He is also the type who likes to hold grudges.
See the expression of the newcomer.
Su Mo of Hakoniwa World also guessed something.
He could only look at the monster sage with pity.
——Who is wrong to offend? mess with him? !
This monster sage is finished.
“Just remember to get the power of the realm!” Su Mo from Hakogari World reminded, without asking carefully.
“no problem!”
Su Mo of Gensokyo World nodded.
Yakumo Zi is a monster born from the realm.
A person is a race.
So, of course, her power can be absorbed by the “Life Evolution Tree”.
In addition, with the power of the contract, Su Mo can easily accept Yakumo Zi as a familiar and directly control her power.
With the strength reaching Su Mo’s level, there are as many means as there are stars to achieve the goal.
There is basically no difficulty in obtaining such things as realm power.
“I just don’t know how far we can play if we master the power of the realm.”
Su Mo of Gensokyo World touched his chin, and temporarily put Yakumozi’s affairs aside.
The ability to manipulate realms is the ability to subvert everything in the world from the very beginning.
As we all know, because of the existence of realms, everything can be established.
A lake cannot exist without a water surface;
Neither mountains nor sky can exist without ridges;
Without the great barrier of Gensokyo, Gensokyo cannot exist.
If there is no realm, then everything in the world will become a huge chaos? .
In Hakoniwa World, the gift of realm is also one of the most cherished gifts.
Life and death, day and night, cold and heat…
The four-digit God of Death, Croya, and the four-digit Maxwell Demon, the power they possess is nothing more than a kind of realm power.
If you want to get to the bottom of it.
In terms of the nature of ability.
The power of manipulating the realm possessed by Yakumo Zi is the same in nature as the power of the three-digit breakthrough level Halloween Queen.
It is not about grasping a certain type of realm, but mastering the concept of “realm” itself.
This is an exceptional level ability that can rival the power of the Creator God.
No matter how strong the nature of power isBig, if the effort is not enough, it is just a joke.
The power of the realm that Yakumo Zi possesses can certainly be compared in nature to the three-digit Halloween queen.
But in terms of mastering and exerting this power, they are far from each other.
With the strength of Yakumo Zi Daiyoukai level.
Even if you have the power of the realm.
The actual combat power is only at the level of a godhead.
In Hakoniwa’s strength division, it is only a five-digit division.
It is very different from the all-around field with three-digit breakthrough level.
That’s why Su Mo had this doubt.
Even if you have obtained the power of Yakumo Zi’s realm.
He also didn’t think that he could directly gain the realm control power comparable to the Queen of Halloween.
That’s totally unrealistic.
However, with his current strength, even if he has just mastered the realm, he will never be as weak as a beginner.
One way is a hundred ways.
Having mastered countless martial arts and magic, he is no stranger to the power of the realm.
“At least it should be able to play to the level of four to five figures, right?”
Su Mo from Fairy Tail World guessed.
Vigorously miracle.
With his current huge spiritual capacity, even if he learns a fireball technique, he can easily create a large fireball at the level of destroying the country.
Not to mention the weird and dangerous power of Realm.
“That’s about the same estimate.”
Su Mo from Hakoniwa World nodded, apparently having the same opinion as “Fairy Tail” Su Mo.
“Anyway, I just need to use this power to insure for the gift game in the future.”
“As the power to unlock the conditions of the game, this level is enough.”
He just wanted the power of the gift as insurance.
In fact, the general gift game, no matter how much it is expanded and explained by the poet, it will not appear that you must master the power of the realm to crack it.
That would be too buggy.
Although there are not no poets who are capable of doing so.
However, from an aesthetic point of view, this kind of cheating behavior is not even as good as the devil.
People with a little bit of style should disdain it.
After hearing what they said, Su Mo from the game life world spoke.
“.-For the newcomers, besides the power of the realm, there is obviously another thing worthy of attention, right?”
“Haven’t you all noticed that the level of technological development on the side of the newcomers has far surpassed that of the 21st century?”
He pointed out something that few others ignored for a while.
The outside world, generally speaking, is just the background board of the story of Gensokyo.
There are not many portrayals in the original work, but it can still be seen as an almost sci-fi future.
And based on the knowledge shared from the newcomers.
Su Mo was surprised to find that outside of Gensokyo, the unified field theory was almost completed.
A problem that has plagued the physics community for hundreds of years.
It has been unlocked in that world.
This made him have to care.
“Strong interaction force, weak interaction force, electromagnetic force, universal gravitation… all four forces have been unified. In other words, the operation of all forces has reached a theoretical end!”
“That is the unified field theory that unifies all mechanics.”
“If we can thoroughly digest and absorb this knowledge, the superpower gravity manipulation we possess can directly reach a new level!”
The development status of Academy City.
It is the unity of the electromagnetic force and the strong and weak interaction forces.
Among the four basic (nuohao) forces, only gravity is like an orphan, which cannot be integrated together.
This is also the reason why Su Mo’s super power has always reached the bottleneck.
But now, with a new and complete theory, he is fully capable of breaking through this bottleneck.
“If this theory is really perfect, we may be able to reach the three-digit omnipotent field with a scientific cosmology, or even higher!”
Su Mo of the game life world said very seriously.
If the cosmology of basic physics on the scientific side is perfected, it will definitely not be weaker than the cosmology of the gods.
If it can really improve the basic physical universe view on the scientific side.
That’s not just a three-digit attack.
It is very likely that it is the merit of the double-digit universe truth level.
If this theory can perfect the entire universe model and thoroughly reveal all phenomena in the entire universe.
That will even become a theory beyond the domain of authority, reaching the level of the multiverse.
So, he couldn’t help but not care.
Chapter 390 The Computing Power of the Red and White Miko Machina in Paradise
Cosmology is the foundation of the existence of the gods. A cosmology is, as the name implies, an explanation of why the universe is made.
If the Zoroastrian view of the universe dominates the world.
According to the dualism of good and evil.
The whole world will be caught in an endless struggle between good and evil.
Only those who stick to good thoughts, good words and good deeds can reach a bright future.
If the Christian cosmology dominates the world.
Then everyone will be buried in the principle of original sin.
It will be a gray world where there is no distinction between good and evil, justification by faith, and no distinction between black and white.
My main god is Kaguya
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