Thinking of the words that Su Mo muttered in a low voice before.
——The most vicious and evil…the most benevolent and benevolent king of gods…the spiritual status polluted by time…
Canary’s brains turned rapidly.
Although I can’t piece together the complete information, I can’t figure out the puzzle.
But, now she has been able to confirm one thing.
That is–
“Don’t worry! The rhythm of the battle is always in his hands!”.
Chapter 365 The authority of the sponsor has fallen into the god of the devil
In the battlefield. Seeing the sun and moon that he summoned, they were directly swallowed by King Ashura.
Su Mo showed such an expression as expected.
“Twisted evil god infested with filth, do you still remember the master of the sun flame?” Su Mo asked meaningfully.
King Asura showed a puzzled look.
He directly devoured the gift summoned by the opponent without thinking too much about it.
“It’s nothing more than a gift from the sun god. To me, just this level of power has no meaning at all!”
As an Asura who admires power.
Rather than thinking about the questions Su Mo raised, he prefers to show off his strength.
The inheritance of hand-obstructed sun and moon made him not afraid of the gifts of the sun and the moon.
As for why he was able to swallow this Yang Yan.
Does it matter?
Of course it doesn’t matter!
Seeing his answer, Su Mo sighed regretfully.
“It seems that you need to use a little more to make you recall!”
Shaking his head, Su Mo didn’t hesitate at all.
He re-summoned the torture-style speech spirit of the place of light.
“Priority, the flame is the top, and the gods are the bottom!”
At this time, the sequence that was manipulated last time becomes invalid.
Now, in this field.
Even the weakest flame has the qualification to hurt the god level.
If only that’s the case.
It’s nothing more than having a layer of special attack.
For the gods at the three-digit level.
A mere layer of special attack is enough to hurt them.
But it is by no means enough to cause danger to their lives.
However, this is only a case of special attack.
What if the gift of special attack, which is enough to hurt people by leaps and bounds, is raised to two levels?
The pure golden flame condensed in Su Mo’s palm.
“Solar Golden Wing Flame” is an extraordinary gift in itself.
Even the gods at the three-digit level dare not take it hard.
This flame itself contains the characteristics of special attack against gods and 080 dragons,
And now…
Its own special attack on the gods, coupled with the punishment formula of the light place just announced.
Flame’s special attack on God.
After the two are superimposed, it is a double special attack.
The power of this gift has increased exponentially.
Originally, in the eyes of King Asura, it was just a somewhat dangerous “solar gold-winged inflammation”.
Now, the level of danger has risen directly to extreme danger.
Its lethality is almost the same as the three-digit level god, Garuda himself’s “Sun Wheel Golden Wing Flame”.
“Try this!”
With a light wave of Su Mo, endless golden flames gushed out of him like a sea of ​​fire.
In an instant, the “solar gold-winged flames” surrounded King Asura’s entire giant.
“Not only is the lethality comparable to Garuda, but the scale of summoning is not inferior?”
King Asura, who was so huge that he had no time to dodge, looked at the sea of ​​flames surrounding him with fear, and was completely shocked in his heart.
Even if Garuda is here, the scale of the “Sun Wheel Golden Wing Flame” that can be summoned is nothing more than that.
The other party is just a four-digit number.
With a mere four-figure spiritual capacity, how could it be possible for him to release this level of “solar gold-winged inflammation”?
Whether it is lethality or the scale of firepower.
Since they are no less than Garuda himself!
Su Mo naturally didn’t answer his intention.
For him who has a “perpetual motion machine” spirit.
A flame of this scale would indeed consume a lot of spiritual power, which would be replenished soon.
It’s not consumption at all.
He just clenched his palms decisively.
The monstrous flames rolled up huge waves.
It began to rotate around King Asura, like a spiral tower reaching the sky, enclosing King Asura in it. (beae)
Then, suddenly began to shrink.
It seems that he intends to smolder King Asura in the flames of “Sunlunar Flame”.
Engulfed by the golden flames blessed by double special attacks.
Even King Asura’s godly body couldn’t help but couldn’t bear it, and let out an angry cry of pain.
“Twelve heavens protect the Dharma, and the fire sky returns to fate!”
As an evil god of Buddhism, King Asura is not without means to deal with the current situation.
Over the years, he has had many conflicts with Garuda.
Although he didn’t win once, he at least learned a little spell to avoid the flames.
“Dharma Guardian Vajra Agni, help me stay away from the fires of the Three Realms!”
according toRelying on the power of Huotian, one of the twelve heavens protecting the law.
King Asura’s hard-working supporter.
Even if Huotian himself is present, it is estimated that it will be difficult to deal with this level of “solar gold-winged inflammation”.
What’s more, King Asura just borrowed his power.
Even if he holds jewels in his hand and recites this secret Buddhist mantra in his mouth.
But there is no way to stop the flame of the Garuda Roc who is approaching bit by bit.
Can you only rely on your own self-healing physique to resist?
Seeing, the tug-of-war is about to start.
Su Mo didn’t think it was enough.
Added a fire again.
In the palm of his hand, a golden flame appeared, which was the blazing “Sun Wheel Flame”.
The golden flame was directly shaped into the shape of a sword.
Su Mo easily lifted the 100-meter-long giant sword burning with golden flames.
“I swear here that this sword is the god-slaying demon sword that kills gods!”
The power of the “Silver Sword” was activated.
Directly using flames as swords increases the power to restrain the gods.
Double special attack, plus a heavy restraint.
At this time, the sword of the Sun Wheel Golden Wing Flame has reached the extreme of killing gods.
Then, the ultimate god-slaying sword shone with gold and silver.
Under the swordsmanship of Su Mo Na’s God Realm level.
Slash directly vertically and horizontally.
My main god is Kaguya
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