And, you can change into any Pokémon appearance as you like.
It can be said that Dream alone is almost equivalent to the total gene pool of all Pokémon.
If you can study its genes in depth.
It will be possible for Su Mo to directly obtain the genes and powers of all Pokémon.
In this case, it is completely possible to light up a large leaf of the “Life Evolution Tree” he holds at once.
And compared to the characteristics of the dream itself.
The huge gene pool contained in the dream is nothing.
“Gather all the power of all creatures on yourself…”
“This characteristic is even closer to the focus of the evolutionary tree than Takaaki Kasukabe’s “Life Catalog”. ”
Rather than using too much, it will turn itself into a “life catalog” that turns into a monster like a synthetic beast.
No matter how you look at it, the evolutionary method of Dream is the correct result of the evolutionary tree.
If this feature can be extracted.
Su MobianCan greatly improve the degree of completion of the gift “Life Evolution Tree” held by oneself.
Although I don’t know what the end point of the theory of evolution is.
But Su Mo had a vague feeling.
This is definitely not inferior to the third type of perpetual motion mechanism.
If done.
Maybe it can trigger a historical transition period stronger than the third perpetual mechanism. Four.
Chapter 382: A Newcomer Appears in the History of the All-Day Star Map
Hear Su Mo’s question from Hakoniwa World. Su Mo of Pokémon World nodded.
“A few days ago in outer space, I encountered the Rift Seat. After beating it up, I found Gulardo and Kyoka by the way.”
“As soon as I finished fighting these three beasts and collecting the basic materials, Meng Meng took the initiative to run to me.”
“Sure enough, this is the attraction of pure people to divine beasts!”
Su Mo of the Pokémon World is mainly responsible for researching various forms of Pokémon.
Thereby obtaining the corresponding Pokémon transformation template.
This trip to find the divine beast was something he had already planned.
It’s just that I didn’t expect that apart from obtaining the hair and other materials of Rikuza and the others.
It was an unexpected surprise that I could still meet Mengmeng.
Hear him say that.
Su Mo of Little Garden World couldn’t help but complain.
“No, no, that has nothing to do with attractiveness, does it?”
“No matter how you look at it, Mengmeng is afraid that you will kill the other three beasts, so that’s why she showed up?”
Like other mythical beasts, Dream should also have some kind of duty to protect the world.
That’s why it appeared to stop Su Mo.
“And after that?”
Su Mo from Hakoniwa World asked “093”.
“After that, Dream was temporarily raised by me.”
Su Mo of Pokémon World spread his hands.
“This guy seems to like the energy cube I made very much, so he won’t leave if he lives with me.”
“Taking this opportunity, I’ve been researching the genetic makeup of dreams for the past few days…Unfortunately, not much progress has been made.”
The genetic material of Pokémon is very similar to that of humans in some aspects.
More than 90% of the genes are silent and not expressed.
Therefore, it is quite troublesome to study.
Even if Su Mo has developed PCR technology.
It is not impossible to sort the base pairs of Pokémon genes in batches.
But the DNA of Pokémon is much more complicated than that of humans.
In such a short period of time, he did not get much results.
“The only achievement is that I ruled out the hypothesis you mentioned earlier.” Su Mo from Pokémon World spread his hands and said.
“Dream doesn’t have the genes of all Pokmon in its body at the same time, which itself is impossible.”
There are hundreds of types of Pokémon known so far.
If so many different types of genes are really superimposed together.
The genetic code of that creature is estimated to be like a mountain of code maintained by more than a dozen programmers.
With such a blueprint for life, there is no way to give birth to a Pokémon like Dream.
At most, only monsters like Chimera can be born.
“However, according to my research, it is different from Diversity’s transformation. After Dream switches form, the genes will indeed change accordingly.”
Ditto that can also transform into other Pokémon.
An excellent reference for comparing fantasy powers.
As a scientific researcher, Su Mo would naturally not let this go.
After experimenting, he found out.
Ditto’s transformation relies on recombinant cells, which are cell-level transformations that allow it to transform into other Pokémon.
However, after the dream transformation, even the genes will be changed together.
Moreover, the genes of the Pokémon after dream transformation are almost exactly the same as the type after transformation.
“So, I got a bold hypothesis.”
Su Mo from Pokémon World introduced it seriously.
“Dream is not a Pokémon with a blueprint for all life.”
“The reason why it can obtain all the powers of Pokémon is because it has the ultimate self-transformation ability.”
“To put it simply, it can rewrite its own genes with its own will, thus gaining the power of all life.”
Rewrite your genes with your own will.
It is easy to think of the power of Hakoniwa World’s “Life Directory”.
This gift used by Takaaki Kasukabe is because it will superimpose various Eudemons and beast spirits.
It will cause the users of the “Life Directory” to have their spiritual status mixed with the spiritual status of various animals.
The human factor itself will therefore continue to decrease.
Although one is from the perspective of genetics, the other is from the perspective of spiritual transformation.
But at its root, it’s the same type of power.
They all absorb various animal factors and then integrate them into a stronger life state.
After confirming this.
I can’t help but let people daydream.
If enough sample is absorbed.
In the end… what kind of creature can it evolve into?
Su Mo of the Pokémon World is also very curious about this.
“The difficulty of obtaining fantasy power is not at the same level as the difficulty of other Pokémon powers.”
Think of the hard work of the past few days.
Su Mo from Pokémon World couldn’t help but complain.
“Even if it’s the divine beast Cracking the Seat, its power analysis is not 100% as troublesome as Dream.”
“The power of directly modifying the genetic factors themselves cannot be studied biologically.”
“According to the usual method, it is almost impossible to obtain the power of fantasy.”
“Unless I kill it with one knife, and then use receiving magic to receive the soul, I can’t think of any way.”
The most important thing in scientific research is the theoretical basis.
Facing this bug-level creature that can rewrite its own genes, even Su Mo couldn’t find any way to gain its power.
in his character, and can’t do the thing of hacking Mengmeng directly and receiving the soul.
“I came here this time just to ask if you have any good ideas!”
Su Mo of the Pokémon World stated his purpose.
In the present when conventional research methods are ineffective.
There was really nothing he could do.
So I want to see myself in other worlds and see if there is any inspiration.
After hearing his words.
A smile appeared on the corner of Su Mo’s mouth in Hakoniwa World.
“Hmph… At this time, it’s my turn to go out.”
My main god is Kaguya
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