Perhaps the spear born for war still possesses a very powerful force.
However, it is absolutely impossible to interfere with time and space.
after all……
As a world created by God, the strictness of the rules and concepts of Hakoniwa World is unimaginable.
Here, just mastering the three digits of the power of the water domain cannot be like the outside world, with the help of water, influencing fire to control the wind, interfering with the earth, so as to achieve omnipotence.
Even the main god in the omnipotent domain can only interfere with concepts within his own domain at 0.4.
As long as he doesn’t have the corresponding gift, it is completely impossible for him to cause the corresponding phenomenon.
Breaking through all methods with one force – this kind of thing, as long as there is no force that can overwhelm the multiverse domain of Hakoniwa Center.
It is absolutely impossible.
In Hakoniwa, the ultimate power is simply the ultimate power.
There is no such thing as punching through the void or distorting time and space with one punch.
Putting it outside is even enough to destroy the sixth cosmic speed at the cosmic level.
In Little Garden, it’s just pure speed.
Not to mention the extreme speed beyond time.
The sixth cosmic speed of Hakoniwa World cannot interfere with time at all, nor can it tear space at all.
In itself, it is very pure, the acme of the concept of speed.
It was because of this that Su Mo used the time-space talent of the dragon essence to construct a realm barrier.
Rather than relying on superpowers manipulated by gravity.
――In the world of Hakoniwa, the gravitational force is enhanced to the extreme, and it cannot cause space-time distortion.
――Gravity and space are completely different concepts, so they cannot interfere with each other.
And back to the topic.
“As for you asking who I am…”Su Mo showed a somewhat funny expression, and finally had the opportunity to report his name.
“My name is Su Mo, I’m just a godslayer passing by, remember it for me!”.
Chapter 368 Candidate for the Original Code of the Final Chapter of Killing Gods
Hearing Su Mo announce his name. King Asura kept it firmly in his heart.
Seeing that his strongest blow could not hurt Su Mo at all.
He wasn’t too flustered.
“Even if you have mastered the gift of realm, don’t try to escape from here!”
King Asura showed a ferocious smile.
The sharp fangs gleamed coldly.
“Don’t forget, you are still in my gift game.”
“As long as you don’t crack my gift game, you can’t go anywhere!”
If he degenerates into a demon king, let Su Mo escape.
As a three-digit god, that would be too embarrassing.
This is also the reason why King Asura felt that he had the chance to win.
Using the sponsor’s authority, Su Mo was forcibly pulled into the game.
Not to mention the power of Su Mo’s realm, even if the Queen of Halloween came here in person, she couldn’t rescue Su Mo from the game.
Gift games are the only iron law in Hakoniwa.
As long as Su Mo can’t break the secret of his spiritual status, he will never be able to escape.
“Even if you can use the power of the realm, you can avoid my attack.”
“With your spiritual capacity, how long can you last?” King Ashura said with a bloodthirsty smile.
In Little Garden, the use of gifts requires the consumption of spiritual power.
With Su Mo’s four-digit spiritual status, he might be able to use the gift of the realm to avoid his own attack.
However, how many times can such a gift be used?
“Stay alive to your heart’s content, escape!”
“Wait until your 14 spiritual powers are exhausted and your hope collapses, then I will take your life!”
Like a hunter hunting in the mountains and forests.
King Asura’s words carry enough patience and killing intent.
It seems that they are really planning to start a tug-of-war.
He wanted to kill Su Mo Lingge completely by consuming him.
Hearing his words, Su Mo looked a little weird.
Compete endurance with yourself who has a perpetual motion machine.
It was the funniest joke he had ever heard.
Even if it’s three digits, it’s just an instant burst, and it has a huge advantage over Su Mo.
It’s really about staying power.
The third method? Who is the Cup of Heaven afraid of? !
However, having said that, Su Mo didn’t intend to start a tug-of-war with King Ashura just like this.
after all–
“Compared to passively fighting, I prefer to actively face the enemy.”
Su Mo smiled slightly and approached King Ashura’s position.
Seeing Su Mo who dared to approach him.
King Ashura’s expression also became weird, as if he was looking at someone who was overwhelmed.
“He didn’t run away, but chose to approach me?”
“Obviously relying on the power of the realm, you can still live a little longer…”
“You don’t even cherish the last time, do you want to seek death?”
Although he said that he wanted Su Mo to cherish life.
But in fact, King Asura’s killing intent has reached its peak.
For this guy who caused him to degenerate into a demon king, King Ashura could not wait to tear Su Mo into pieces.
And for this blazing hatred.
Su Mo naturally noticed it.
But he didn’t respond.
Like the breeze blowing on the face, he ignored King Ashura’s killing intent.
Su Mo stepped forward very leisurely.
“If you don’t get close, how can I kill you?” He asked such a rhetorical question.
After hearing such ridiculous words.
King Asura froze for a moment, almost laughing himself to death.
“Hahaha! Hahaha!”
“What are you talking about? It’s just a four-digit number, and you actually want to crusade against a three-digit number?”
He was laughing, he was laughing wildly.
After laughing wildly, King Asura looked at Su Mo in front of him with playful eyes.
“Ridiculous fool! You do have a very precious gift.”
“Whether it’s the inheritance of Christianity, or the “Gold Wing Flame” of the Garuda family…”
“If it was an ordinary three-digit number before, I’m afraid it has been cut off by you!”
King Asura, who was born for war, has a despicable and cunning nature.
But at this moment, he wasn’t lying.
Think back to the God-killing flames that were superimposed with double special attacks.
Even now that his spirit has been liberated, he can’t help but sweat.
For the gods, it was an extremely dangerous flame.
Even in this state, he still has lingering fears in retrospect.
As soon as the voice changed, King Asura showed contemptuous eyes.
“Facts have proved that your so-called decisive blow cannot cause fatal injuries to me at all.”
“Now that the strongest means are useless to me, why do you fight me?!”
Whether King Asura is willing to admit it or not.
But before, the God-killing flames of the double special attack really couldn’t penetrate his heart.
In other words, Su Mo’s strongest god-killing blow.
My main god is Kaguya
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