However, doing so is just physical punishment.
It will inevitably make people feel a little inadequate.
He wanted to inflict psychological punishment on Yakumo Zi so that she could really learn a lesson.
It is necessary to give her some visible hope.want things.
Hope itself, only at the moment of collapse, will appear precious.
But in front of him, the opportunity given by Su Mo.
Like a carrot caught in front of a donkey.
After hearing Su Mo’s merciless words.
Yakumo Zi thought for two seconds, then nodded immediately.
“Okay, I am willing to accept the punishment.”
She made her choice immediately.
Although Su Mo’s promise was very unreliable, what he promised was just an opportunity to go back on his word at any time.
However, it was in this way that Yakumozi could be sure that what Su Mo said was not a lie.
With the grievances between the two of them.
If Su Mo could readily agree to let her go, then it would be a ghost!
This is the case now, although it is not very reliable.
However, if he can handle it himself, he can at least use it as a bargaining chip in negotiations with Su Mo.
Adding something else, maybe at least the pet contract can be put aside.
In other places, no matter how much the compensation is, as long as it can avoid becoming a pet, it is enough.
Yakumo Zi, who thought so, immediately chose to accept it.
After nodding, she remembered.
“You said punishment… what is the content of the punishment?”
If she was only allowed to live in Gensokyo or the outside world as an ordinary person, the difficulty would be too low.
You know, the situation Su Mo faced back then was much more dangerous.
When the Scarlet Devil Mansion moved in, the silver-haired vampire mutation and the red mist mutation almost affected him as well.
Yakumo Zi didn’t think that Su Mo would let her go so easily.
Su Mo had no intention of answering this question.
“You will experience the fear of powerlessness, and the sadness that cannot be controlled.”
“You only need to ensure that your spirit does not collapse, and that is your victory.”
He just smiled so meaningfully.
Yakumo Zi suddenly felt a chill all over his body.
Then, out of the corner of her eye, she immediately noticed Su Mo’s hand knife slashing at her neck.
However, it was just ordinary people’s skill, which made her completely unable to react.
Zi Yakumo’s eyes went dark, and his consciousness sank into the darkness directly, and he lost consciousness.
In a trance, she noticed an illusion that her soul was stripped away.

I don’t know how long it took before Yakumo Zi woke up.
After regaining consciousness, she couldn’t move her body for some reason.
It’s like a ghost has pressed the bed.
“How is this going?”
I never knew that the human body could be so inconvenient.
Yakumo Zi, who lost her supernatural strength, could only wait patiently.
Fortunately, this situation did not last long.
Soon, she opened her eyes and saw the scene in front of her.
“This is… a human’s bedroom?”
Zi Yakumo couldn’t help but feel a little strange when he saw the familiar furnishings and scenes in front of him.
This strong sense of déjà vu is obviously a place she has been seeing recently.
Just don’t know why, just can’t remember.
However, when her eyes moved from the ceiling to the desk.
Yakumo Zi immediately noticed the photo on the desk.
That is a very beautiful photo.
Under the deep starry sky, Su Mo and Yu Zuojian Lianzi were arguing by the campfire.
It was clearly the scene she had seen in a dream before Su Mo came.
“That is to say… this is Su Mo’s bedroom?”
Yakumo Zi analyzed the current situation in surprise.
Whether it’s touch or vision, it proves that this is the outside world. Lianzi and Mei Li have been to Su Mo’s room countless times.
Although I feel that my body is very heavy and I don’t listen to it.
But this should be the inconvenience of the human body.
Yakumo Zi, who accepted all these facts in front of her, immediately understood the current situation.
After being punished, he lost all his strength and is currently in Su Mo’s room.
So, she subconsciously had some doubts.
“What kind of punishment is this?”
Could it be that his punishment is simply to survive in modern society for half a year?
That doesn’t seem to be a problem!
Just thought about it.
Yakumo Zi heard a voice coming from his throat.
“What’s wrong with me?”
It was a slightly delicate, immature voice.
But the voice itself was no different from Yakumo Zi’s own voice.
Yakumo Zi was startled.
She didn’t speak just now!
When she was still a little confused about the situation.
This somewhat familiar delicate voice spoke again.
“Lianzi, where are you?”
The blond girl called her friend’s name as she got off the bed and walked towards the living room.
Watching a series of movements of his body.
After clearly feeling the cold floor.
Yakumo Zi finally understood what was happening now.
Her consciousness was stuffed into Meili’s body.
But now, Mei Li’s body is completely controlled by Mei Li herself.
Although Zi Yakumo’s five senses are connected to Meili, she doesn’t have the ability to control this body.
Can only receive information passively.
In addition, there seemed to be no communication between her and Meili’s consciousness.
No wonder before, she felt that her hands and feet couldn’t be controlled. It turned out that everything was controlled by Mei Li.
It can be said that now she is experiencing Mei Li’s life like a bystander.
And whether it’s Meili’s physical weakness, or all the physical sensations of 093 in front of her, she can really feel it.
——”Is this what Su Mo said, powerless fear?”
Yakumo Zi immediately understood what Su Mo meant.
Consciousness is trapped in mere ordinary people, and I don’t have the slightest dominance.
Such a self is indeed extremely powerless.
But if it’s just that, it’s still not too severe a punishment.
After all, Mei Li usually didn’t have any special predicament.
Just experiencing her life is not an unbearable experience for the monster sage.
more unlikelyA state of mental breakdown.
Don’t say it’s broken.
Yakumo Zi didn’t even think that Mei Li would encounter something that surprised her.
After all, this is the outside world of the near future.
All this time, Meili has lived a fairly peaceful day.
Think so.
My main god is Kaguya
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