“Generally, in the Demon King’s Gift game, the content of the test is nothing more than three things: “wisdom”, “force”, and “courage”. ”
“Your gift game, the complicated puzzles, the plausible victory conditions…everything is testing the wisdom of the contestants’-”
Su Mo, who has solved all the mysteries, even debunked the restriction of “Eternal Tribulation Return”.
Naturally, it has passed the trial level of “wisdom”.
“And the next, the test is not the category of wisdom. ”
Su Mo picked up a branch casually.
The jet-black armed color is domineering, turning it into a magic weapon.
Su Mo abandoned all power and magic blessings, and stood in front of the four-figure level demon king in front of him with only the most primitive physical fitness.
“Ordinary physical attacks may not be able to break your undead body at this level.”
“However, when the challenger’s martial arts reaches the extreme and touches the realm of the gods, the impossible can become possible.”
The tip of the wooden sword shining with cold light pointed directly at the Maxwell demon in front of him.
The boy with the sword raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly.
“If the way of the sword reaches the realm of transformation, killing the gods is nothing more than turning the palm of your hand.”
“This sword is enough to cut off the undead!”
Not too strong a tone, nor too loud.
However, everyone who heard these words felt a sharp edge that made their eyes sting.
Everyone swallowed at the same time, realizing that Su Mo’s words were not a joke.
“Martial arts at the level of God’s domain?!”
Maxwell’s demon was also shocked.
A hero who can reach this level is rare even in the age of mythology.
Unexpectedly, Su Mo in front of him could do this.
Now, it was too late to escape.
For Su Mo, who also has the gift of realm, no matter where he goes, he can catch him.
Not to mention, Vera was still beside him helping him.
And if you fight…
Seeing the dangerous aura on Su Mo.
Even if he didn’t feel it, it was really possible for the opponent to cut off his own immortal body with a wooden sword.
But he still didn’t dare to risk himself.
At this juncture of life and death, Maxwell’s demon, who sensed the unprecedented threat, finally became ruthless.
The atmosphere suddenly roared.
With Maxwell’s demon at the center, the temperature nearby began to rise rapidly.
And the figure of Maxwell’s demon suddenly began to swell, like a huge balloon, and began to bulge.
Those red eyes were bloodthirsty and crazy, as if they had made some terrible determination.
“Lord Su Mo! He wants to blow himself up!”
Vera behind him suddenly exclaimed.
Obviously aware of the meaning of Maxwell’s demon move.
Last time, when Maxwell’s demon wanted to explode, the temperature in the vicinity dropped completely.
At that time, the Maxwell demon was planning to absorb enough heat, and then kill the enemy by self-explosion.
But this time is different.
The current Maxwell demon simply has no spare energy to absorb heat.
All of his spiritual spaces are occupied by gift games.
He was thorough this time, using his own spirituality as an explosive to explode.
Simply put, it is krypton life.
“If you want to kill me, be prepared to die together.”
The completely crazy Maxwell demon stared at Su Mo in front of him.
All he wanted in his mind was to force Su Mo to stop.
After all, no matter how strong Su Mo is.
With a human body, it is impossible to withstand the self-destruction of a four-digit demon king.
However, he seems to have completely forgotten that Su Mo can escape through the power of the realm, and there is no need to fight hard.
“When did you have the illusion that you are entitled to die with me?”
Su Mo’s very serious tone sounded like a sarcasm with this content.
But it was really from his heart.
The performance of Maxwell’s demon, (;? This book is “arranged” by 【F,!l;!i!pped】(More’ new books; link? “;;13’4?!31:7;74′, 78) does not intimidate him.
On the contrary, he assembled the last piece of the puzzle in Su Mo’s heart.
“The puzzle itself of the gift game is a test of “wisdom”. ”
“Breaking immortality through physical attacks is a test of “force”. ”
“It seems that killing you in time before you finish self-destructing is the final test of “courage”. ”
All the puzzles have been collected.
Su Mo has already analyzed all the intentions of the question maker.
The rest is formal problem solving.
But this is the simplest thing nowadays.
“.-Don’t underestimate people!”
Hearing Su Mo’s rejection.
The Maxwell demon made a decisive decision and launched a self-destruct.
If Maxwell succeeds.
Presumably, in just 0.01 seconds, a huge explosion will sweep across the mountains here, and even spread to the city of brilliant flames in the distance!
However, with Su Mo around, he was doomed to fail.
What happened in this 0.01 second?
Vera only saw Su Mo taking a step forward.
Then everything stands still.
Canary and the others in the distance only saw a flash of light.
Then, the whole world fell silent.
Even the storyteller didn’t see anything clearly.
Only the Maxwell demon who was the closest to Su Mo and the only one who suffered the attack saw the most things.
He stood there sluggishly, not moving.
In the completely dimmed pupils, there was still a reflection of the moment before death.
In that reflection, there was no Su Mo, no fear.
There is only the vertical and horizontal sword light like the starry sky.
The next moment.
A gust of wind blows.
The figure of Maxwell’s demon, like invisible fine sand, disappeared directly with the wind and turned into dust.
The perpetual motion machine demon that caused the historical transformation period-Maxwell Demon King, died completely.
As an upright challenger.
Su Mo overcame the triple trials of “wisdom”, “martial arts” and “courage”, and completely eliminated this demon king.
He stared blankly at the scene in front of him.
The big demon Cangyan with a childlike face covered his mouth in disbelief.
“That pervert… finally died?”
dozensSeconds later, she confirmed this.
Then, he immediately threw himself into Su Mo’s arms, crying and laughing.
“Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! thank you so much!”
Decades of nightmares are now completely resolved.
Vera felt only the joy of reaching heaven.
The baby’s fat little face was covered with tears of joy.
See her like this.
Su Mo stroked her head amusedly, to appease this innocent demon.
at the same time.
My main god is Kaguya
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