
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