Looking at the posture of my young self.
Leticia looked sad.
It should be remembered that he was betrayed by the tribe back then.
At this time, because Su Mo had fought the shadow before.
He was included in Leticia’s demon king spirit, the authority of the organizer of the pure-blooded dragon species.
The Demon Lord’s gift game belonging to Leticia also started for him.
List of contestants:
All life forms involved in the beast belt.
Contestants lose conditions:
… 0;
None (Even death is not considered a defeat.)
Prohibited items on the entrant side:
Competitors’ Penalty Clause:
A time limit will be set for all contestants who have fought the game leader.
The time limit resets every ten days and the cycle continues.
The penalty will be chosen in random numbers from “piercing”, “nailing”, and “burning”.
The removal method is only applicable when the game is cracked and interrupted.
※The death of the contestant is not included in the cancellation conditions and will be punished permanently.
Sponsor’s Victory Conditions:
Contestants win conditions:
1. Kill the game leader: “Dracula the Devil”.
2. Kill the leader of the game: “Leetia de Creia”.
3. Collect the shattered starry sky and dedicate the beast belt to the throne.
4. Follow the guidance of the belt of the beast returning to the throne in the correct form, and shoot through the heart of the leader of the revolution who is bound by iron chains.
?Oath: Respect the above content, and hold a gift game based on the glory, flag and sponsor authority.
Take a little look at the conditions of the gift game.
It’s enough to take a breath away.
This is a game where the host is doomed not to win.
At the cost of giving up any possibility of victory.
In exchange for the ultimate revenge.
Every ten days, those vampires who launched a rebellion were “punctured”, “nailed” and “burned”.
Even death is not allowed, and even if they give up their lives, they should be made to regret what they have done.
One can imagine how much grief and indignation felt in Leticia’s heart when she made this choice.
Moreover, after degenerating as a demon king, she also knew her sins well.
The four victory conditions for a contestant.
Without exception, all need to kill her.
That is to say, from the very beginning, when Leticia fell into the devil king, she had already prepared for death.
Atonement by death.
It’s just that Leticia back then never imagined that she would become a member of “Arcadia” in the future.
He never imagined that he would meet someone as strong as Su Mo.
No matter how you look at it, this is a mortal treaty.
Only for Su Mo, this is not the case. Four.
Chapter 422: The Gift of the Young-toothed Black Rabbit Croya
“The first, second, and four victory conditions all need to take your life. The only thing that turns around is the third victory condition.”
Looking at the contract document in his hand, Su Mo quickly answered.
——Collect the shattered starry sky, and dedicate the beast belt to the throne.
Except for this one, other victory conditions must kill Leticia.
However, this only victory condition is also full of riddles and metaphors.
Not an easy puzzle to solve.
“Do you need me to give you a hint?”
Seeing Su Mo thinking.
Leticia on the side tilted her head and asked Su Mo with a smile.
The difficulty of the Raiders game is very high.
However, if it is like the current situation, the devil himself stands on the side of the contestants and helps the contestants solve the gift game.
No matter how complicated and difficult to solve the problem, there is no way to form an obstacle.
——The inner ghost is actually Lord Demon King!
However, Su Mo did not plan to rely on Leticia’s hint.
“I have already solved a puzzle of this level.”
Su Mo spread out his hand, and at some point in his palm, the fragments scattered around the palace appeared.
These are the various “one one zero” fragments that symbolize the constellations of the zodiac.
“When did you—”
Seeing these fragments, Leticia showed a surprised expression.
She really didn’t notice when Su Mo collected these things.
And she knew it by looking at her expression.
These fragments are the key to solving the puzzle.
“”Zodiac”, “Zodiac”, God-made satellites, sun-synchronous orbit, celestial body division, “shattered starry sky”…”
“From these keywords, the starry sky is extracted, and it is easy to match with the props in my hand.”
Su Mo raised the fragments in his hand and pieced them together one by one.
The original irregular edges around the fragments fit together very well.
Proof that this was originally a fragment of the same item.
“The shattered starry sky refers to these shattered zodiac constellation fragments.”
“Recovering these fragments will satisfy the third condition and complete the game.”
While Su Mo was speaking, he filled up all the fragments of the Zodiac very neatly.
However, the armillary sphere in this state is not complete.
It can be clearly seen that after all the twelve fragments have been pieced together, there is still a gap in the middle.
“The remaining gap is naturally the thirteenth place in the twelve constellations of the zodiac, which was once quite popular in urban legends.”
“It was also the name of the twenty-fifth Sun Sovereign specially made by the upper echelons of Hakoniwa in the past in order to reward the contribution of Hakoniwa knights, the vampire clan.”
“Its name is Ophiuchus!”
After finishing speaking, the last fragment suddenly appeared in Su Mo’s palm.
That was the final piece of the puzzle for the armillary sphere.
Just install it.
This devil game will be cracked.
Seeing that Su Mo solved all the mysteries in just ten minutes.
Leticia could only open her eyes wide in amazement.
Even though she knew that Su Mo was a good player in the gift game, she never expected that it would be so fast.
After the shock.
Seeing Su Mo, he pressed the last fragment on it.
Leticia couldn’t help but stay for a moment, and then immediately dissuaded her.
“and many more!”
She was about to remind Su Mo.
Behind this condition, there are also traps!
However, Su Mo didn’t intend to stop.
Close it completely without hesitation.
My main god is Kaguya
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