Di Shitian’s attitude was very open.
And of course.
This attitude was spurned by the two women present.
Leticia held Su Mo’s hand with a very vigilant expression.
Block Su Mo behind her.
“Su Mo, don’t listen to this indiscreet god, it’s wrong!”
Even Leticia, who has always observed etiquette, strongly objected.
Not to mention Canary with a stronger personality.
“Shut up! You useless god!” She unceremoniously reprimanded Di Shitian in front of her.
“Don’t pollute my family, Su Mo, with your dirty thoughts that have nothing but women and pleasure!”
“Su Mo, you also remember to stay away from this useless god in the future.”
“The smell of garbage is contagious!”
After finishing speaking, Canary also stood in front of Su Mo.
The two girls were like old hens, keeping Su Mo firmly behind them.
I don’t know, but I thought Di Shitian was a chicken thief!
Seeing this scene, Di Shitian was a little speechless.
“Garbage or something is too much!”
“Wealth, sex and alcohol, this is the true soul of a human being!”
He was serious and nonsensical, so he had no choice but to give up his plan to entertain Su Mo with a maid.
However, seeing Canary and Leticia being so nervouslook.
Di Shitian rolled his eyes and couldn’t help joking.
“When I said that to Xiaoming before, I didn’t see such a big reaction from you.”
“Hey, is it a canary? You plan to eat young grass with old cows?”
Although it looks only sixteen or seventeen years old.
But Canary has been active in Hakoniwa for more than a thousand years.
In comparison, Su Mo, who just came to Hakoniwa World, can indeed be called “tender grass”.
However, Di Shitian seemed to have forgotten one thing.
——The age of women is an absolute taboo.
“Old cows eat tender grass…hehehehehehe——”
Canary’s whole body showed a darkened aura, and her laughter became a little chilling.
“How dare you say it, you useless god!”
“Speaking of King Asura making such a fuss, hell seems to be understaffed, do you want to die and try?!”
Leticia’s pretty face couldn’t help turning dark.
Although she still lacks awareness of love.
But she was still instinctively dissatisfied with Di Shitian’s behavior of revealing her age in front of Su Mo.
After all, if even a canary is considered an “old cow”.
Isn’t Leticia, the Hakoniwa knight who existed during the dawn of Hakoniwa, an antique?
“Speaking of which, I seem to be an active Demon King?” Intentionally or not, Leticia muttered in a not-so-small voice.
Finally aware of Di Shitian’s murderous intent, cold sweat dripped down his back, and he immediately chose to give up.
“Sorry, I didn’t think twice!”
“You are still young and beautiful girls! You are sixteen years old forever!”
Even he is unwilling to provoke Canary, who is so wise and almost a demon, and Leticia, who is a demon king.
With their circle of friends, it’s really not a difficult task if they want to make trouble for him.
Chapter 376 The Sovereignty of the Moon Pure Green Glazed Heart
After Di Shitian confessed. Canary and the others let him go.
Although they were very dissatisfied with Di Shitian’s attempt to lure Su Mo to do bad things.
However, what Di Shitian said was not wrong.
Heaven is indeed not a place you can come to often.
Especially for Su Mo, this is the first experience.
So, they planned to stay here for a few days and take Su Mo to visit Mount Sumeru.
Around Mount Sumeru, there are eight mountains and eight seas.
Counting Mount Sumeru itself, there are nine mountains, eight seas and three rounds in total.
For twelve days, all the guardians live here.
The top of Mount Sumeru where Indra lived.
This is the most respected and luxurious position in this area.
It can be seen from this that his respected status in Buddhism.
The previous six hells destruction event.
Now it has spread.
No matter how much Buddhism wants to cover up the news.
It is still impossible to hide the fact that Asura King degenerated into a Demon King.
So, of course.
As a human being, he defeated the three-digit omnipotent field-level demon king.
Su Mo’s name was soon known by various forces.
Therefore, when walking in Mount Sumeru.
The Dharma protector Yasha or Kinna Luo song girl along the way, after seeing Su Mo and his party, their eyes were either frightened or reverent.
In short, they dare not come close.
For this fierce god who almost wiped out the Asura clan.
Even these natural gods and Buddhas can’t help but stay away from them.
This opened Canary’s eyes.
Although “Arcadia” had a good record in the past, not only did they work together to solve the final trial of human beings, but they also defeated many four-figure demon kings.
However, it is probably because of the inherent arrogance of the born gods and Buddhas.
Even a human hero like Takaaki Kasukabe is often provoked and looked down upon by the natural gods and Buddhas.
Many natural gods and Buddhas felt that Kasukabe Takaaki was just lucky and found a soft persimmon.
Therefore, no matter how low-key Kasukabe Takaaki is.
It is also often provoked.
It is common to be forced to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and then pretend to be slapped in the face.
Therefore, they have never experienced such treatment as they are now.
It is the first time they have seen these natural gods and Buddhas scared into such a state just by their reputation.
Not to mention provoking Su Mo.
No one dared to meet Su Mo’s eyes.
I’m afraid that this human hero will directly force him to become a demon king.
Seeing in front of them, even the soldiers from the Heavenly Army all looked trembling.
Canary couldn’t help but feel a little funny.
“It seems that the reputation of our Arcadia has risen to a higher level among the gods.”
Su Mo had a helpless expression.
“A bad reputation is indeed easier to spread than a good reputation.”
“The one who defeated the Demon King should be the respectable Yingjie, right?”
“Why do I feel that this group of guys completely regard me as a devil-like guy and are on guard?”
Looking around, none of the large number of heavenly troops dared to look him in the face.
All of them were peeking out of the corner of their eyes.
Su Mo was speechless.
But Canary looked like the situation in front of her was very interesting, and spread her hands with a smile.
“According to the gossip outside, King Asura was forced to become a demon king because he was a three-digit figure and couldn’t beat mere human beings.
“Although King Asura himself is indeed responsible for his own depravity.”
“However, the young Yingjie who can turn people into demon kings is no less terrifying than the demon king himself!”
Although it’s just a gossip rumor.
But the spread of this rumor was surprisingly wide.
I don’t know, it was a smoke bomb put by Buddhism to cover up the relationship between King Ashura and Ahura.
My main god is Kaguya
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