Why don’t you just come back and find him?
Back then, when Su Mo first came to Fantasy Township.
There is also a lot of food for Lingmeng.
Two people sharing a bowl of gruel, now that I think about it, it is indeed a bit miserable.
But at that time, Lingmeng never rejected Su Mo.
Naturally, Su Mo would not care about these things to her.
Therefore, compared to why the food ran out so quickly, he was more concerned about why Lingmeng came to him until he was almost starved and passed out.
And in the face of Su Mo’s well-founded questioning.
Hakurei Reimu’s expression froze, and her already slender figure looked a little smaller.
“I just want to work hard… I don’t want to be a useless person who would starve without you…”
She muttered very quietly.
In the past few months, thanks to Su Mo’s help.
Reimu was able to live a normal life.
Although it is difficult to say that the daily diet is rich, it can also be called abundance.
However, in this case.
Lingmeng found that her dependence on Su Mo seemed to be getting higher and higher.
For Hakurei Miko, this is not a good thing.
What Hakurei Miko needs to maintain is the balance of Gensokyo.
It is best not to get too close to humans and monsters.
At this point, she is 14Yu Marisa and Cuixiang have the same attitude.
In addition, Su Mo just delivered so much food, she was too embarrassed to ask Su Mo for another meal.
In this way, the current situation has been created.
Hearing this, Su Mo blinked and understood Lingmeng’s meaning.
Don’t look at Reimu’s usual unscrupulous behavior, she seems to be very close.
But in fact, her inner character is quite cold.
The responsibility of being Hakurei Miko makes it difficult for her to open her heart and accept others.
It is not an easy task to really walk into her heart.
Therefore, Su Mo did not delve into Lingmeng’s idea.
he just asked.
“You said you have to work hard, then what?”
hear this.
Reimu covered her cheeks as if giving up, and said with a look of despair.
“I don’t know if I don’t work hard. After working hard, I realized that I am really a waste who can only starve without you.”
Life is not easy, the urban management sighed.
Wanting to rely on herself, Lingmeng, who lived for a few days, suddenly found that all the ways she used to make money were gone.
Originally, she would occasionally help exorcise monsters in the world to get paid.
But now this winter, most monsters are going to hibernate and rarely come out.
Coupled with Meihong’s high-intensity patrols, no one gave her a commission.
The only means of making money is useless.
The next thing to do is to wait for Yakumo Zi to feed.
After all, Hakurei Miko is a very important existence.
Yokai Sage won’t let her really starve to death.
However, since Su Mo took over the task of feeding the Hakuli Miko.
Yakumo Zi never came to feed Reimu again.
This is also natural.
As long as you know Su Mo’s habit of feeding a large amount of food regularly every week, you will never worry about Lingmeng’s food reserves.
Although Yakumo Zi has a lot of opinions on Su Mo because of Yu Zuo’s meeting with Lian Zi.
He felt that he was unloved, and dared to mock himself.
Simply audacious.
But because of this, she also knew Su Mo quite well.
Knowing that Su Mo had contracted Lingmeng’s meals, Yakumozi felt relieved.
Even if Lingmeng was hungry, she would go to Su Mo.
As long as Su Mo didn’t die, Lingmeng would be fine.
This kind of trust in a rival in love is quite subtle, but it really exists.
Therefore, I was only focused on spying on Yakumo Zi on Su Mo’s side, and was negligent for a while, forgetting to feed Reimu.
This caused Reimu’s final insurance to fail.
So, almost hit the street.
Seeing the dejected Lingmeng in front of him, Su Mo felt a little funny.
“Isn’t it good to be a useless person? Among other things, I can still afford a mere red and white witch!”
Before gaining strength, he didn’t dare to make such an assertion.
After all, in Gensokyo, power is a more important currency than money.
However, after sharing their own power in other worlds.
Su Mo said this with confidence.
Let alone a mere Hakurei Miko.
With his current strength, it is not difficult to dominate Gensokyo and turn the entire Gensokyo into his own harem paradise.
Hear what Su Mo said.
Reimu couldn’t help complaining.
“Could it be possible that you can still support me for the rest of my life?”
This sentence was just casually said. However, what she didn’t expect was——
“no problem!”
Su Mo replied without hesitation.
Reimu raised his head involuntarily.
Two pairs of dark pupils looked at each other.
Lingmeng’s expression became a little dazed.
Su Mo’s eyes… looked familiar…
It’s like the person I met when I was very young.
The reason why Lingmeng agreed to Cuixiang’s nonsense was not purely because she was curious about the taste of the wine, she was not very interested in wine.
In fact, Reimu just remembered, some broken memories.
I remember when I was a child, I was still a red and white little dumpling, and I didn’t inherit the title of Hakurei Miko.
There seems to be a red and white shrine maiden wearing a mask who made this rice wine with herself.
Unfortunately, this memory has long been blurred.
Reimu only vaguely remembered that the big red and white witch had a gentle smile.
And the fights are great.
The only downside is…seems like a dork.
However, to ask the most impressive.
It is the pupil of that witch.
Those were the same jet-black pupils as Reimu’s.
It is as deep and quiet as a pool of water, and the eyes looking at Reimu are also very gentle…
It’s like, it’s like——
Just like Su Mo in front of him.
After regaining consciousness in a trance, Lingmeng realized that she had moved to Su Mo’s side at some point.
“What’s wrong?” Su Mo asked suspiciously.
“No, nothing!”
Reimu immediately shook his head.
Regarding the vague figure in her memory, even she herself is not sure whether it exists, so there is no need to say it.
So, after a little silence, Reimu suddenly remembered something.
“By the way, Su Mo, how did you wake me up before?”
Although in a coma, I didn’t feel much. (?.This “book is organized by [F’l?i;;pp,e.?d”]; )
But the life grace of the sun power is a very long-lasting power.
My main god is Kaguya
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