That lovable figure captured his whole attention.
“Woo… so disgusting!”
Vera couldn’t help but let out a groan.
Just being looked at is disgusting.
In a sense, Maxwell’s greasiness is indeed beyond imagination, almost reaching the level of gift.
“Hitting is kissing and scolding is love, my lovely bride… Are you acting like a spoiled child to me?”
Maxwell’s words are enough to make people wonder if there is something wrong with his ears.
Or is mentally handicapped.
Even a pervert like Croya can’t stand this kind of human oil.
“In terms of perversion, I would like to call you the strongest, so you go to hell!”
The Grim Reaper, who holds the realm of life and death, launched an attack on Maxwell’s Demon.
At the same time, the Ritian Lion cheered up, and together with Jack the Pumpkin Head, guarded Vera.
Two four-digit beings who also possessed the gift of realm launched a death fight.
Unfortunately, Maxwell’s demons can always be restored no matter how many times they are destroyed.
If that’s the case, it won’t make the two of them helpless.
After all, the daily Leo is sovereign over the Leo Sun.
It can be used to summon the corona that destroys everything.
Although in terms of destructive power, it may not be as good as the simulated star creation map of Reverse Izayoi.
But it is not difficult to completely kill Demon King Maxwell.
The problem is that.
“It’s the authority of this sponsor again… Isn’t this guy’s game too cheating?!”
“Even if you become a demon king, the price is not enough. Can this kind of gift game really be allowed?” Croya, who was forcibly pulled into the game, couldn’t help complaining.
If it weren’t for the other party’s gift game (beae), it would be too cheating.
With the strength of the two of them, it is really no problem to deal with the mere Demon King Maxwell.
“I always feel that the style of this game… is a bit inexplicably familiar.”
Ritian Lion also sensed a certain sense of déjà vu, but was unable to make a further judgment.
For the twenty-fourth time, the two were involved in Maxwell’s demon—no, it should be called Maxwell’s demon king’s gift game.
Then, just like the previous encounter.
Even if the two of them solved the puzzle of the game.
But still unable to meet the conditions for victory.
“If my deduction is correct, if I don’t have that kind of realm power, I can’t win at all!”
Croya complained helplessly.
The Ritian lion continued the dull fight without saying a word.
The battlefield of several people is surrounded by fire dragons from the “Salamandra” community.
But no one hastily stepped into the battlefield where the four-digit level exists.
As a result, the city of brilliant flames fell into turmoil.

The center of the city.
On the roof of the tallest building, there is a man looking over here.
The reason why he is called a man is because apart from this point, he has no characteristics at all.
His face was indistinguishable, and his clothes were indistinct.
It makes people unable to understand “what they belong to”, “where they come from” and “for what”.
This is a man who has suppressed his sense of existence to an infinitely thinner level.
Holding the magic book in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of the man’s mouth.
Beside him, seeing the smiling female demon La Ting, felt a chill.
Worship evil in the world;
Play and sigh in hell;
Borrow the hand of death on the battlefield;
I like to dance on cliffs.
Contains what can be called extremely ugly, a man who belongs to the evil will, and has a demonic nature far stronger than Maxwell’s demon king.
“It looks like Maxwell is having a lot of fun!”
“I don’t know what kind of method that young Yingjie named Su Mo will use.What about defeating him? ”
When Su Mo was mentioned, the man looked expectantly.
It was as if the sight in front of him was not worth mentioning.
Only Yingjie named Su Mo is the target he really cares about.
Hear this.
La Ting at the side felt extremely incredible.
“Master, what do you mean… that hero can break your game?”
“Is this impossible?”
It’s not that La Ting is ignorant of Su Mo’s achievements in defeating the three-digit demon king with a four-digit body.
But, even knowing this, she still spoke like this.
Because, Maxwell’s Demon King’s gift game was organized by the master in front of him.
She saw the master in front of her with her own eyes, rewriting and reconstructing the gift game with the power of a poet.
Directly transform it into a BUG-level clause.
It is impossible to crack this game simply by being powerful.
Even if the opponent is a three-digit number, it won’t work.
And, it’s not all.
Conditions for winning the game.
Even if the other party is experienced and has solved the puzzle of the gift game.
It is also almost impossible to achieve the victory condition.
Seeing the refactoring of the game with her own eyes, she once wondered whether the game could really exist, and whether the Hakoniwa center was broken?
If it is not broken, why can such outrageous rules be allowed to stand.
Even with a poet spirit, it should not be able to be reconstructed to this point.
It’s not that she has little knowledge, but that the conditions for victory are too outrageous.
More luck than strength and resourcefulness.
And it’s luck even lower than one in a billion.
Therefore, she doesn’t think anyone can crack the game created by her master.
Even the strongest young Yingjie can’t do it.
In the final analysis–
“If you don’t master that kind of realm gift, it’s impossible to win, right?”
And even if you know the victory conditions.
It is almost impossible to obtain the gift of realm.
The Queen of Halloween is not such a good-natured existence.
But in the face of La Ting’s suspicion.
The man with the spirit of a poet didn’t care at all.
“If that Yingjie is the one I am looking forward to, he will definitely not be able to overcome this kind of game.”
“You know, after this, there is still the trial of the real devil waiting for him!”.
Chapter 381: The Endpoint of Evolution The Protoss of Fairy Tail World
It is unclear what happened in the lower Hakoniwa. At this time, Su Mo was thinking about the contents of the intelligence.
It can be confirmed according to the information sent by Croya and Ritian Lion.
The Maxwell Demon has not only obtained the authority of the sponsor.
Moreover, it also built its own gift game.
Although the specific content of the gift game is not yet known.
But, (:This “? book is sorted by [‘.F?lipped]! (more; new,; book link; link 1!3!4’?3’1’77:47!’8) Lian Keluo A game that neither Asia nor Ritian Lions can crack.
It must have added a lot of conditions that are beneficial to the sponsor.
Generally speaking, rules that are too one-sided in the sovereign authority game will be regarded as a malicious use of the authority of the sponsor.
In other words, it will be regarded as a demon king.
Naturally, Maxwell’s demon doesn’t care too much about being branded as a demon king.
However, if it was only the advantage of being degenerated into a demon king, the two of them should not fail.
My main god is Kaguya
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