All of this is a fact that the suzerain has long foreseen.
Hearing Di Shitian’s reasoning.
Canary couldn’t help feeling her scalp tingle.
“You mean, as far back as the dawn of Little Garden, the suzerain of your Zoroastrian Cult has already foreseen the demise of the Zoroastrian Cult gods.”
“That’s why I specially entrusted you with Bahram’s spiritual body and asked you to wait for Su Mo’s appearance?”
This is too exaggerated.
Even the Laplace Demon who claims to be omniscient.
It is also impossible to accurately predict the future direction of Hakoniwa.
How could the suzerain of Zoroastrianism do such a thing? !
Hearing Canary’s doubts, Di Shitian shrugged.
“I’m just guessing. I don’t know if this is actually the case.”
“Although I have a lot of complaints about the Sovereign Master regarding me as a courier who has spanned millions of years.”
“It’s a pity that the adult is long gone, no matter how much you complain, she won’t be able to hear it, right?”
So sighed.
With a hearty personality, he doesn’t care whether what happens before him is fate or not.
“In short, after waiting for so many years, I met you, a candidate for Bahram.”
“Plus, this is also the reward agreed with Canary before.”
“I don’t have any worries here.”
“This is probably the last mission of the suzerain!”
“So… Bahram’s spiritual body is entrusted to you!”
Having said that, Di Shitian took out his gift card.
He directly transferred the spiritual status of Baleram he held to Su Mo.
Chapter 374 Promoted to the Plenipotentiary Realm, a Girl Who Is Forever Sixteen Years Old
Ever since he switched to Buddhism and became Emperor Shitian. He sealed and preserved Bahram’s spiritual status and inheritance.
to this day.
He finally found a hero who might inherit the title of Bahram.
It was as if a heavy task had been completed.
Di Shitian handed over the sealed spirit to Su Mo, and heaved a sigh of relief.
“This is the reward for entrusting you to resolve disputes. Therefore, how to use this power is your own business.”
Di Shitian, who was going to beat the shopkeeper, didn’t plan to say anything, so that Su Mo would not disappoint Bahramlinger’s nonsense.
After handing over the Lingge to Su Mo, he didn’t intend to ask about it anymore.
After all, strictly speaking.
It was not Di Shitian himself who entrusted this spiritual status to Su Mo, but the former suzerain.
Su Mo, who got the Bahram Linger through the transfer of the gift card, was lost in thought.
Bahram, one of the most famous protectors of Zoroastrianism.
Needless to say, its own spiritual status is naturally three digits.
As a reward for defeating the three-digit demon king, a three-digit spiritual status is directly given.
This move is not inconsiderate.
Su Mo himself already possesses the godhead of Welleslana.
Godhood and Spirituality added together.
As long as he wants.
You can directly accept this inheritance and become a three-digit existence.
With his current strength.
Directly becoming a three-digit number, although it can no longer be called a step up to the sky in terms of combat effectiveness.
However, there are still qualitative changes in form.
Only need a little hands.
can be a three-digit number.
Such opportunities are rare.
“This doesn’t seem to be the ceremony I was waiting for.”
Su Mo frowned.
After entering the foggy space at first.
He already had a premonition that in Hakoniwa, he was about to usher in the opportunity to become a demon god.
Now, however, the opportunity to become a triple digit is at hand.
Su Mo didn’t feel anything special.
That is.
According to the path of the Forbidden World, the method of achieving triple digits has nothing to do with the spiritual status of Bahram in front of him.
Once I have completely accepted Bahram’s inheritance.
Directly become the words of Bahram, the God of Victory of the new generation.
The chance to become a god according to the path of the forbidden world will disappear immediately.
After all, the realm of gods cannot be stepped into repeatedly.
So here comes the problem.
Should he fully accept Bahram’s inheritance now and become a three-digit all-around field?
Or wait for the time being, and wait until soon after Absolute Evil Azi?
Think for a while.
Su Mo quickly made a decision!
“IWant it all! ”
Only children make choices, and adults will not let them go.
After all, Bahram’s Lingge would not run away even if he held it in his hands.
It’s better not to accept all spiritual inheritance, just use it as a pendant.
Wait until the ceremony of becoming a god in the forbidden world comes.
First rely on your own strength to become a demon god.
Come again to receive the Linger of Bahram.
“In this way, I can have two three-digit spiritual status at the same time.”
Su Mo stroked his chin and nodded in satisfaction.
“Simply perfect’-!”
Just have to wait a few months.
It can achieve omnipotence in both fields.
This is simply blood money!
Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, Su Mo added Bahram’s spiritual status in the gift card to himself.
His spirit power skyrocketed again.
Because Su Mo did not choose to fully accept the inheritance.
It’s just because Bahram’s spirit is regarded as a transformation mode such as Ultraman Tiga, and it resides on him.
Today’s Su Mo, in terms of personality, is still only four digits.
However, if it is purely based on the scale of the spiritual power.
His current spiritual scale is only one line behind the three-digit level existence.
Even in the four-digit exception, his spiritual scale is uniquely powerful.
If Su Mo chooses to activate Bahramlinger.
His spiritual capacity is not only short of a line, but equivalent to a complete three-digit number.
But for Su Mo, this can only be used as a trump card.
What he wants more is to achieve the Demon God Domain by himself.
Then come to superimpose power.
the other side……
Feeling the rising of Su Mo’s Lingge breath.
Canary, Leticia and the others all showed joy.
It is something to be happy that a companion can become stronger so quickly.
My main god is Kaguya
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