In this way, it was still discovered.
This really puzzled them.
Hearing the question from the two, Su Mo twitched his lips.
“If you want to hide it so that I won’t find out, you shouldn’t mention my name.”
The “Oriental God of War” usurped from Veleslana.
Among them, the incarnation of the violent wind allowed Su Mo to teleport directly to the companion who called his name.
This is the original ability.
When Su Mo possessed more and more magical powers.
The power of this authority has also been further strengthened.
In particular, when this power was corrected by Hakoniwa, its power became much stronger.
For Su Mo now, as long as there is wind blowing, if someone mentions his name, he will know.
It is precisely because of this power that he can quickly detect the storyteller’s position and teleport over directly.
“Do you feel a sense when you hear the name?!”
The storyteller sensed what Su Mo meant.
Immediately stunned in surprise.
Inside Little Garden, most of the gods are unable to display this level of power.
Unexpectedly, Su Mo actually mastered this ability.
No wonder, I and others will be exposed.
“Tsk, I see, next time I can’t call you by your name directly!”
The storyteller was slightly speechless, and kept this matter in his heart.
And heard these words.
Su Mo snorted lightly.
“Next time? Do you want to have a next time?”
He is not an idiot, he will not leak information on purpose.
The reason why I don’t mind telling me how I caught them.
It was purely because Su Mo was confident that these two people could not escape.
“The two members of the Alliance of Demon Kings, as the mastermind behind the specially constructed Maxwell’s gift game, I have no reason to let you go!”
Taking a step forward, Su Mo liberated part of his spiritual power.
Even if there is only part of it, it is still to the extent that the two people in front of them cannot match.
Under the pressure of this majestic momentum.
The storyteller took a slight step back.
“Are you going to attack us directly?”
“In Hakoniwa, it is illegal to restrict personal freedom without going through the gift game!”
He tried to restrain Su Mo with words.
An upright young Yingjie should not use such illegal means.
However, on this.
Su Mo didn’t look restrained at all, but just sneered.
“Heh! Are you talking to me, who is a member of the class ruler “Arcadia”? ”
Class rulers are positions established to protect the middle and lower classes.
Class rulers often have to bear the responsibility of fighting against the devil.
At the same time, they also gained a lot of privileges.
The identity of the law enforcement officer is one of them.
Restricted plundering without bounty games.
For others, it may be illegal.
But for Su Mo, who is a law enforcement team, it is just his basic power.
Therefore, no matter how he attacked the two, it would be considered as killing the two in front of him.
As long as no one impeaches him, he is still performing his official duties properly.
I heard Su Mo say that.
The storyteller touched his hat.
“It was my mistake to argue with you verbally.”
With the resourcefulness that Su Mo showed before, no matter how you look at it, he doesn’t look like a fool who will be bound by mere terms.
The storyteller who realized that his efforts were all in the wrong direction, after bowing his head and admitting his mistake.
The corner of his mouth outlined a confident arc.
“Although there are still questions I really want to ask you, if I stay with you any longer, maybe I won’t be able to escape.”
“So, please allow me to take my leave for now!”
After saying goodbye to Su Mo with court etiquette.
His already slender figure became even thinner.
The storyteller who lost his spiritual status during the Houkai would have died if he did not have the “NoFormer” spiritual status.
At this moment, he, who has made his sense of existence infinitely thinner, is flipping through the magic book in his hand.Obviously, he still possesses some kind of gift, which is even enough to make him disappear before Su Mo’s eyes.
Facing a strong man of Su Mo’s level.
It is impossible to escape by relying on speed or space jump.
However, if it is possible to avoid Su Mo’s senses, so that he cannot see himself or be aware of his existence.
…seeking flowers 0…
That’s not necessarily the case.
Even if Su Mo has the power of realm, as long as he can’t find where he is, it’s useless.
Taking advantage of this, he was able to escape from Su Mo’s capture.
With this in mind, the storyteller was about to say something to Su Mo.
at this time……
Invisible and powerful fluctuations filled the entire area.
This is the power of spiritual liberation.
Su Mo’s spiritual power, just in an instant, released a scale far stronger than before.
“It’s meaningless to have a strong spirituality alone!” The storyteller just wanted to say that.
Without the corresponding gift, it is impossible to transfer him from his current state.
However, after realizing that Su Mo had liberated the nature of Lingge.
He froze immediately.
Because, he realized that he had been completely locked.
This feeling, no doubt, is a harbinger of being forced into a game of boon.
That is to say——
“Is this your sponsor permission?”
After realizing this, the storyteller showed an incomprehensible expression after being shocked.
… 0;
“Your Majesty Su Momian, is it really good to use such an important thing on a small character like me?!”
Most of the congenital gods and Buddhas have the trump card called the authority of the sponsor.
That is the power imitated from the final trial of mankind.
You can unconditionally pull a certain object into your gift game.
Of course, this kind of power is only allowed to be used against the Demon King under proper circumstances.
Once you abuse this authority, you will be branded as a demon king and become a demon king that everyone shouts and beats.
King Asura fell because of this.
For holders of these sponsor permissions.
The game formed by the sponsor’s authority is related to the fundamental meaning of their spirituality.
If the game that has imposed the authority of the sponsor is cracked.
Even if the whole person directly becomes the cracker’s slave, it is not impossible.
Shouldn’t such a precious power be reserved for those terrifying evils?
For example, an absolutely evil demon king like Azi Dakaha?
Why does the other party have to use this kind of power when facing mere me? !
Aware of being locked in.
Maybe after being directly involved in Su Mo’s authority as the sponsor.
The storyteller stopped what he was doing as if he gave up immediately.
My main god is Kaguya
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