“Is this the meaning of eternal return…”
“Maxwell’s demon is absolutely unable to achieve the reality of death. If this is the case, wouldn’t this condition be unsolvable?”
He realized that the most difficult point of this gift game.
The first condition to break the game is to kill Maxwell’s demon,
However, once the Maxwell demon is really killed, time travel will be triggered.
directly reverse reality.
Bring Maxwell’s demon back to life.
Follow this rule.
Killing Maxwell’s demon is simply impossible.
It’s no wonder that even Croya and the Ritian Lion teamed up can’t handle it.
This game does have two brushes.
Chapter 411 The Realm of Cold and Heat Su Mo Has Already Solved the Puzzle
It is fools who want to kill people who are absolutely impossible to kill. It turns out.
No matter what method or power Su Mo uses.
Relying on the domineering time-space retrospective mechanism of the gift game “Return of Eternal Tribulation”, it is impossible for Su Mo to kill Maxwell’s demon…
Unless he can contain the time reversal.
Otherwise, in any case, it is impossible to achieve the reality of killing Maxwell’s demon.
After confirming the key of the game.
Su Mo showed an interested smile.
“It is completely impossible to go back in time unconditionally and kill Maxwell’s demon.”
“It’s just… From the perspective of probability, there is nothing impossible in the world.”
Therefore, there must be something hidden in it.
Just find the key points.
can turn everything around.
Su Mo was lost in thought.
This is the characteristic of Hakoniwa, the strategy method of gift game.

Not far away, looking at Su Mo who was lost in thought, Canary was also very curious about the puzzle in front of him.
After seeing the scene where Maxwell was resurrected.
She immediately understood Croya’s words.
If this is the case, it completely interferes with the power of the time rule.
It is indeed difficult to deal with.
The solar sovereignty of the Sun and Sky Leo is enough to break the general level of immortality.
However, it has no effect on this kind of undead body that directly interferes with backtracking time.
Let alone pure destructive power.
If it is an undead body of this level.
Even if it is an artifact dedicated to cutting off the undead, it is estimated that it will not be able to fully exert its effect.
“It directly went back in time and space… It really cleverly used the characteristics of the second type of perpetual motion machine!”
In the face of good game design, Canary is not stingy in praising it.
Right now, Maxwell’s Demon game is on this list.
As mentioned before, the role of Maxwell’s mechanism.
It can divide the warm water into one side is cold and the other side is hot, then convectively becomes warm water, and then continue to be divided into cold and hot two sections, and the cycle goes on and on.
The gift held by Maxwell’s demon – the realm of cold and heat, is derived from this power.
For Maxwell’s demon who does not deny the law of entropy increase.
Going back in time was something that was allowed to happen.
It is a very ingenious design to avoid death by going back in time.
In this case.
The first condition that should have been very simple and easy to accomplish.
——Crush the hub of reincarnation.
The mechanism that is directly gifted to the game itself has become an unattainable condition in fact.
in this way……
Game participants can only consider the second condition.
——Neutralize the jurisprudence of falsehood.
And this condition, although it cannot be called absolutely impossible to achieve.
However, it is almost the same.
“To put it bluntly, it is impossible to achieve this without mastering the same realm gift as Maxwell’s demon.”
Croya, the God of Death, spread his hands and revealed the answer to the second winning condition.
The phenomenon of eternal return.
Or it’s called the phenomenon of time regression.
This is originally a phenomenon negated by the law of entropy increase, and should not exist.
Modern science has proved that human development can only go forward like an arrow, and there is no possibility of turning back.
Now, the reason for this phenomenon.
In the final analysis, it is because of the second type of perpetual machine spirit of Maxwell’s demon.
Linguine denied by the law of entropy increase.
After unfolding, nature does not obey the law of entropy increase.
Therefore, the phenomenon of time retrogression, which is impossible to exist, appears with the support of the second type of perpetual motion machine.
I want to remove the time reversal.
If you want to directly eliminate the phenomenon of eternal return.
It is necessary to start with the spirit grid of the second type of perpetual motion machine.
There is also a corresponding hint to the content on the gift game contract.
“False jurisprudence” refers, of course, to the denied Maxwellian demon.
But I want to neutralize this legal principle.
That is to say——
“Competitors must have the realm of cold and heat. Then, use the power that is exactly the opposite of Maxwell’s demon to directly eliminate this phenomenon.”
Croya spoke the answer to the riddle he had resolved.
Then, he said with some depression.
“How can such a thing be done!”
“If you simply need the power of the realm, that’s fine.”
“Directly specifying the holders who must have the gift of cold and heat realm, this is too shameless!”
The prerequisite for the establishment of the gift game is that the game must have the possibility of being cracked.
Moreover, this possibility should not be too far-fetched.
Otherwise, if someone designs his gift game as – “the paradox of omnipotence must be resolved”.
Doesn’t that mean that no existence with a double digit number can break through his gift game?
In that case, even if there is a possibility of being cracked, it is absolutely impossible to be recognized by Hakoniwa Center.
This is the case for the second victory condition in the current Maxwell’s Demon’s Bounty game.
Want to neutralize false jurisprudence.
That is to say, only those who have the gift of cold and heat can crack this game.
The rarity in Hakoniwa with the gift of realm.
This victory condition can basically be called an unattainable type.
“If the opponent didn’t cheat, it’s hard to believe that Hakoniwa Center would approve of this kind of game.”
Death God Kloa said helplessly.
There are two victory conditions.
If there is one of the conditions, the difficulty is not outrageous.
Another condition is absolutely impossibleThe type of achievement, but also harmless.
But now.
In Maxwell’s game, it is obvious that the two winning conditions are absolutely impossible to achieve.
Such a game was never allowed to be established.
Now that he actually appeared in front of his eyes, he didn’t want to do anything other than cheat.
My main god is Kaguya
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