“oh, I see……”
Lianzi nodded without asking any further questions.
Keep going in silence.
It turns out.
A loser is a loser.
Even if Su Mo disappeared for more than half a year, his position in Lianzi’s heart has not changed at all.
Don’t look at how arrogant Yakumo Zi was when she pretended to be aggressive.
Actually, let alone a wedding.
In fact, Meili hasn’t been with Usami Renko for more than half a year.
The golden retriever is a defeated dog, sincerity does not deceive me.
Chapter 388 Unified Field Theory
Within the foggy space. Su Mo opened his eyes and found a white fog in front of him.
“Mist… I remember that Cuixiang and Remilia both have this power, but Remilia’s should be red blood mist.”
As for Cuixiang, this bold ghost girl probably has no reason to use her ability on herself.
Not to mention that Su Mo and Yibuki Cuixiang have a good relationship.
Simply with his fragile human body.
There is no need to use abilities on him at all.
One punch can easily knock him down.
Therefore, the sight in front of me is very strange.
So, after observing for a while, Su Mo immediately walked forward.
Knowing the fragility of human beings, he knew that if the other party was hostile to him, he would have died long ago.
So, don’t worry too much, just go ahead and explore.
Thinking of this, he quickly passed through the fog and came to the square.
Then, I saw four people who looked exactly like me.
“You are—”
Just about to ask.
Suddenly, his eyes blurred, and he realized that the four of them had arrived in front of him and surrounded him in the blink of an eye.
“Welcome newcomers!” X4! !
He was slapped by four slaps one after another.
“and many more!”
Haven’t had time to resist.
He felt the power that was constantly emerging in his body.
He was completely shocked by the vast and huge spiritual power like the sea of ​​stars.
“This is me, invincible in the blink of an eye?”
“Hiss! What the hell kind of goldfinger is this? 14 This is too—— delicious!”
He hadn’t expected it to be such a development.
Even if he thought about it before, it would be Goldfinger.
But at best, it’s just a fantasy, there can be a system that assists and becomes stronger.
By constantly doing tasks and getting rewards, you can dominate Gensokyo. Isn’t this the kingly plot?
But what is going on now.
Immediately invincible after getting the golden finger?
Will this really not affect the balance of combat power?
Just thinking about it for a moment, Su Mo immediately shook his head.
Let’s hang up! Hanging incense!
What struggle can be crushed!
What balance is needed to be invincible!
Before myself, I had already felt enough of the powerlessness of being an ordinary person.
Isn’t it normal to feel invincible now? !
“It looks like there’s no need to befriend loli!”
Su Mo sighed.
I don’t know if I was relieved, or felt a little pity.
Stare – X4.
Hearing his words, the other four Su Mo’sHis eyes immediately sharpened.
“I seem to… heard some strange words.”
Su Mo from Pokémon World looked at the newcomer with scrutiny.
“Hiss! Pang Fu Loli… I never thought you would have such an idea as a rookie!”
Su Mo’s eyes in Little Garden World were painful.
It seems to be seeing a good young man go astray.
Full of regret and lamentation.
“It’s just—”
Su Mo in the world of Game Life shook his head deeply.
Wanted to say something, but couldn’t.
Like a very disappointed parent.
Finally, Su Mo from Fairy Tail World made a conclusion.
“This is simply—”
“It’s so enviable!” X4!
Everyone nodded.
Envy was written in his eyes.
The newcomer Su Mo questioned the Su Mos in front of him.
It’s not that he has a problem, but that he feels that these seniors have problems.
After talking for a long time, I thought I would be criticized, but I didn’t expect it to be envy.
“As expected of me!”
After thinking for a long time, he could only sigh in this way.
“It’s not a bad thing to be rich and lolita.” Su Mo from the Little Garden World said eloquently.
“If possible, I also want to be taken care of by Shiraiyasha!”
“I don’t need a lot of maintenance fees, just give me a dozen sun sovereignty!”
Hearing this, the others were speechless.
The value of more than a dozen sun sovereignty is only a lot more than the simulated star creation map.
Even Bai Yasha couldn’t bear this kind of maintenance fee!
But then again.
If Bai Yasha is really willing to spend more than a dozen sun sovereigns as maintenance fees.
There is probably no one who would refuse.
Even the newcomers nodded in agreement.
Then, he realized something.
“Sovereignty of the sun?! Are you traveling through the Hakoniwa world?”
Although he has already shared the knowledge and power, he hasn’t had time to classify and digest it.
After learning that Su Mo had traveled to the world of Hakoniwa.
Only then did he nod his head in understanding.
“It’s no wonder that we can share such terrifying power. It turns out that there is such a powerful world!”
The beginning of some worlds is the end of some worlds.
If he stayed in Gensokyo, Su Mo estimated that it would be difficult for him to reach seven figures in his entire life.
But if you travel to Little Garden, it’s another matter.
Subconsciously, the rookie thought that most of the shared power came from Hakoniwa.
However, after hearing his words.
Su Mo in Hakoniwa World shook his head.
“No, you’re wrong about that.”
“Actually, before you came, I was the purest Mengxin, and I only arrived a while before you.”
My main god is Kaguya
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